Chapter 13 I pissed off the villain 13
Meng Ran has been listening to their conversation in the dark, watching the moonlight hide in the clouds, Sima Han has also passed out drunk on the stone table, Yu Zhaoyan is still holding the wine glass as dignified as a god, and Mochizuki talks to each other. .

"Ranran..." With a sigh, Meng Ran heard a familiar name from Yu Zhaoyan's mouth.

She immediately frowned.

Has she influenced Yu Zhaoyan to such an extent?

It seems that in the future, people in the mortal world will not be able to tease people at will, especially the "task object" mentioned on the monument.

In the end, Meng Ran took advantage of Yu Zhaoyan's return to the room, and after Sima Han was taken back, he came out of the darkness and looked back at his own room for the last time.

Now her room has become Yu Zhaoyan's bedroom, no matter how you think about it, it feels weird.

this man...

When Meng Ran went out in the daytime with her heavy body again, she realized that she was really tired, as if she was walking with a very heavy house on her back.

After the first experience, Meng Ran seldom went out during the day, and basically stayed in the house.

Looking at the delicate layout of the chubby girl's room, she must have had a very happy and beautiful family before she was controlled.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have such fine skin and tender flesh, and it wouldn't be too much to say that she could be broken by blowing a bomb.

When the starry night falls again.

According to Jingling's reminder, Meng Ran walked towards the place where Meng An was. Although it was still at the foot of the imperial city, it was indeed a good place with mountains and rivers.

Meng An went to bed early after nightfall.

So when Meng Ran appeared in the room, it didn't affect him. Her old father in this mortal world really had a good night's sleep.

The snoring was as loud as thunder in June.

It seems that the old man had a good life.

Meng Ran had to return to the little fat girl's body before dawn, otherwise the shadow would become very weak.

But what she didn't expect was that as soon as she walked out of the place where Meng An was, she met Yu Zhaoyan who was slowly approaching. His gaze seemed to penetrate black and white and directly see the depths of her heart, which made her lose her mind for a moment. .

Yu Zhaoyan did not expect to see a shadow here.

Although it is a product under his own control, he has clearly issued an order that no shadows are allowed to appear in the place where Meng Wang's mansion and Meng An are located.

He believed that those mindless shadows had no ability to break through the restraint he set.

"Who are you?" Yu Zhaoyan frowned slightly, looking at the shadow under the moonlight in front of him, he felt more and more familiar, but Meng Ran didn't speak, but just hid his own shadow in the dark.

Try to hide your appearance as much as possible, so as not to let this vigilant man find anything abnormal.

Half a year.

In half a year, this man will choose to commit suicide.

Before that, she had to figure out a way to give him the idea of ​​continuing to live.

But now Yu Zhaoyan is neither sad nor happy, his expressionless expression makes it hard to see through his heart, or she didn't see through it from the beginning to the end.


For Yu Zhaoyan.

Apart from occupying the house that originally belonged to Meng Ran, he didn't do anything to harm the people in Prince Meng's Mansion, and even chose a place for them.

But when Meng An told him that Meng Ran had already chosen a place for him to spend his later years in peace, he didn't insist on letting them live in the place he arranged, and let them live in this beautiful place.

Usually at this time, he would come over habitually to take a look, fearing that something might happen to Meng Ran's only relative, and he would have no way to explain it to him when he arrived in the underworld.

But I didn't expect to see a "disobedient" shadow here.

The opponent's body trembled, as if he was afraid of him.

Furthermore, because the shadow has no expression, they can only see its thoughts through the shadow's body language.

What Yu Zhaoyan sees now is a shadow that is afraid of himself.

He was used to it.

He has power over an army of shadows, wild little shadows that are often like children and can't speak.

"Shen Suling." Yu Zhaoyan said suddenly, and a ghostly woman appeared from the darkness, "Catch it here."

Shen Suling has lost her mind, and will only follow Yu Zhaoyan's orders.

She said that the leader of the shadow army could control and catch all the shadows, but Meng Ran was an accident.

Shen Suling's mindless actions repeatedly tried to catch Meng Ran, but in the end it was ineffective, which also caught Yu Zhaoyan's attention.

Since he cultivated and manipulated these shadow puppets, he has never encountered such a thing.

Step by step, he approached the shadow with half of his body in the dark. For some reason, the closer he was to the shadow, the stronger the throbbing in his heart. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and walked into Meng Ran bit by bit.

"Who are you, answer me." He believed that the shadow that even Shen Suling couldn't "catch" would definitely not be the same as an ordinary shadow.

But Meng Ran didn't make a sound or move.

She could feel Yu Zhaoyan's inner fluctuations. The storm-like mood was very unfriendly to her, and the sky had already started to turn gray. If she didn't return to the little fat girl's body...

"Who the hell are you!" Yu Zhaoyan's suddenly raised voice disturbed the people who had been resting in the courtyard, and candles lit up one room after another.

Just as Yu Zhaoyan pressed on step by step, Meng An appeared wearing a coat.

"Zhaoyan, why are you here?" Meng An looked suspiciously at Yu Zhaoyan, who had only half of the shadow in front of him, and his eyes flashed, as if he didn't believe it.

He is not a stupid person, and he quickly thought of some things.

"That's the little shadow I left behind. I always know how to jump around without rest at night, but I didn't expect to meet you." Meng An's explanation helped Meng Ran out of the siege, and then he also walked across from Yu Zhaoyan. Immediately, there were more dyes behind him.

"Uncle Meng." Yu Zhaoyan called Meng An respectfully.

The other party nodded.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed the shadow behind him, and then said to Yu Zhaoyan, "Don't come here at night, come during the day, and play chess with me when you have time."

Yu Zhaoyan gave a soft "hmm".

For Meng An, he respected him from the bottom of his heart, not only because he was his father's friend, but also because he was Meng Ran's father.

After Yu Zhaoyan left, Shen Suling also disappeared in an instant.

Meng An slowly turned his head to look at the shadow behind him, sighed and walked towards the gate.

Meng Ran didn't move.

Meng An turned back to him angrily and said, "What are you doing standing there, why don't you hurry up and get out!"

"..." Meng Ran silently touched her nose.

Well, Fire Tyrannosaurus is still Fire Tyrannosaurus, as loud as ever.

(End of this chapter)

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