Chapter 181 You Got My Attention 03
Su Ruo had the aura of being afraid of Lu Mochen's body, she shrank her neck and spoke in a bumpy way.

Hou San and Bai Qi didn't expect that they just said they wanted a water-type supernatural being, but now someone delivered it to their door.


Monkey Three pouted his mouth, implying Bai Qi over there to speak, but the latter glared at him, but opened his mouth anyway.


"Boss, why don't we take her with us?"


"After all, we are water-type supernatural beings, so we can have water every day, so we can take a bath every day, and Hou San and I don't have to worry about finding new clothes."


Bai Qi's words were meant for discussion, but Lu Mochen's eyes were attracted by the scene outside.

Originally, the car body was still stained with blood from zombies, but now it was as clean as a new car.

Bai Qi and Hou San were also stunned when they saw it, "Wufu! What goddamn good deed!!!"

Back then, they endured the nausea, and managed to smear a car full of zombie blood, so as to avoid the approach of low-level zombies, and they would think that they were all of the same kind here.

But now the dirt and blood on the car body has been washed clean, there is no dirt at all, it only took a short while, who did it? !

The first thing Monkey San and Bai Qi thought of was water-type supernatural beings.

But Su Ruo is not a fool, she immediately realized the seriousness of the matter, and kept shaking her hands.

"It's not me, it's not me. I kept pouring water for them just now. I didn't have the time at all. Moreover, my water ability is limited, and there is no way to free up so much water to wash and wash the car."

What Su Ruo said was the truth.

She is now at a low level, and all she can do is provide everyone with daily drinking water, and her body can't stand it if there is too much.

However, the team led by Ma Zheng and Xie Xiuzhu is getting bigger and bigger, and they need more and more water. She is really afraid that one day her powers will run out and she will die, and these people will definitely not care.

So she had to find a way out for herself.

The three people in front of her were her chance. If she couldn't leave this time, he would be tortured to death by the people led by Ma Zheng.

Lu Mochen ignored Hou San and Bai Qi's howling ghosts and howling wolves. He went to the trunk and directly manipulated the ability to open it, but saw that the box that was originally full of food was now empty.

The moment Bai Qi came over and saw it, Zhengtai's face was almost wrinkled into a bun face.

He would never have thought that just now he was thankful that they still had a few days' worth of food in their trunk, but now they couldn't even see a packaging bag.


"My God, that god damn good thing! Isn't this too wicked?! Don't keep a single one!"


Hou San heard Bai Qi's howling ghosts and wolves and hurried over, and he couldn't explain the scene in front of him.

The mood at this time is the same as that of Bai Qi.

Their trunks were originally full of food, but now there is nothing, only a few empty boxes left.

Lu Mochen's eyes fell on the empty box in the trunk, he closed his eyes and used his mental abilities to check the situation here.

He clearly felt another wave of mental power. Although he was not concentrated, he could tell that his ability was not small.

"Be careful, that person hasn't gone far." Lu Mo's deep voice immediately quieted Hou San and Bai Qi.

The two of them leaned close together, looking around vigilantly, Su Ruo also became vigilant when he heard their conversation.

She wants to learn how to eliminate zombies from now on, resist their attacks, and don't want to rely on others to survive.

These three months.

She was living in such a miserable life.


And the other end.

Meng Ran, who didn't know that he had been discovered by Lu Mochen, was looking at the small warehouse in his space happily, which was full of food.

The satisfaction in my heart is almost bursting.

She was suddenly able to understand why creatures like squirrels and mice stock up, and it was really satisfying.

Meng Ran experienced the outside situation in the space, and just released her mental power when she realized that she was attacked.

Someone's supernatural ability can compete with her who has a golden finger, could it be...

Hou San and Bai Qi's vigilant bodies tensed up, and after a long time without any movement, they couldn't help but relax.

"Boss, do you think that person is cowardly? Otherwise, why would he never show up?"

"That's right, it must have been intimidated by our strength. Hou San has always affirmed and supplemented Bai Qi's words.

"The person who took our food, return the food right away, or your Third Monkey Grandpa will beat you until your parents don't even recognize you. Hurry up and come out and fight!"

"Yes, come out and challenge!"

Lu Mochen's gaze was always on the trunk of their car, where the mental fluctuations were particularly clear and intense.

Bai Qi and Hou San also noticed his gaze, and immediately raised their vigilance towards the trunk, but at this time Meng Ran was also watching their stupid behavior in the Eight Desolation Mirror.

When he saw the woman standing next to Lu Mochen, his eyes became brighter. It is rare to look at a person with such a clean heart now. It is pleasing to the eye.

Su Ruo is a smart and kind girl, she knew that she couldn't stay there, so she found a way out for herself in advance.

Meng Ran got sleepy just looking at it.

After realizing that the spiritual power had receded, Lu Mochen also told his two bodyguards.

Hou San and Bai Qi didn't expect that person to be so cowardly, he couldn't even scream out, probably with soft hair, easier to bully.

But what they don't know is...

Meng Ran was lying comfortably on the bed in the room at this time, looking at the people outside, shook her head, and said "fool" secretly.

Then began a night of restful sleep.

The next morning.

After Meng Ran made up her mind again, she planned to be serious to the end. Seeing that these people were not inferior, staying by their side would save a lot of trouble.

But this Su Ruo, who seemed to be planning to join them, gave her a feeling of strangeness and familiarity?

Deja Vu.


The next few days.

Hou San and Bai Qi have been following Lu Mochen all the time, and they quickly collected a lot of food, which can be regarded as a solution to their urgent need.

And through these days of observation, Su Ruo became more and more curious about Lu Mochen's identity, and became more and more attracted to him.

Although Lu Mochen still ignored her, Su Ruo was still very happy, because now they would ride in the same car every day and absorb the same breath in the car every day.

The big men didn't notice Su Ruo's small thoughts, and they had to rush to the next town before dark.

Otherwise, it is really difficult for them to guarantee what will happen this night.

However, their car ran out of gas.

It's a 10-minute drive to the next gas station.

It really is called every day should not be, called the earth is not working.

Suddenly, Su Ruo screamed, "Ah! What do you think is that?!"


[Baby, it will be on the shelves tomorrow at 10:00 am, I hope that the baby you like can come to a full order, how to make a full order baby can read the one at the top of the book review area]

(End of this chapter)

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