Chapter 157
However, the moment the snake came into contact with Meng Ran's breath, it felt as if it felt a certain kind of extremely powerful force, and it ran away in a desperate manner.

Snake: Mom, I'm so scared.

Meng Ran didn't expect that she just threw a stone, and the snake ran so fast, she thought it would come, but she was a little nervous

Jiang Ren looked at the direction the snake left in surprise, why did it feel that the snake was a little afraid of the little beggar?

Snake: No, you are not delusional, it almost thought that it saw the ancestor of the snake.

The snake was gone, and the cold wind Jiang Ren felt became even colder. Meng Ran couldn't hold back and whistled.

"What are you looking at, I've never seen such a handsome person!" Jiang Ren glared at Meng Ran displeased, and his nervousness disappeared after the snake ran away.

But when he thought of his pristine body being shown by a little beggar, he just...he felt a little embarrassed.

That's why he yelled at him so angrily.

Meng Ran shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know if you are handsome or not, but I think your skin is a bit like the white chicken I have eaten before. It is white and tender, but it is a little thinner."

Jiang Ren: "!!!" Hehe, he really dares to say anything, thinking that there are only the two of them here, so he can't deal with him?
Meng Ran couldn't hear the thoughts in Jiang Ren's heart, but looking at his current expression, he knew that what he was thinking in his heart was definitely not a good thing.

Maybe how he abused her, alas, why is this little sick child so difficult to coax.

He just couldn't die yet.

As long as he dies, this mortal world will have to reopen.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have stayed by his side so shamelessly. A 15-year-old boy's mouth is not usually poisonous, such as now.

"Little beggar, are you still not going out? Why, a person like you still wants to peek at the beauty of this young master?"

"It's not impossible." Meng Ran took another two steps, looked at his white and tender flesh, and suddenly pursed her lips.


I'm so hungry!
Jiang Ren, who took off his upper body clothes, really looks like a chicken for nothing, it looks extraordinarily delicious.

Jiang Ren, who caught this level of growth in Meng Ran's eyes, took two steps back, "Little beggar, I advise you to be kind, if I lose a single hair, my father will not let you go!"

Jiang Ren could only use such words to build up his courage. In fact, he was still a little scared. After all, there are only him and this little beggar here now. Who knows if he will be so beastly, peeping at his beauty and... flesh, body .

Meng Ran: Young man, your mind is wide open!

Late at night.

Meng Ran was sleepy and hungry, and he was not in the mood to joke with Jiang Ren, "Hurry up and go to bed, I've made the bed outside, and I'll take a bath after you wash it up, hurry up."

However, Jiang Ren heard his anxiety, as if he was saying: Hurry up and go to bed. At this time, Jiang Ren looked at Meng Ran in the same way as he looked at a beast.

Meng Ran: What should I do if I meet a male protagonist who likes to open his mind?Waiting online, very urgent.

Fortunately, Jiang Ren didn't dawdle this time, and was afraid that he would rush in after a long time, and it would be even more dangerous if he didn't have any clothes on.

As soon as he went out, he saw the bed that had been made, and watched Meng Ran walk to the back with clean clothes. There is actually a small door between the bedroom and the pool behind. Jiang Ren discovered it just now when he was taking a shower. .

After Meng Ran went out with the clothes, Jiang Ren immediately trotted over and closed the door. Meng Ran heard the movement, raised her eyelids without saying anything, and quietly wiped her body with cold water.

When looking down at his chest, he sighed fiercely, "Oh..."

Although she thinks it's good to be a man, or else let her be a man directly, or a woman, now Ma Pingchuan's body and the gender of a woman are so strange no matter how you look at it.

The ups and downs are too small! ! ! !
She is shameless! ! !
The spirit in the Eight Desolation Mirror was shocked by the anger in her mind and trembled for a while, then shivered and hid back inside the Tianbei.

So scary.

this voice...

It almost thought it was going deaf.

As for Jiang Ren, who was sitting on the bed, listening to the sound of water outside, his heart trembled. On the one hand, he felt that he had done the right thing, and on the other hand, he was a little worried.

He felt quite cold when he took a shower just now, but now he is locked outside, if it really freezes all night, won't it be cold to death?
He doesn't care about him.

just feel...

If he is dead, how will he go down the mountain, not to mention whether he will be eaten by wild beasts in the mountain without being able to contact the Duke's mansion.

Thinking about it this way, he suddenly felt that staying in the same space with the little beggar was not a big deal, so he let the little beggar sit on the chair over there to rest.

This way... this seems to be okay.

As long as he doesn't affect him, it's fine. Jiang Ren glanced at the small door over there, walked over silently and opened it again, and there was no movement outside.

After Meng Ran got dressed, she didn't rush to open the door. When she didn't go to the Duke's Mansion before, she also stayed in the ruined temple. It was not much better than here.

What's more, she took some thick clothes on purpose just now, and she didn't feel too cold after putting them on. Sure enough, it is still necessary to exercise more, and the good strength of this whole body should not be wasted.

However, not long after she leaned against the wall, the door locked by Jiang Rennei opened again. The other party glanced at him and pursed his lips, "Come in, it's quite cold outside."

Meng Ran: "???" Conscience discovered?

Jiang Ren opened the door and returned to the bed. At this time, he was full of mixed feelings and didn't care whether someone else had used the things on the bed. He sat on the quilt and looked at Meng Ran who came in from the door, and said fiercely, "You can't Sleeping on the bed, I have pity you by letting you be in the same room with me.

You, you sleep on the chair over there at night, no, you can't go to bed, otherwise...or I will beat you! "

do not know why.

Looking at Jiang Ren who was so nervous, Meng Ran felt a little cute, and threatened her with the most cowardly expression, what is this not cute?
"You're so cute." Meng Ran didn't hold back for a while, and said what was in her heart, which made Jiang Ren stunned for a long time.

Jiang Ren: "..." Abnormal!
This little beggar actually said he was cute? !

He is a man!

How can you say he is cute? !This is simply insulting him!Sure enough, the little beggar had nothing good to say.

"Then you are really not cute at all!" Jiang Ren thought that what he said would make Meng Ran angry, but the other party thought he was even cuter.

(End of this chapter)

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