Chapter 177
"Jiang Ren, if you are not feeling well, you can go back first." Meng Ran had already asked him in a voice that she thought was very gentle, but in Jiang Ren's ears it meant that she was driving him away, and her heart became more and more serious. I'm wronged.

Jiang Ren: Woohoo, I was so wronged that I almost cried.

He stopped burning firewood and let the current firewood continue to burn without opening his mouth, just telling others "I'm angry" and "I'm sad" invisibly, but he just didn't say it out, and Meng Ran didn't know what to do. I spoke.

After serving out the slightly burnt dishes in the pot, she sighed, walked over, squatted down, and looked up at Jiang Ren who was sitting on the small bench with a face of "I'm autistic", "What the hell are you doing?" What's wrong?"

Jiang Ren narrowed his eyes and looked at her beautiful eyes, revealing a cold alienation invisibly. It was these eyes that attracted him bit by bit, making him immersed in them and unable to extricate himself. Even in his sleep, he would still see these eyes. son.

"You are fierce to me." Jiang Ren seemed to have taken the wrong roles of men and women in the script, his amber eyes looked at Meng Ran full of complaints and grievances, and the other party who looked at him wondered if he had been harsh on him in the past few days, "Where am I?" I'm killing you."

"Before... last time... and just now..." When Jiang Ren counted on his fingers, he seemed a little cute for no reason?
Meng Ran shook her head, shaking off the thoughts in her mind, and then said calmly, "Jiang Ren, I didn't murder you, nor did I intend to murder you, so don't add drama to yourself anytime, anywhere. ?”

"..." Jiang Ren was stunned for a long time before opening his mouth, "What do you mean adding a play to yourself?"

Meng Ran: "..." Well, she lost.

After that, Meng Ran said that Jiang Ren's mood was better, but when it was time to eat dinner, Meng Ran looked at Jiang Ren who was already eating the third bowl of rice, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

This kid is really good to eat! ! !

This is the third bowl of rice! ! !

She considered it and said, "Jiang Ren, won't you feel uncomfortable if you eat so much? Although your body is already recovering, you can't eat so much at one time, it will put a burden on your body."

Jiang Ren divided his attention from the food, "Ranran's cooking skills are excellent. In the old days in the Duke's mansion, I could barely eat a bowl."

Meng Ran: "..." Then please maintain the good habit of eating a bowl in the Duke's mansion! ! !

Her heart was howling.

This is definitely the most edible mortal world quest object she has ever seen.

As a ghost, she was convinced.

I am really convinced.

Meng Ran silently picked up a few mouthfuls of rice, looking at Jiang Ren with a good appetite, she ate a little more unconsciously.

After dinner, the two of them actually ate all four dishes and one soup. These are all for three or four people. In the end, even Meng Ran himself was shocked.

On the contrary, Jiang Ren saw that Meng Ran ate an extra half bowl of rice today, and felt a little happier, "Ranran, you are too thin, if you can eat as much as tonight every day, you will definitely be plump. "

He felt that she was too thin, which made her feel distressed.

And Meng Ran's eyebrows twitched, and an invisible sadness spread in her heart. It's really... so delicious!
Seeing that she is about to evolve into this, I feel inexplicably panicked.

As the hero of the search for the medicinal materials this time, the white snake, Meng Ran gave him half of the stewed chicken, and it was hiding and eating happily.


It was already midnight when Jiang Ren returned to the Duke's mansion.

He didn't leave until Meng Ran had rested, but he didn't expect that his father hadn't rested yet.

"Father, what are you looking for?" Jiang Zhanyue has seen the changes in Jiang Ren's eyes these days, and feels distressed in his heart, but he didn't say much about his choice, but it's just not a way to continue in the long run.

"Xiao Ren, Dad told you that she rejected the marriage that Dad proposed for you." Jiang Zhanyue's words stopped short, but Jiang Ren's innocent eyes in front of Meng Ran were now full of stubbornness, "Then So what? She is the one who refused, not me, if I can't do it in one year, I'll wait for two years, if I can't do it in two years, I'll wait for ten years."

Jiang Zhanyue: "..." Why didn't he know that he had given birth to an infatuated child? !

"Why are you doing this? Dad loves you. Now that your health has gradually improved, not to mention looking at the whole world, the girls in this capital alone are enough for you to choose. Why do you... hang yourself together?" up a tree."

Although Jiang Zhanyue also thought that Meng Ran was good, but looking at Jiang Ren who had been sleeping with Meng Ran every day during this time, she still had some opinions in her heart.

After all, Jiang Ren's health is good, and he will inherit the family business in the future, but now he only has his children's affair in his heart, which is more of a helpless sense of powerlessness for him as a father.

Even though he said it, he didn't expect Jiang Ren to listen to it.

"Wake up, go back and rest."

Jiang Zhanyue, who hadn't waited for Jiang Ren's reply for a long time, simply let him go back to rest. When he turned around and was about to go back to rest, Jiang Ren said, "Without her, I would not choose to continue to face this world, Dad ,Do you understand?"

Jiang Zhanyue: "..."

He sighed, without turning around, he already understood Jiang Ren's meaning in his heart.

If that person wasn't Meng Ran, then he probably didn't want to continue living. Although Lu Lincheng found the medicinal materials that could treat his internal diseases, if he didn't have the perseverance to persist, he might pass out halfway.

even directly...

Jiang Zhanyue twitched violently at the thought of this.

Fortunately, Jiang Ren endured it.

That's it.

In the future, the children's affairs should be left to the children. It has nothing to do with him. He is old and should enjoy the happiness.

Jiang Ren looked at the back of his father leaving, recalled what he said just now, and laughed at himself in his heart, "But she still doesn't like me."

He looked up at the moonlight outside the window, and asked himself in doubt: When will she fall in love with me? I really can't wait.

Meng Ran on the other side has long been immersed in sleep, so there is no melancholy on their side.

The sleeping white snake suddenly woke up.

It doesn't know why there are more blurred images in its mind, it only knows that it wants to protect the person in the room, and wants to protect her from the depths of its soul, but it can't say why.

The amber snake eyes continued to go back to sleep after seeing that Meng Ran was safe and sound.

late at night.

Jiang Ren didn't sleep well. I don't know if it's because he was often with the white snake of Meng Ran's family. In his sleep, he dreamed that he also became a white snake. It's just that he can become a human figure. It seems to be a practice. It's fine.

(End of this chapter)

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