Chapter 15 I pissed off the villain 15
The man didn't know what he thought of, and the coldness of prey enveloped his eyes instantly.

"Ranran..." You finally came back.

Meng Ran finally lost consciousness under the strong pressure of the man.

In this mortal world.

She had one and only one chance to use the spell, and she used it on Chaoxue before, and she led her to Yu Zhaoyan's side step by step, watching her approach him little by little.

But just when she thought Yu Zhaoyan was trying to seduce her, the man gave her a trick.

When her consciousness regained consciousness, Meng Ran found herself back in the bedroom of Prince Meng's Mansion, which was exactly the same as her previous bedroom. If she didn't have the memory of the past, she might think that she just woke up from a sleep.

"You're awake..." He finally woke up, and he didn't know what he would do if he didn't wake up again.

Yu Zhaoyan looked at the shadow on the bed, his eyes were full of gloom and coldness, he sat on the chair all night, just staring at this black shadow all night.

It is daytime now, but the whole room is covered by curtains and it is pitch black. Only a small candlestick not far away is shining with light, and the shadow of the man is swaying in the candlelight.

The man's indifferent eyes gave Meng Ran a strong sense of oppression, and the amber eyes as deep as a cold pool looked straight at her.

Meng Ran looked at her hand, it was still a shadow.

But she was lying on the bed? ? ?
All this is too mysterious.

Just like she didn't know how Yu Zhaoyan came to be so capable that he could manipulate people into what he is now.

Cold eyes that seemed deep, dark, and vast ocean appeared beside the bed, condescendingly staring down at Meng Ran, who was still a little dazed. He never thought that the person he was thinking of would appear again in the end.

Still appearing as a "shadow".

"Ranran..." Here it comes again!

It's that voice again!

With a trace of seductive lingering, he kept grabbing Meng Ran so that she couldn't leave.

She slowly got up from the bed and wanted to get off the ground, but found that she was trapped on this bed and had no way to leave.

"Yu Zhaoyan, what on earth do you want to do?" She still couldn't hold back her mouth after all, she didn't know how this man recognized her with a shadow, let alone a disguised shadow.

"I want you." From the beginning to the end, the only person he wanted was her.

But every time he wanted to get close to her, he found that he couldn't enter her world.

On the surface, he seems to be a playboy, who only knows how to indulge in sex every day, but when encountering some important things, she will become calmer than anyone else.

He is a master who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger.

But how could such a person die at such a young age, he is not reconciled, since this world cannot keep her, then he will ruin the world!


Ever since that conversation, Meng Ran has been trapped on this bed and cannot leave.

In this room, she couldn't tell whether it was day or night. According to her estimate, she had been away from the physical body for so long, and she didn't know how the little fat girl's body was maintained, and whether she would be able to live in sojourn in the future.

After thinking about it, the door was pushed in from the outside.

During this time, Yu Zhaoyan returned to this room on a regular basis every day, and he would sleep on the same bed with her at night, but every time Yu Zhaoyan just closed his eyes and did not fall asleep.

This is also a problem that Meng Ran discovered during this period of time. Yu Zhaoyan seemed to have not fallen asleep for a long time.

When lying on a bed, he always looked at her sideways, even though she was just a shadow, but fortunately he was still able to talk.

"Ranran, I miss you so much."

"Yeah." She saw it.

"Ranran, I will definitely save you." No matter what the price is.

"..." Meng Ran's eyes were complicated. In fact, as long as this man survived, he was saving her, but she didn't know where to start.

until a certain day.

Yu Zhaoyan walked in from the outside with a look of joy, and the amber eyes burst out with excitement, covering her body bit by bit.

"Ranran... I found a way."

Meng Ran originally thought that he had found a way to let her live in the human body, but he didn't expect that what he found was a way to revive her.

When she saw herself in the ice coffin in the underground ice cellar, a shocked look appeared in her pupils.

It turned out to be her physical body.

She clearly remembered that two or three years had passed between her death and her return, but her body was preserved so perfectly.

"Yu Zhaoyan, why are you doing this?" She came here to straighten out his fate, but now she was disrupted again by herself.

The man's obstinacy frightened her.

The man's deep eyes suddenly burst into full of light, and he smiled foolishly as he watched her.

Why bother...

He also wondered why.

I thought it was just a small episode, but who knows that she has become a cinnabar mole in his heart.

Meng Ran was still subject to Yu Zhaoyan's power, and when she opened her eyes again and woke up, she found that she had returned to her body.

Unlike the heavy and solid feeling of the little chubby girl's body, when she returned to her own body, she felt light all over, but a little cold.

She didn't know what method Yu Zhaoyan used, but she came back for real.

in the pavilion.

Meng Ran looked at the lake and mountains around her, her eyes were a little loose.

When Sima Han saw Meng Ran alive, he still couldn't believe it. How could it be possible?
A person who has been dead for so many years has come back to life...

Sima Han suddenly felt a little scared. He didn't know what Yu Zhaoyan had done, and whether Meng Ran in front of him was the real Meng Ran.

"Meng Ran?" He asked uncertainly.

The person in the pavilion turned around slowly, her exquisite profile was like a stunning beauty carved out of piety, her eyes lightly fell on the man outside the pavilion, "Sima Han."

"It's really you?" The man really couldn't believe it this time, "You...resurrected..."

"Yes, how miraculous, even I find it unbelievable." Meng Ran turned her back and continued to look at the lake and mountains outside the pavilion, and said sadly.

Sima Han coughed, his expression full of seriousness.

"You know Zhaoyan..." Crazy?

Sima Han couldn't say this sentence, but his complicated eyes conveyed the meaning.

"Are you afraid?" Meng Ran asked.

Sima Han was stunned, and finally said resolutely, "Don't be afraid."

"In that case, why are you melancholy?" Meng Ran turned to look at the man outside the pavilion again, and gave him the answer with her own eyes.

Sima Han understood.

She knew what Yu Zhaoyan was doing now, but she didn't intend to stop it.


(End of this chapter)

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