Chapter 133 Wild Xiaoqingmei 12
Yuan Ci and Li Jiaojiao pulled back their collars silently, and then rushed back to the dormitory.

"Aww, where is the white shirt I bought earlier?"

"Original words, I'll take a shower first!"

"Li Jiaojiao, you pervert, you took my underwear!"

"Fuck! No wonder it's so ugly!"

"Damn it! You're ugly!"


Su'an's dormitory is the cinema that arrives first.

And when Meng Ran and the others arrived, they saw Li Jiaojiao and Yuan Ci in Su'an's dormitory dressed in decent attire...

I'm really not used to it.

dressed so formally...

I don't know, I thought I was going to a meeting...

On the contrary, Su An and Shen Langqing were more casual.

Li Xiao pulled Meng Ran's arm excitedly, "Wow! Male god's dormitory 520! I never thought that one day I could watch movies with them in their dormitory!

Ranran big baby, you are simply the big baby in our dormitory!I love you to death! "


Originally, as boys, they had already bought popcorn and drinks in advance and were waiting in the cinema.

The outstanding appearance of the four of them quickly attracted the attention of many girls. From sitting down to now, many girls have come to strike up a conversation.

Based on the choice of dating with roommates today, Yuan Ci and Li Jiaojiao very seriously refused to strike up a conversation.

Original words: I will never admit that what these girls want is the contact information of Shen Langqing and Su An.

Li Jiaojiao: I will not admit it either.


The moment Su An saw Meng Ran, his body was so cold that his aura restrained a lot.

He walked over and handed the drink in his hand to Meng Ran, and Yuan Ci and Shen Langqing also distributed the things in their hands to Meng Ran's roommate.

Su Qingyue and doll girl Zeng Lin ate popcorn silently based on the principle of "I'm just here to watch a movie".

On the contrary, it was Li Xiao who chatted happily with Yuan Ci and Li Jiaojiao, and could get in on any topic.

Meng Ran took two sips of the drink and then stopped drinking. She handed the drink to Su An, and then took the popcorn in his hand, which was delicious.

The seats were centered on Su An and Meng Ran, with other roommates sitting on both sides of them. They caused a little commotion when they first came in.

The average height of the boys is 1.8 meters, and their looks are not low. They each have their own styles. The girls' looks, Meng Ran and Su An, walk together, making everyone around them eclipsed.

Their place is in the middle row.

before the movie starts.

Frequently, girls and boys looked back at them.

peek, discuss.

There are also some candid photos, but they dare not be blatant, so they can only take photos secretly.

Fortunately, the movie started quickly.

A well-known sci-fi movie, everyone still couldn't get enough of it. Li Jiaojiao and Yuan Ci could discuss the plot for a long time, and they didn't come to a conclusion until they arrived at the supper place.

Su Qingyue's eyes fell on Shen Langqing's body, which had some other meanings. Li Xiao and Zeng Lin also continued to eat popcorn, not to mention, it tasted very good.

Meng Ran glanced at the hand she was holding with Su An, frowned, she tugged his sleeve slightly, "Aren't you hot???"

She glanced at Su An, who was holding her hand tightly. This man has never let go of her hand since the end of the movie, and has been holding it tightly.

Everyone else looked at their eyes and their noses, as if they hadn't seen the dog food of their pair.

Su An glanced at their handshake, and asked her, "Are you hot?"

Meeting his eyes, Meng Ran hesitated for a moment and said politely, "It's okay."

"Yeah." Su An nodded, and then continued to hold her hand, and didn't let go until the supper place.

Yuan Ci glanced at Su An, smiled, and jokingly said, "Boss, since you were with the elementary school girl, you have become much gentler."

"That's right, that's right, elementary school girl, you don't know... The former boss is simply a straight man of steel, and he is almost immune to all the opposite sex."

Speaking of this, Li Jiaojiao is also excited.

Although he has a burly and tall figure, he has a delicate name and a temperament that loves gossip.

He sang and sang with the original words, shaking out everything that happened to Su An before.

Li Xiao, Zeng Lin, and Su Qingyue listened with gusto. Occasionally, Yuan Ci and Li Jiaojiao stopped, and Li Xiao almost told them to speak quickly.

"Anyway, you all know our boss's good looks and popularity. There was a female classmate who sent a love letter to our boss. Our boss thought it was a small advertisement and threw it in the trash can."

"That's right, that girl cried on the spot afterwards, and that voice was so wronged, it made my heart ache when I heard it."

When Su An came back after ordering, these people were still gossiping about him, his amber eyes flickered slightly, and he spoke calmly.

"Later that girl became Li Jiaojiao's girlfriend, and when he broke up in love, the whole building shook from crying."

Su An's words made Li Jiaojiao shut up instantly.

The original speech was based on the nature of being a brother and rushing to cheat, and continued to add, "Speaking of this, I also know that I thought someone would jump off the building that day, and that voice..."

Li Jiaojiao kicked the original speech to tell him to shut up, but the original speech that was on the rise couldn't stop.

"In those half a month, the three of us in the dormitory played games with student Li Jiaojiao, and the game was so dark, the key was that he was skillful.

In order to play games with him, the accounts of us all dropped from king to bronze, oh my god, during that time we almost threw up playing games.

The key is that none of the rounds are won, let alone he cried, all of us are going to cry. "

Yuanci's personality was outgoing and his words were humorous, so Li Xiao and the others were very interesting to listen to. Even Meng Ran was attracted by these gossips.

Li Jiaojiao was so ashamed that he almost doubted his life.

"That's your skill level. The elementary school girl led me to win before. The three of you can't win with me. Who is it?" Li Jiaojiao retorted desperately.

However, Su An's words made him doubt his life for a moment, "No matter how good a teammate is, I can't stand you giving away your head."

Li Jiaojiao: "..."

Original speech: "Hahaha, the boss summed it up perfectly. Our classmate Xiao Shen has never played games again because of Li Jiaojiao."

Shen Langqing who was cue suddenly loosened his shoulders, "Life is a nightmare, this is the first time I feel that games are so scary."

Shen Langqing said very little, and he had hardly spoken since watching the movie. Su Qingyue's eyes fell on him, and there were some emotions that others did not see.

The doll girl Zeng Lin looked at Yuan Ci obediently, her fluttering eyes widened, and she thought he was very interesting, "Senior Yuan Ci, you are so interesting."

Original words: "..."

Ouch I go.

he he he he...

What happened to being a little shy all of a sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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