Chapter 147 Wild Xiaoqingmei 28
Yuan Ci told herself in her heart that as long as she confessed, the engagement banquet would continue tomorrow.

But Xiao Qianqian let him down.

"You go back to rest first, my parents still have something to do with me." What Yuan Ci said made Xiao Qianqian's heart tighten. She looked at Yuan Ci and asked in a soft voice, "What's the matter? Uncles and aunts still have something to do." Do you want to tell me something? Do you need me to go with you? "

For some reason, Xiao Qianqian suddenly panicked.

"It's nothing, just to talk about the engagement." Xiao Qianqian also knew that she should not be too radical, so she went upstairs by herself.

After downstairs, Yuan Ci smoked a cigarette by the car, and then drove to the hospital where Li Xiao was.

This time she has been recuperating in the hospital because of a broken leg.

Fortunately, all the scenes she took on before have been arranged, and the filming was not delayed, which made her feel more at ease when she was resting.

Li Xiao didn't expect Yuan Ci to come over so late, she greeted him calmly, "Senior Yuan Ci."

"I'm sorry." The apology in the original words was like a knife stabbing her heart, Li Xiao didn't know why, the mentality that she thought it didn't matter before, collapsed the moment she saw him.

"I'm sorry for what." Yuan Ci said some of the things he found during this period, he sat on the stool in the ward, looked at Li Xiao guiltily, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect Qianqian to do such things Come."

"And then?" Li Xiao sneered, "Are you going to apologize for her and those innocent people who were hurt?"

"If I could, I would."

"..." Did he come to poke her heart? !
Li Xiao didn't want to talk to him anymore, "It's late at night, please go back if you have nothing to do, I don't have time to listen to your apology, let alone accept your apology, this is Xiao Qianqian's debt, it has nothing to do with you .”

In fact, there is a relationship, and they are about to get engaged.

Thinking of this, Li Xiao's heart also flinched unconsciously. It turned out that there was still some pain, and it wasn't completely unaffected.

Yuan Ci looked at her unwillingness to pay attention to her indifference, until now everything she did was caused by herself, "I'm sorry, Li Xiao, I will do my best to complement you."

"Get lost—" She was angry, and she was really angry.

She pushed the cups and vases on the bedside table to the ground, and the nurses at the nurse's station outside ran over when they heard the commotion.

After seeing the situation here, I immediately called out.

Seeing Li Xiao like this, Yuan Ci felt uncomfortable, "I'm sorry Li Xiao, don't treat yourself like this, I'll go, I'll go right away."

"Get out! Get out! Get out!" Get out of her world! ! !

When Meng Ran got the news, Su An was planning to steal incense. When a phone call came, Meng Ran's dazed eyes instantly sobered up. She looked at Su An and snorted coldly, "You really have a good one." Brother."

When Su Qingyue, Zeng Lin and Meng Ran arrived at the hospital, Li Xiao's mood had stabilized.

She looked at her friend who appeared in her ward and said guiltily, "I'm sorry to bother you at such a late hour."

"Fool." Su Qingyue stepped forward and hugged her into her arms, "We are always here, as long as you need us, we will always be with you."

"Xiaoxiao." Zeng Lin walked over and held her finger, comforting her silently.

Meng Ran stood by the window and looked at Li Xiao's newly replaced straps. It was dark, and Su An found Yuan Ci's car at the gate of the hospital. At this time, he was smoking one cigarette after another as if dying.

"If you don't love her, don't come close to her again. A sad wound can heal, but a broken heart will die." What Su An said was that Yuan Ci knew that Li Xiao liked him, but he came to apologize for Xiao Qianqian matter.

"I really came here to apologize." Yuan Ci's voice was hoarse from smoking too much. Facing his good brother who has been with him for four years in college, his eyes were confused for the first time, "Did I do something wrong? gone?"

Su An looked at the night without a single star, as if he couldn't find the original words of the direction at this time, "Actually, you know everything."

It's rare for Su An to bluntly expose a matter, but Yuan Ci's behavior today has seriously affected the relationship between him and Meng Ran.

"You always knew that Li Xiao liked you."


"You've thought about it, haven't you?"

"..." Yuan Ci's heart trembled, "Nothing can be hidden from you."

"That time when Meng Ran said that Li Xiao was sick and didn't want to go to the hospital, they kept persuading her to no avail. Then you went to the balcony and made a long phone call. You were trying to persuade Li Xiao, right?"


"Girls always want to rely on someone when they are vulnerable. Originally, since you have decided not to participate in her life, why did you provoke her?" Su An never judged other people's lifestyles in the past , accusing others of their lives.

But this time, Meng Ran's friend received such a great hurt because of the original words. Recently, Meng Ran's mood has not been very good. He had already made her angry, but now she is even more angry when she sees him.

Unknowingly, he spoke out the thoughts in the original words.

"I know that your family has cultivated your playful behavior, but in the past, although you had a lot of girlfriends, you knew how to measure it. Why did it become an accident when it came to Li Xiao?"

"I..." The original words were interrupted by Su An, "Don't rush to explain, you knew when Li Xiao came to the capital to see you not long after graduation, right?"

Yuan Ci looked at Su An in shock, "Why do you..." Know everything.

"At that time, you deliberately showed love to Xiao Qianqian in front of Li Xiao. Have you ever wondered why?"

Su An's words made the original speech silent.

He didn't dare to think about the answer in his heart, he couldn't bear the answer in his heart.

Su An patted him on the shoulder, "Some answers already exist in your heart, although I don't know what you are resisting, but no matter what the reason is, you shouldn't let the people around you hurt someone who once liked you so much girl."

This kind of emotion, maybe Yuanci will never meet again in the future.

That night.

The original words were carried all night downstairs in the hospital where Li Xiao was.

The car smells of smoke.

The next day was supposed to be the day when he and Xiao Qianqian got engaged, but the Yuan family canceled the engagement banquet.

Yuan Ci's parents didn't understand his behavior very much, but after listening to his words, the two of them stopped talking, and went to inform other people one by one that they would not come to the engagement banquet.

The hotel also pushed.

All of them are cancelled.

Xiao Qianqian didn't have a good rest the night before her engagement night, but she still forced herself to sleep when she thought of putting on makeup and a dress the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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