Chapter 119
Yun Zhanbei originally thought that what Mu Xi said was bullshit, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to make sense.

Meng Ran seldom goes out on weekdays.

As his fame grew, it seemed that he hadn't gone out alone with Meng Ran for a long time, and he announced every day, so she didn't have much time to enjoy life.

Yun Zhanbei: "I see, you go back first, you drive the car back and stop at the company."

Mu Xi: "Oh???"

Yun Zhanbei strode towards the door, Anxi accompanied Meng Ran to shoot, and Aibei was in the nanny's car to sort out the following things. He was a little surprised when he heard the sound of knocking on the window.

Aibei: "Boss Yun?"

She thought it was Meng Ran who ended the activity early.

Yun Zhanbei nodded, "Go back first, don't arrange work for her for the next two days, I will take her out for a while."

Ai Beimen circled, "Huh? How long will it be? There are still several announcements after Mengran."

Yun Zhanbei: "Push them all."

In recent years, Meng Ran's time has been trapped in filming and filming, and it has been a long time since he enjoyed the little things of life in peace.

At first he thought that these were dreams in Meng Ran's heart, so he asked An Xiji to arrange for her as much as possible, but now he saw that Meng Ran was simply dispensable.

If you let her be in the entertainment industry, she can make a bunch of fan girls blush and their hearts beat, and they all shout and clamor to "give her a monkey".

In the past, he was stupid and didn't know she was a woman. Every time he saw the news, he was so angry that he was half dead, but now that he knew she was a woman, he sneered even more.

This woman still wants to compete with him for a daughter-in-law, hmph, she's beyond her limits.

Yun Zhanbei told Anxi and the driver to leave first.

This nanny car is also the best that Yun Zhanbei asked Anxi to arrange for her. It looks the same as an ordinary nanny car on the outside, but the safest and best materials are used inside.

Yun Zhanbei, who was sitting in the car waiting for Meng Ran, thought about when he and Meng Ran first met, and he still couldn't forget the look in her eyes that looked at "perverted" and "mentally retarded".

Suddenly, he was very grateful for Yun Xiaobao's "unique vision" that he could spot his uncle's daughter-in-law at a glance.

He also helped him send his wife to his side.

After going back, Yun Xiaobao will be rewarded.

Sitting in someone's house, Yun Xiaobao who is happy to come from the sky:? ? ?


When Meng Ran finished filming, Anxi came over and told him that she had to go back first, and asked her to go to the parking lot by herself, and the nanny's car was parked at the entrance of the elevator.

Meng Ran didn't notice any of this either, and waved him to leave quickly.

In her mind, she thought of the feeling that she was pressed and kissed by Yun Zhanbei last night, but the ghost power in her body could not be used.

Not too good.

Very passive, as if being crushed by a ghost.

Meng Puzzled Style Ran: It seems that I have to suspend work for a while to find a good candidate for Yunzhanbei.

That man looked like he lacked love, and even though he was dressed as a man, but before this man was still by his side just like Yun Xiaobao longed for maternal love, it was a bit pitiful to think about it.

Yun Zhanbei:? ? ?

When was he pitiful? ? ?

Meng Ran, who returned to the car, did not look up at the driver in front of her. She lowered her hat while sitting in the car and began to rest with her eyes closed.

Today's filming work is a bit heavy, and with Yun Zhanbei's unreasonable troubles last night, she is now very tired physically and mentally.

After the car drove out for a while, Meng Ran realized that the route was not right.

Meng Ran: "This is not the way back, who are you?"

In order to prevent Meng Ran from discovering her own Yun Zhanbei, she deliberately made some disguises, but who Meng Ran was, she had a good memory by nature, and she knew who he was when she saw Yun Zhanbei's earlobe.

Meng Ran: "Yun Zhanbei, why are you here?"

Yun Zhanbei: "I miss you, so I'm here."

Meng Ran: I suddenly feel my teeth are so sore, and my skin is about to get goosebumps.

Meng Ran, who often flies around, quickly realized that this was the way to the airport, and frowned slightly, "What are you doing at the airport?"

The corner of Yun Zhanbei's mouth ticked, "Take you to a deserted island and do what you want."

Meng Ran: "..." This man's brain seems to be a little abnormal.

But to Meng Ran's surprise, this man actually brought her to a small island with beautiful scenery and beaches on all sides, but with a large private helipad.

When she got off the plane, Meng Ran began to doubt her life. Could this man really want to kidnap her here?

Regardless of Meng Ran's shaking hands, Yun Zhanbei took her by the hand and got on the ferry to the only villa on the island.

It's like a natural resort.

It is a more beautiful place than the resort found in the previous "Star Vacation".

Yun Zhanbei: "Do you like this place? I specially designed it for our future."

At that time, he thought he was a man, so in order not to let the secular world solidify their feelings, he bought this island with a big sum, and it is also possible to take care of him here when he gets old.

Meng Ran likes this island from the bottom of his heart. It is different from the dim yellow of the underworld, where the sun is warm, the wind is gentle, and even the air is fragrant and sweet.

The large sea of ​​flowers beside the villa was planted by Yun Zhanbei.

Taking advantage of this atmosphere, Yun Zhanbei made another wave of confession, basically taking the opportunity to express his infatuation and infatuation with Meng Ran, which can be said to be very straightforward.

Meng Ran: "Yun Zhanbei, I know that my charm makes you unable to extricate yourself, but can you please be more reserved, you will be soaked in a pigsty in ancient times like this."

Meng Ran shook her head, her persuasive expression made Yun Zhanbei want to laugh more and more.

Why is his little daughter-in-law so cute?

Yun Zhanbei: "You don't want me to soak in a pig cage?"

Meng Ran: No, I'd be happy to watch you soak the pig cage.

Yun Zhanbei pressed every step of the way so as not to give Meng Ran a chance to back down. He leaned close to her ear and let out his hormonal breath, "Ranran, in ancient times, one should be responsible for looking at a man's body, right?"

Meng Ran: "!!!!"

The woman's appearance of not wanting to talk to him made Yun Zhanbei happy from the bottom of his heart, and he said to him without blushing, "But I voluntarily showed it to you, and I wish I could let you watch it for the rest of my life, every moment Let you see enough."

Meng Ran: No, I don't want to read it.

Not wanting to talk to Yun Zhanbei, an unreasonable man, Meng Ran took a look at the villa and went in to sit down.

There were people picking them up just now, but there was no one in the villa.

A little thirsty, she opened the refrigerator and found that there were a lot of vegetables and fruits in it, as if she was going to spend a long vacation here.

But Yun Xiaobao was not here, and Yun Zhanbei cared so much about that little nephew, so it was impossible for him to let him go.

Thinking about staying only for a day or two.


(End of this chapter)

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