Chapter 17 I pissed off the villain 17
Candle night in the bridal chamber.

Meng Ran looked at the man lying on Xi's bed and sighed leisurely.

After screen everyone back.

She slowly summoned the power of Meng Po in her body, using the seven emotions and six desires as the introduction, and the sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty as the auxiliary, she used her last trace of spiritual power in this mortal world to boil a bowl Mengpo soup.

"Sometimes it's better to forget than to remember."


Two years later.

Yu Zhaoyan looks at the world today, and through his hands, the weather is smooth, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, but he always feels that something is missing.

His mind was empty, as if he had forgotten something important, someone important.

Sima Han has now become Yu Guo's brave general and the most valiant general under Yu Zhaoyan. He doesn't know why Yu Zhaoyan returned to normal, but this is the best for him.

Yu Zhaoyan still has the memory of Meng Ran, but without the traction of that layer of affection, Meng Potang slightly changed his memory to a certain extent, so that he would not be separated again because of that relationship. Do crazy things.

before abruptly leaving.

I once went to Sima Han, explained some important things to pay attention to, and then disappeared.

Sima Han, who was still nervous at first, saw Yu Zhaoyan who woke up a month later, and he did not have any physical abnormalities as Meng Ran said. It was just that there was a problem with his memory, so he didn't say anything else.

Shen Ruoying wholeheartedly wants to be a member of Yu Zhaoyan's harem, but so far, Yu Zhaoyan's harem is still empty of concubines, not even a maid who warms the bed.

He didn't know why, but every time the ministers wrote letters asking him to fill the harem, a slender figure always appeared in his mind, and she seemed to be smiling at him.

But when he dreamed back at midnight, he still couldn't see her face clearly.

But even in his sleep, he could still see the red wedding dress on her body very clearly.

"Ahan, tell me, did I forget something important?" Yu Zhaoyan stood on the tallest building in the palace, looking at the dimly lit night below, the feeling of emptiness in his heart came out again.

Sima Han's eyes were a little blunt, and now he has become more calm and firm after being baptized in the battlefield. At this time, his expression was quite stern, his beautiful eyes slightly dodged, and finally he sighed and turned his back .

I don't want to see the confused eyes of my brother again.

He wondered several times, is the current result really the best result?
Yu Zhaoyan ordered people to bring a lot of good wine.

He held a jug in one hand and poured it into his mouth as if drinking water.

The cold night wind blew on the leaves and made a "rustling" sound, and the chirping of insects at night seemed to be louder and more obvious.

He leaned lazily on the pillar, but his beautiful and cool phoenix eyes were entwined with a trace of melancholy. His eyes looked far away at the market streets outside the imperial city, bringing him familiar flashes of fleeting time, flashing The past scene made his heart ache again.

He condensed his eyebrows slightly, and said in a melancholy and nostalgic way, "Ahan, sometimes I always feel that you have something to hide from me, but I don't dare to uncover the last layer of fog, because I am afraid that the final result will not be me. want."

Sima Han's narrowed eyes flickered slightly, he took a deep breath, looked up at him calmly and said, "Zhaoyan, you are now the overlord of the world, the emperor of the Yu Kingdom, and there are many things that I can't help myself. Understand.

But don't think about it anymore, there is nothing between you and me that is hidden, if there is, then I'm afraid you are hiding it from me. "

Sima Han dismissed Yu Zhaoyan's doubts, and raised the wine glass in his hand to him, "Come on, drink, you and my brother haven't had such a good drink for a long time, what's the matter, we can talk about it when we wake up."

There was a hint of hesitation in the man's eyes hidden in the darkness, and finally he chose to sigh silently.

Since Meng Ran chose that path, he knew the result now.

How could he disrupt her grand intentions?


The cold wind can't blow away the wine in the pavilion.

Sima Han was already dizzy from drinking, and started snoring after falling on the table, but Yu Zhaoyan felt that the more he drank, the more awake he became.

He asked people to take Sima Han down to rest, while he kept walking along the quiet path towards the deep palace.

Until dawn, he came to a place of ruins.

He has an impression of this place.

This used to be the Prince Meng's Mansion in the past, but it was completely burned by a fire back then.

Dawn shone on the ruins.

The flickering rays of light fell on the leaves, casting finely fragmented light, twinkling like someone's flawless white teeth, and that person also has a pair of bright red lips, who always likes to eat sweets.


who are you.

Why does he have no impression at all.

Fuzzy images kept hitting in his mind, Yu Zhaoyan covered his head in discomfort and squatted down.

When he managed to calm down, the moment he raised his head, he seemed to see a dashing young man walking towards him holding a folded fan.

He seemed to feel the force of the folding fan lifting his chin, and it became clearer and clearer, and he seemed to see the amorous feelings emanating from the young man's bright red cheeks, with a naughty temperament that was uncertain.

Yu Zhaoyan opened his mouth, wanting to call his name, but found that he couldn't call him anything.

Who is he!
Yu Zhaoyan has had migraines since he woke up two years ago.

Although it is not fatal, it is very unbearable to attack.

This happens especially strongly at this moment.

When the sun was getting higher and higher, Yu Zhaoyan still kept his head up. It wasn't until Sima Han woke up to look for him that he twisted his neck to relieve a bit of soreness.

"Zhaoyan, why are you here?" Sima Han didn't even change his clothes, and it looked like he had just woken up and ran over. This aroused Yu Zhaoyan's suspicion, his amber eyes glowed brightly in the daytime of light.

"Ahan, tell me who he is."

"He's been on my mind since I woke up, but I can't remember who he is."

"Do you know that feeling? When I dreamed back at midnight, that heart-wrenching pain fermented in the dark, like a knife stabbing my heart little by little."

"I also try not to think about it." Speaking of this, Yu Zhaoyan smiled bitterly, but at the same time did not hide the bitterness in his eyes, looked straight at Sima Han and said, "But Ah Han... I can't do it."

"He seems to grow in my heart, and every time I take a deep breath, I can shake that layer of pain."

(End of this chapter)

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