Chapter 169
Jiang Ren ran towards the place pointed by the aunt, regardless of whether the ground was dirty or not. His cleanliness seemed to be instantly cured by the news.

At the end of the journey, the peripheral vision of his eyes kept paying attention to everything around him, not to mention the hidden guards behind him, but none of them saw anyone similar to him.

Although the hidden guards were suspicious, they didn't dare to ask, for fear of offending Jiang Ren's anger.

Jiang Ren calmed down, and walked towards the end of the road step by step. This time, the place he walked out was the market in Kyoto. Not far away was the restaurant where he invited Lu Lincheng to eat last time. He walked again That night's location, looking down from the second floor.

Suddenly, his eyes met the person under the tree in the distance, he couldn't see clearly from a distance, but he could vaguely see the clothes she was wearing, Jiang Ren frowned, she was wearing women's clothes...

Women's clothes?
He suddenly opened his spiritual sea!The aunt just said that she helped to get a shirt, but she never said what kind of clothes it was.

And the clothes he distributed to the people in Kyoto these years are all clothes for women when they come to get them, and clothes for men when they come to get them, so even if the old lady helps him to get them, the ones who get them can only be It's women's clothes!
So... that person is a little beggar!
The joy in Jiang Ren's heart hadn't had time to emerge, and in the blink of an eye, the figure over there disappeared.

Little beggar!
Jiang Ren hurriedly ran to the place just now, but the person who thought he was leaving the same way as last time was leaning against the back of the alley, looking lazily at him who hurried over, "Young master, are you looking for me?"

Jiang Ren lowered his head in frustration, but heard her voice the next moment. He raised his head in surprise and looked at Meng Ran whose face had already grown and was still a little uncertain, "...Little beggar?"

"You're the little beggar!" Meng Ran looked at him angrily. She didn't call him a sick child, but he still called him that name. She really didn't know what she was thinking, so she turned and left.

Jiang Ren was anxious, took a few steps forward and grabbed her sleeve, "Wait, wait a minute."

Meng Ran stopped and turned to look at him, "What are you doing?"

"I, I don't know what your name is." Jiang Ren was also embarrassed to say it. He only found out when he came back and couldn't find him. He was used to calling him a little beggar all the time, so he never asked his name.

He asked his father, but his father didn't know either.

As for whether it is true or false, probably only Jiang Zhanyue knows.

Meng Ran was discouraged.

She really convinced the grown man in front of her.

"Oh, then you may really have mistaken the person." Meng Ran brushed his hand away, turned and left, Jiang Ren heaved a sigh of relief, and followed immediately, his voice was a little weak, and his eyes were a little afraid to look at Meng Ran, but But he said very firmly in his mouth, "I didn't admit the wrong person."

He definitely didn't admit the wrong person, definitely not.

Meng Ran ignored him, walked towards the other side, and did not go back to where she lived, and now there is nothing to eat when she goes back.

But what she didn't know was that when she went back, there was still a big surprise waiting for her at home.

Jiang Ren obediently followed her and walked out. In the noisy market, many people knew Jiang Ren, but they had never seen him like this before.

It's as if the beast that Zhang Yawu caught suddenly put away all its sharp claws, and obediently turned into a little white rabbit that can be manipulated by others. Dyeing attention has risen.

When they saw her cheeks, everyone took a breath first, and then saw Jiang Ren behind her, everyone's hearts were almost in their throats.

Why do you think it's so...cute?

Jiang Ren obediently followed behind Meng Ran, staring at her walking steps, and suddenly frowned, maybe next time, he should give away the shoes together.

His eyes focused on the cloth shoes on Meng Ran's feet. These were the shoes she bought after selling the medicine she picked up earlier. Lu Lincheng took a pair of them back then, and now this is the only pair. It's a treasure.

Meng Ran didn't pay attention to the starlight in the amber eyes behind her, and walked towards the restaurant on her own. Before going in, she said to Jiang Ren behind her, "Don't go in with me."

"Oh." She said she wouldn't let him follow in, but he really didn't go in, and obediently stood outside watching her find the waiter, and then said something like that.

Although he didn't know what he said, he was still very obedient.


Jiang Ren looked at the women's outfit on Meng Ran suspiciously. When did the little beggar become a woman?

She looks quite feminine, could it be that she suffered some inhuman experience?

Jiang Ren walked to the corner, called out his hidden guard, and asked him to quickly pick out some clothes for Meng Ran according to his figure, "Clothes, shoes, jewelry, the ones that are comfortable, the most expensive, and the speed."

The three figures of the dark guard went out separately to buy what he wanted.

When Meng Ran came out, he didn't see Jiang Ren, and didn't think much about it, and walked directly to the other side of the market.

The work of finding a job can be regarded as settled down.

But now she urgently needs some money, so she can only go to the mountains outside the city to see if there are any herbs to dig and sell. After all, she doesn’t even have bedding in her house, and she feels sad when she thinks about it. Seeing poverty in this world, she has a feeling of falling from the sky to the earth.


A night of poverty.

Seeing that she was about to leave the city, Jiang Ren felt even more suspicious. Did she live in the house he built for beggars outside the city?

"Little beggar... where are you going?" Jiang Ren stepped forward to stop Meng Ran, and almost blurted out the word "little beggar". Fortunately, he retracted his words quickly.

Meng Ran didn't stop, "Go to earn money."

"???" Jiang Ren looked at her back in confusion, "Why do you want to make money? I have money."

"Your money is not my money." Meng Ran is a good young man of the new generation who is self-reliant, so it is impossible for her to have soft food or something.

Impossible, impossible in this lifetime.

She is a ghost.

However, when she arrived at the gate of the city, she learned that the gate of the city was closed today, and she needed to get up early tomorrow to leave the city.

Meng Ran: "..." She was autistic.

Going to the side and staying under the tree, she looked at the towering city wall and sighed deeply.

On the other hand, Jiang Ren walked up to her, stood aside and looked up with her, looking at her puzzled, "What are you looking at?"

Although she is currently wearing a woman's attire, in Jiang Ren's heart, she is still a good brother who ate sweet potatoes with him for two or three months.

So when he knew...

(End of this chapter)

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