Chapter 128 Wild Xiaoqingmei 7
Yuan Ci and Li Jiaojiao looked at Su An as if they were animals.

Su An: "..."

It seems too late to explain now, but thinking of kissing, his eyes fell on Meng Ranyanhong's lips, not knowing what it tasted like.

"Senior Su An!"

"It's Su An!"

The exclamation in the crowd exposed Su An's position behind him, and everyone made way for him one after another.

Meng Ran's gaze also met Su An's, but she didn't feel any shyness or embarrassment of being exposed for a lie. Her hand tightly held the person who hit Li Xiao just now, not giving her any chance to fight back.

"What are you doing?" Shen Langqing's voice was thunderous, making the hearts of those around him tremble.

Shen Langqing is usually very gentle.

But what scares them even more is Su An who came with Shen Langqing and the others.

Fengshen's handsome temperament is particularly attractive here.

The girls around him stared at him with fangirl eyes, greedily breathing the air in the same space as him.

The girl who was held tightly by Meng Ran shrank her neck in fear.

If Meng Ran and Su An really had that kind of relationship, wouldn't she be hitting Su An in the face when she wanted to hit Meng Ran just now?

"Senior Su An..."

The others also took a few steps back, giving them more space.

Originally, they came from behind, they were all human beings, how could they not see what was going on now.

Li Xiao's face was still red.

After all, it was the school girl who gave them snacks before.

Yuan Ci stepped forward and said to her, "Junior girl, is your face okay? I'll take you to the infirmary to have a look."

Li Xiao shook his head.

But Meng Ran pushed Li Xiao to Yuan Ci, nodded to him to express his gratitude, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Yuan Ci supported Li Xiao, and smiled at Meng Ran, "It's all right, it's all my family, sister-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely send your roommate back safely and on time."

Li Jiaojiao looked at the girls around and felt bored, "What are you doing, no one bullies our little sister-in-law, right?"

Li Jiaojiao and Yuan Ci both belonged to Su An's dormitory, so they must know Su An's affairs best. Now they treat Meng Ran like "little sister-in-law", as if they are declaring Meng Ran's status.

And Su An didn't speak from the beginning, but he was standing behind Meng Ran, I don't know if it was everyone's illusion.

There is always a feeling that Su An is supporting Meng Ran.


Just when everyone held their breath and did not dare to move, Su An grabbed Meng Ran's hand and asked her to let go.

Meng Ran turned her head and looked at him coldly, "What if I don't let go?"

Who dares to talk to Su An like that.

You must know that Su An is a person with a red background. Except for him, his family is more or less related to the military and politics.

But he chose the path of his mother.

On the road of music.

Some people said that Su An was remembering his dead mother, and some said that he was rebelling against his father, but no one knew what Su An was thinking in his heart.

"Senior Su An... woo woo woo... She bullied me... Look at my hands are red from being pinched by her."

The villain girl on the opposite side complained first.

Meng Ran frowned.

But still did not let go of her hand.

Su An sighed.

"Let go, your hands will be sore if you hold them for a long time." Su An put his hand gently on Meng Ran's wrist, hooked her waist with one hand and hugged her into his arms, silently in his heart sighed.

Such a thin waist.

Hearing his words, Meng Ran let go of his hand.

The girl opposite didn't expect Meng Ran to let go suddenly, staggered two steps and was supported by a friend behind her.

Tears flowed down.

"Senior Su An..."

Compared with her tearful eyes, Su An's eyes were much colder.

"My woman, do you need to question me?"

The calm surface of the lake overturned a huge wave, which directly overturned the surrounding small boats that longed for the sea and were afraid of the sea.

Su An held Meng Ran in his arms, and looked at the girls around him with icy eyes, "She, Meng Ran, is my girlfriend. If the girlfriend I finally got back is chased away by you, I will definitely not let you go." you."

After warning these girls who are looking for work, Su An took Meng Ran's hand and went to the previous rooftop.

The wind above is a little cool.

Su An just came back from playing, and the male hormones on his body were particularly strong.

Meng Ran just sat on the small wooden bench on the roof and looked at Su An, the howling of the little mirror spirit in the Eight Desolation Mirror was indeed in his mind.

[Oh, Ranran, go and kiss him, this is not a man, this is a spirit stone, one spirit stone per minute, ten minutes after you kiss, there will be ten spirit stones, don't be cowardly, hurry up—— 】

Meng Ran felt croaking about Jingling's howl, and his ears calmed down after he sent it flying with his consciousness.

Su An met Shang Mengran's eyes, and smiled playfully, "My lips are kissed... are you ecstatic?"

Meng Ran: "..."

She stared at Su An's amber eyes, and a smile that made the world look pale slowly appeared on her originally calm face, "Am I your girlfriend? Or the girlfriend you finally chased after?"

Su An: "..."

His eyes fell on her face, and the wind blew through her hair, making her look gentle and evil.

His body tensed up a bit.

want to sleep with her.

This is what he thought the first time he saw her.

No one has ever known that Su An, who looks noble and aloof, actually had the urge to sleep with her for the rest of his life the first time he saw Meng Ran.

Do not why.

If the thing about feelings can be explained clearly, there won't be so many idiots complaining and crying on the Internet every year.

Meng Ran got up from the small wooden bench and walked towards Su'an step by step against the evening wind and sunset.

"Since we all told a lie, why not prove it together."


1 minute later.

[Congratulations to big baby Ranran for harvesting 1 spirit stone. 】


[Congratulations to big baby Ranran for harvesting 2 spirit stone. 】


[Congratulations to big baby Ranran for harvesting 3 spirit stone. 】


[Congratulations to big baby Ranran for harvesting 8 spirit stone. 】


[Congratulations to big baby Ranran for harvesting 10 spirit stones. 】


It wasn't until the news of harvesting 10 spirit stones that Meng Ran let go of Su An's thin lips, and both of them were trembling slightly.

The throbbing in their bodies was faster and more thorough than their hearts.

Just when Meng Ran was about to withdraw from Su An's arms, Jing Ling's excited voice came again in his mind.

[Congratulations to big baby Ranran for harvesting 5 spirit stone. 】


[Congratulations to big baby Ranran for harvesting 15 spirit stone. 】


The moment Su An hugged Meng Ran tightly into his arms, he finally found the missing part of his body.

Meng Ran was the other half he was looking for.

She is.

 Su An: I want to sleep with her, so shy

(End of this chapter)

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