Chapter 163
Jiang Ren has changed, really changed, although he still has cleanliness, but it is much better than before, especially when it comes to eating, he almost eats whatever is given to him, and he is not picky at all.

More importantly, Meng Ran didn't know why he changed.

What happened this afternoon? ? ?
After that, Meng Ran would go to that cave every day, and Jiang Ren would follow her there, staying for an entire afternoon.

They would come back together and eat sweet potatoes and fish.

The days passed like this day by day.

Seeing that three months would be here soon, Meng Ran felt relieved, there was really, really nothing to eat.

She "searched" everything that could be eaten in this mountain.

What pheasant, mountain rabbit, wild boar... Even the big white snake that appeared before was slaughtered by them.

I am ashamed to say it.

Even those green fruits were eaten by the two of them.

There are still 3 days until the three-month period.

Meng Ran and Jiang Ren squatted at the gate of the yard together, looking at the "bare walls" environment, they looked at each other and lowered their heads.

Meng Ran: "... Sigh."

Jiang Ren: "... Sigh."

In the past three months, Meng Ran and Jiang Ren have been learning the moves in the cave by themselves. Although they are all false moves, they are very happy to learn.

Especially Jiang Ren.

When he was in the Duke's Mansion before, he would secretly get up to exercise in the middle of the night. After arriving here, not only does he not need to be sneaky, but he can also study openly.

Every morning, he would get up and exercise with Meng Ran. According to his strange exercise method, stretching and the like are strange, but they are quite comfortable after persevering, and they will be faster when practicing those moves later. .

It's not as tiring as it was at first.

There are no swords in the mountains, they all use wicker and branches instead of practice, the feel is not as good as a sword after all.

In the past few days, thinking about the agreement that the old man said he would take over Jiang Ren in three months, the two of them have been speeding up their learning of things in the cave.

They hadn't eaten anything in the morning, and Jiang Ren and Meng Ran's stomachs had been rumbling for several rounds.

"Why don't we go down and see if there is anything to eat?" Jiang Ren suggested, since he "looked away" that time, he found that the little beggar is not so annoying, and in many cases as long as he doesn't go If you bother the little beggar, his temper is quite good.

If there is something delicious, he will leave half of it.

For example, he bites half of a fruit and gives him the rest...

cough cough.

Meng Ran rubbed her stomach, but didn't notice that Jiang Ren's eyes were dodging and strange. She nodded, "Let's go, look for it again, even if it's a fruit, I'm really hungry."

It would be great if it was in the world of comprehension.

I think she didn't eat for many years in the underworld, and she didn't have anything to do.

After becoming a mortal.

It's really embarrassing to be so hungry every now and then.

If those old folks in the underworld knew about it, they would have to laugh off all their dentures.

Her Meng Po is becoming more and more "shameful".

This mortal world is simply her "black history", an indelible black history! ! ! !

Jiang Ren and Meng Ran chose a path that they had never walked before. In the past, they were afraid to go this way because the path was too steep.

If I didn't guess wrong, the end here should be a cliff.

"Be careful!" Meng Ran grabbed Jiang Ren's arm and pulled him back.

And not far from where he was standing just now, some stones kept falling down. He pushed aside the grass and looked at a hole in the grass that could allow one person to fall.

If she hadn't glanced at it just now, Jiang Ren would have fallen by now.

The mountains here are very strange.

Who knows where it will fall if it falls here.

If it is the same as the cliff next to it, it will be directly smashed into meatloaf.

Jiang Ren's face also turned pale with fright.

He almost went to the gate of hell just now.

"Thank you." Jiang Ren said habitually.

He has learned to apologize to others now, and this is also the advantage after he "looked away" that time, which made Meng Ran very satisfied, and felt like a child could be taught.

"Be careful, I'm holding you, you follow behind me, pay attention to the surrounding environment." Meng Ran's hand slid from the arm that was holding him just now to her wrist, without any unnatural holding His wrist, carefully walked towards the distance.

Even if they find a pheasant, it is enough for them to have a full meal.

But all the way until now, I haven't seen a single thing that can be eaten, let alone fill my stomach.



Something sounded from behind them, Meng Ran and Jiang Ren stopped at the same time, with a "click" in their hearts, I hope it's not what they guessed.

The sound was getting closer and closer, and the surrounding grass seemed to be full of these "rustling" sounds.

"It's a snake." Jiang Ren was not as cowardly as the first time. Seeing the snake, he didn't dare to move. Perhaps it was because of the warmth brought by the hand holding him on his wrist, which gave him a little more victory in his heart. The power of fear.

"I saw it." Meng Ran gripped his hand tightly, and now there was really nowhere to escape.

There are "rustling" sounds all around.

The wind whistling past their ears was a bit sharp, and it brought some pain when it blew across their cheeks.

"What should we do now?" They didn't have any weapons in their hands. Hearing the sound, they were surrounded by snakes. Jiang Ren's heart sank suddenly. Is it really going to die here?

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." No matter what, Meng Ran also brought her in Snake Village. Back then, so many snakes didn't kill her, so what are these snakes here?

Jiang Ren's eyes fell on the tree not far away. Although it was unreliable, he still said, "How about we go to that tree?"

"..." Meng Ran was speechless, she really wanted to knock Jiang Ren on the head, "Do you know that snakes can't climb trees?"

Jiang Ren: "..." It seems to be possible.

"Look carefully at that tree again. Don't talk about climbing the tree. Even if you go there, you will be eaten clean by the snakes that fell from the tree."

That tree over there is no tree.

It's just a nest of snakes.

All of them were densely packed with turquoise snakes, spitting snake letters and staring at them, with a cool back.

Jiang Ren was fainted from hunger. When he looked carefully, he saw some strange snake heads. They were moving and entangled on the branches, and the branches were hanging down. Looking at it from a distance, he thought it was a long tree. What about lush trees?

Jiang Ren swallowed, feeling his scalp numb, and grabbed Meng Ran's arm holding his hand with his other hand, "Then, what should we do now?"

(End of this chapter)

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