Chapter 193 You Got My Attention 15
Bai Qi sped away in the car, ignoring Ma Zheng and Xie Xiuzhu's group at all. This is the end of the day, and the most important thing is how to survive.

Besides, they didn't feel that Ma Zheng, Xie Xiuzhu and others needed their help, after all, they were crazy, weren't they?

After Su Ruo returned to the car, she became more and more silent. Xie Xiuzhu came for her, and it was her fault that it affected Bai Qi and Hou San's mood.

More importantly, the two bosses sitting behind her seemed to be in a good mood and the other was in a bad mood?

Su Ruo didn't dare to look back.

Bai Qi saw from the rearview mirror the black dot in the distance running towards the place they left just now, he hooked his lips, "It seems that there is a good show to watch."

Hou San also saw the perverted and weird car behind their car in the distance, and he could even imagine the numb look on the face of the big zombie brother when he drove into the air.

It's interesting to think about it.

It's just a little... well, overly stimulating.


When Ma Zheng and Xie Xiuzhu saw the car speeding up in the distance, they thought it was a zombie, but they found it was a car. "I thought it was something. As long as it is a human, I, Ma Zheng, have nothing to fear."

What's more, how many people can jump out of a car?

Xie Xiuzhu also breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the car. She thought it was a zombie, but it turned out to be a human.

"Let's go, let's go in, leave two people here and wait for them to wake up." Ma Zheng, who didn't ask for water, was a little angry, and even spoke with emotion.

I really didn't expect Su Ruo to be so disobedient. When I see you again in the future, he will definitely make her regret it!
Xie Xiuzhu led people to follow Ma Zheng into it to rest, and many people complained about Su Ruo's ignorance, and laughed at Hou San and Bai Qi who ran away when they saw a car.

"I really don't know what such a person pretends to be. How powerful do you really think you are? It doesn't look like that. People in a car scare them like that."

"Look at the man sitting in the car before. He looked so handsome, but who knew he was so cowardly. He only looked at that woman the whole time. If this was placed before the end of the day, he would look like the kind of little boy who was adopted."

"Hahaha, that's true, but that man is really good-looking, better than any man I've ever seen. If I can sleep, hehe."

"I really didn't expect you to be so kind, but indeed, I would be happy to see such a man."

The two men who were watching the car approaching in the distance spoke unceremonious words, with lewd expressions on their brows and eyes, but the voice disappeared after a while.

in the warehouse.

Ma Zheng was enjoying Xie Xiuzhu's massage on her back when someone inside raised doubts.

"Why haven't Xiao Hei and Xiao Zhang come in yet? Could it be that the people in that car are so hard to get rid of?"

"Impossible, it looks like a small car." The man thought for a while, "Could it be bribed?"

"You mean the people in that car have supplies?" Another person said immediately, Xie Xiuzhu's eyes darkened, "Brother Ma, let's send two more people out to have a look.

In case there are really supplies, we can also bring them into our command. If there are supernatural powers, it would be even better. "

Ma Zheng frowned. In fact, he had no idea in his heart, and he was not a fool. If all the people who came came with supernatural powers, his position would be in jeopardy.

Most of the people in the warehouse are ordinary people without supernatural powers. They usually support their supernatural powers, and they are all cowardly. At critical moments, they may defect to others at any time.

"Let Xiao Chen and Xiao Zheng go out and have a look." Ma Zheng grimaced, and waved Xie Xiuzhu to stop knocking on the back.

Xie Xiuzhu looked at him puzzled, "Brother Ma, what's wrong? Is it because I didn't knock well?"

He waved his hands a little irritably, "It's none of your business, go and rest, don't bother me."

Xie Xiuzhu: "..." She sat at the back feeling aggrieved, thinking about Su Ruo who had indeed appeared before.

She must have attracted Ma Zheng's attention.

Isn't it the water-type abilities and the lightning-type abilities? She can definitely discover other abilities of her own!
The people waiting for the car outside never came back, and the two people sent by Ma Zheng didn't come in to take a look, and even the two people behind didn't come back.

The people inside didn't pay attention at first, and they didn't care when they found out later, but Ma Zheng and Xie Xiuzhu were still worried for a while, looked at each other, and asked two more people to go out to have a look, and finally got the same result.

The people in the warehouse became a little panicked, while Hou San, Bai Qi and others on the other side also faced another problem.

"I'm going to his zombie tide!!! How many waves is this?! He's still a foreigner!!!" Hou San just got rid of a blond zombie, feeling agitated.

The same is true for Bai Qi. Compared with Monkey San's wood-type abilities, although he and Su Ruoxin's lightning-type abilities are not very proficient, it is still an opportunity to practice.

Compared with their hard-working and irritable way of killing zombies, Meng Ran and Lu Mochen seemed to be in slow motion mode, but the movement of waving their hands was like opening a barrier, and all the zombies around them were isolated.

Lu Mochen didn't even realize that he kept Meng Ran within his protection range.

Meng Ran frowned as she watched more and more zombies around her. It was not an option to go on like this.

Her eyes fell on the wood-type ability used by Hou San not far away, and she thought that her wood-type ability seemed to have not been used yet.

Her wood ability is not the same as that of Monkey Three, her wood ability is regeneration ability.

Meng Ran took out a handful of seeds from the space, and using the effect of the wind, scattered the seeds around, and the wood regeneration ability quickly grew flower buds.

Bai Qi and Bai Qi soon discovered that the number of zombies had dropped sharply. They were surrounded by the tide of zombies and did not see what was going on outside, but there were always "click" and "click" sounds, which were especially loud in their ears. Infiltrate.

After seeing what Meng Ran had done, Lu Mochen didn't even change his face, and directly used the spiritual power to "lead" these zombies to those plants.

"Crack clap..."


The zombies were devoured by the plants one by one, and the mutated plants grown from the mutated soil directly swallowed most of the zombie tide. When Hou San and Bai Qi could see Lu Mochen, they were already stunned.

Where did all these plants come from?

next moment.

When they saw the zombies walking towards the plant buds one by one, they silently pushed back their jaws that had been opened in shock.

Bai Qi: The boss really is a boss.

Monkey [-]: ... Excuse me, excuse me.

(End of this chapter)

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