Chapter 139 Wild Xiaoqingmei 20
A year is neither long nor short, nor short.

In the early stage, Meng Ran and Su An would meet once a month, and most of them were Su An who flew back to find her, but later she devoted herself to her senior graduation project and graduation thesis. The company's affairs are very busy.

Li Xiao began to pay attention to her own clothing and figure since the last semester of her senior year. Su Qingyue and Zeng Lin were also frightened by Li Xiao who looked like this.

After all, she usually eats snacks every year, and suddenly sent all the snacks to her roommates, and then started to get up early every day to exercise, and do yoga before going to bed at night. The hard work paid off, and she finally lost weight in the second semester of her senior year It became a bamboo pole.

However, due to long-term dieting and training, he suffered from stomach pains, and was finally sent to the hospital one day because of physical discomfort.

In the ward.

Su Qingyue, Zeng Lin and Meng Ran were all there.

After seeing Su Qingyue's unbearable look, Li Xiao jokingly said, "Su Qingyue, what the hell is that look in your eyes?! Didn't I just have a stomachache, and it's not some kind of cancer, take your look away from me. "

Su Qingyue sighed, and said slowly, "Li Xiao, in fact, you were pretty good-looking when you were a little fleshy before. Girls still look the most beautiful when they are healthy. You are too thin now."

When Li Xiao was in a coma, the doctor and their roommates all told her.

She is just hungry.

Irregular diet for a long time, eating less, and exercising a lot. If this goes on for a long time, you will lose weight, but it is easy to suffer from a whole body of diseases.

Go back to half an hour ago.

Meng Ran and Su Qingyue both sighed after listening to the doctor's words.

Even Zeng Lin who is immersed in the two-dimensional world on weekdays.

Feeling sorry for Li Xiao.

Zeng Lin: "Is she resigning as a senior for Yuanyuan?"

Su Qingyue: "I heard from a friend in the capital that I saw senior Yuanci and a girl go to the movies together holding hands, and the two drank a drink together."

Although Meng Ran didn't speak, Su An actually told her about this matter before.

Yuan Ci talked about a girlfriend a month after he went to the capital, unlike those temporary girlfriends who had fun before, this time Yuan Ci seemed to go with the attitude of getting married, coaxing that in a different way Girls are happy.

It is said that the girl is still a student in the film and television school and has not yet graduated.

Yuan Ci's family has some connections in the entertainment industry, so the girl got a lot of roles with the help of Yuan Ci's boyfriend.

In the beginning, there were some roles of five girls and six girls.

Also very clear water.

A character who doesn't even hold hands or hug.

Later, I slowly started to take some roles as the second female lead. Although there were also some intimate scenes, the boy Yuan Ci, who is cautious about emotional intimacy, did not break up, and actively expanded his acting career for her.

The first time she knew these things, she wanted to tell Li Xiao, but seeing Li Xiao who was so serious about losing weight, studying, and working hard, she suddenly didn't know how to speak.

Su Qingyue's words seemed to give her a stick.

"We told Li Xiao everything we knew, and we all supported her as to what she would choose in the future."


After listening to what Su Qingyue and Meng Ran said, Li Xiao didn't feel any heartache.

It warmed her heart to see them caring.

"Actually, I know all about it." Li Xiao looked into Meng Ran's eyes and smiled, "One time Su An sent you a message, you went to the bathroom, and when I was drying clothes, I saw a new message on the screen , although I only saw a few words, but I seem to have seen the end of this relationship."

She still remembers that when the screen of Meng Ran's phone was turned on, the new message that came in said "I'm talking about my girlfriend".

At that time, it was still the second month after Yuan Ci went to the capital.

It was also his first month talking about a girlfriend.

It was the beginning of Li Xiao's changes in the past year. She knew everything, but didn't say anything.

"I know you're concerned, but I've known about this for a long time. During the summer vacation, I flew to the capital. I saw him come out of the company, pick up his girlfriend for dinner, and finally went into the apartment together. , didn’t come out all night.”

When she first found out, she lived in a hotel near Yuanci's apartment for a week, crying every day, her eyes were swollen from crying.

It was also from that time that she knew that it was impossible for her and Yuan Ci.

She has expressed her liking both openly and secretly, and the only thing missing is "I like you". It is impossible not to see these original words.

When he was in school, he pretended not to know, and directly talked to his girlfriend after graduation. All this shows that Li Xiao has never been in his heart.

"My change is not because of him, but because of myself." Li Xiao looked up and smiled shyly, "But this time it was really my fault that I went to the hospital because I didn't eat, I will definitely pay attention to it in the future, don't worry about me gone."

After more than a semester of healing.

She is no longer as sad as she was when she first found out.

"I thought I liked him very much, but it turns out that I like him a lot less than I thought. At least now when I think of him, my heart only hurts a little bit."

"The reason why I study and change so hard is because of a dream I had when I was young."

"My mother used to be an actress. She loved acting, but she gave up her dream career for my father and chose to become a housewife."

Meng Ran, Su Qingyue and Zeng Lin listened quietly to the girl on the hospital bed, telling her dream bit by bit.


But very hot dreams.

"Fortunately, although our family's economic level is average, we are very happy, and I watched the dramas my mother acted in before, and I gradually developed the idea of ​​becoming an actor."

When Li Xiao thought of this matter, her eyes also had a kind of radiance after moistening. She looked into Su Qingyue's eyes and said with a smile, "But I promised my parents to spend college quietly. I also like acting, so they don't stop me from thinking.

So I never thought about it before I graduated, but after I entered the university and met you, I am very glad that I spent the four years of university life with you. "

What Li Xiao said was a little sensational.

But these are all from her heart, and she is really happy to know the three of them.

Meng Ran stepped forward at this time and stroked her hair, "When you make a movie, I will definitely book the show to support you."

"I will support you too." Su Qingyue looked at her and smiled softly.

"I will also let my father book the room, is 20 games enough?" Zeng Lin also asked at this time, which caused Li Xiao to burst into tears, "I really didn't expect that my roommates are all little rich women. You three are taken care of."

(End of this chapter)

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