Chapter 179 You Got My Attention 01
Meng Ran never thought that he would come to this world like hell and purgatory.

The corpses are all over the place.

There are also some zombies running around with pieces of meat hanging and dragging their intestines.

And her identity is that of the poor little girl in the orphanage.

An apocalyptic red rain three months ago broke out the end of the world, some people became zombies, and some people became supernatural beings.

But her body did not expect to be a supernatural user of all systems. In addition to the usual metal, wood, water, fire, and earth systems, she is also a speed system superhuman.

She can travel thousands of miles a day, which can be said to be faster than a car. In addition to her own space, she can not only make all things grow, but also allow living people to enter.

In today's doomsday.

She can be said to be a god-like existence.


She is not very satisfied with her figure.

Who will tell her!
What's the matter with this figure? !When she looked down, her face darkened.

Is it flooded or something?
I couldn't see her feet even when I looked down, and I felt my body shaking violently even after taking two steps.

Meng Ran kept complaining in her heart, and if the bombing style did not stop, the spirits in the Eight Desolation Mirror began to tremble.

Jingling: [Ranran, this is a body set according to the aesthetics of the world, you still despise it. 】

Meng Ran looked down again, hesitated for a moment, then looked up at the sky at 45 degrees.

have to.

A cloudy grey.

Can't see anything at all.

"I kind of miss the body in the past world." Meng Ran's wailing was exchanged for Jing Ling's complaints.

Jing Ling: [You need to change your aesthetics, as far as your past pair of aces, no one would dare to take you in poker! 】

A certain Jingling still persuaded her earnestly.

I hope to change her self-cognition, she can't pretend to be a man for a few worlds, and treat herself as a man, right?

Jingling: [Ranran, do you know what your figure, height, and appearance are called? 】

Meng Ran raised her eyebrows, looked at the lone zombies dragging their intestines towards her, and dismissed them.

"What's your name?" Feeling a little tired, Meng Ran simply squatted down, wondering if it was too late to change her body.

Jing Ling: [This is the face of an angel, the figure of a devil, in the world, it is definitely a heartthrob! 】

Some excited Jing Ling roared in the space, and the Tianbei trembled, not to mention Meng Ran who was squatting on the ground.

One sat on the ground without paying attention, and immediately looked at his hands in disgust.

I don't know what the green stain on it is, it looks disgusting, anyway, she can't bear it for a moment.

She washed her hands with water-type abilities.

This is more comfortable.

"You think these things are a good thing in a world like this?"

Meng Ran didn't think so.

If she doesn't have this ability, she will only be bullied by the strong.

The mirror spirit in the Eight Desolation Mirror poked his finger, [But you can fight, if you can't see it, you can beat it, anyway, it's not like you haven't beaten before. 】

"..." Meng Ran.

Forget it.

Not as knowledgeable as the faceless mirror spirit.

A mirror spirit: "..."

Is this considered a personal attack? ? ?


In the doomsday world, there is a gray area all around, as if in the underworld, there is no end to see.

She glanced at her clothes and body, thought of her water ability, and immediately rinsed herself with water, and saw the hands, arms, and shoulders that had regained their fairness...

The uncomfortable goosebumps on her body went down.

She can hang around zombies with broken arms and legs, but she will never allow those dirty things to stain her clothes!


Meng Ran looked down at the clothes on her body, the dirty ones were not much better.

Because of psychological reasons, the goosebumps on her body rose again. As she walked, she chopped the unconscious zombies into pieces.

That would keep them from dragging their bowels, dangling their arms, and polluting her eyes.


The zombies in this world are much more disgusting than those ghosts in the underworld, but fortunately, they are still within the range she can bear.

Using the speed ability, she quickly found an abandoned farm where there were few people and few people turned into zombies.

Thankfully, she found plenty of food in the farm's warehouse, vacuum-sealed.

Without stopping, she swept all these things into her personal space.

Everything in the space can be changed according to her consciousness, not to mention that there is still spiritual spring water comparable to her black spring holy water in the underworld, it is like a paradise.

She stacked everything in a small log cabin in an orderly manner, and then continued to scrape at the farm, but there was no more harvest, and she started searching in disappointment.

just now.

She discovered that she actually had the ability of the spiritual department, and she was able to search for things within a hundred miles, which was like a golden finger.


She found a small town just a few hundred meters away.


It was found that there were a lot of zombies over there, and there were also many supernatural beings gathered there.

Where there are many people, there are many shopping malls, so there will naturally be new clothes for a change of clothes. She doesn't want to wear dirty clothes anymore, which makes her uncomfortable.

She used her speed ability to run all the way.

When she passed an off-road vehicle halfway, she saw a large group of zombies besieging the vehicle.

Not wanting to cause trouble, she just pretended she didn't see it, and went to the most prosperous place in the town, where the number of zombies was the largest.

However, just as she was passing by the off-road vehicle, a man in the vehicle who closed his eyes and rested his mind suddenly opened his eyes and looked sharply at the direction she was leaving.

"Go down and clean it up." Lu Mo's deep and deep voice made the scalps of the other people in the car tingle.

As long as they thought of his methods of dealing with zombies, they felt as if their stomachs were retching.

It's disgusting!
Make them feel sick just thinking about it.


"Boss! You'd better stay in the car and rest... Just leave these zombies to me and Monkey Three to deal with. You sit and rest, don't move, don't move."


Bai Qi, who has a normal face but has a hot temper like a bomb, looks at Lu Mochen with pleading eyes.

The monkey three he was talking about immediately came over, and the purpose of hugging what he said was the same as that of Bai Qi.

"Boss, these zombies are not enough for you to take action, just let us come, and deal with them right away, soon."

This ancestor must not take any more shots, they really don't want their eyes to be tortured again, such a picture is really too tragic.

As long as Hou San thinks of such a picture, all the goosebumps will come out all over his body, the kind that can't be rubbed off by rubbing his arms.

The zombies outside were still attacking the car unconsciously, and Lu Mochen's eyes became deeper and deeper.

(End of this chapter)

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