Chapter 36
And Hei Yi hasn't been in the village these days, and he doesn't know where he went.

When everyone was enjoying the retreat of the snake herd, Meng Ran and the others also left, looking forward to the arrival of a good day, Hei Yi led his snake sons and grandchildren to make a comeback.

The villagers who were still immersed in the expectation of a better life did not know that they had been surrounded by snakes.



When they noticed the sound, the snakes had already surrounded them in a small circle.

"Ah! There are snakes!"

"Snakes! The snakes are back!"

Because Zhang Ergou was in a good mood, he drank a few more glasses, and when he heard the voices clearly, the snake had already crawled to his legs.

Under the starry night, the village was devoured by snakes.

Not a single one was left alive.

The story of Meng Ran and Bai Lian was the official beginning, and everything was going towards the established direction in the dark, which made her a little confused and puzzled.


"I said, you little male snake, do you like clinging to me so much?" Meng Ran was already familiar with her legs being restrained again.

She raised her eyebrows and threatened, "Believe it or not, I will stew you tonight and make snake soup!"

"Do not believe."


She really believed in his evil!

The spiritual power in her body can't be exerted, and the depression in her heart can't be dispelled. One day, she has to smash that monument to pieces!
What is this as the world!

"Hey, little male snake, do you want to become a fairy?" Her sudden change of mood made Bai Lian vigilant.

"Do not want to."

"Don't think about it?"

"Not consider."

Hmph, don't think about it if you don't think about it.

Meng Ran calmed down and ignored the snake's tail wrapped around her leg, and turned her body away to avoid looking at Bai Lian.


Bai Lian, who was amused by her appearance, loosened his snake tail.

Make her sleep more comfortably.

Compared with the space in her wrist, he prefers to sleep on a human couch with his arms around her.

There was a rustling sound outside the window.

Meng Ran fell into a dream, and Bai Lian tried to chase her in her dream, but found that he couldn't enter her dream.

This made his undisguised amber eyes deepen. He watched her grow up little by little, and he was sure that she didn't have any adventures.

Why is her soul spirit so powerful?
The corner of Meng Ran's mouth turned back into a smile, and his eyes were darker than the night outside the window, with an icy chill in his coolness.

Although she couldn't use her spiritual power, she could still "see" Bai Lian's small movements.

She slowly closed her eyes, and didn't care about Bai Lian behind her.

At daybreak, he will naturally leave.

A good night's sleep.

At dawn, the dawn light shines into the house, bringing warmth to the room,

There was no sign of Bai Lian in the room anymore.

She glanced at her wrist, felt her breath, and the corner of her mouth curled up in a pleasant arc.

This little male snake is not bad.

He didn't even look at the color, it seems that his cultivation base has improved.

A certain little male snake who has no desire for sex: He actually thinks about it too, but his strength doesn't allow it.

He lost most of his spiritual power now, and the snake tail couldn't be retracted in time, so he could only deliberately wrap around her legs to prevent her from discovering his strangeness.

Otherwise he dares to be sure.

This little woman would definitely rush up and beat him up without hesitation.

Meng Ran: ...after all, she speaks by strength...a ghost.


Meng Qing rented a small courtyard in the town.

Meng Ran is still dressed in men's clothes, but she will no longer smear those dirty things like plant ash on her face. She has a clean, white and tender face, and the brilliance in the bright starry eyes makes her The women around their family are all passionate.

But they are destined to be sad and sad.

After all, she is not a leader, there is no way to give them happiness.

For their happiness, Meng Ran has never had any communication with them, and has been doing some small handicrafts in his small courtyard.

in a certain world.

She and the mortal craftsmen there learned a hand of carving skills.

Apart from some stones in the courtyard, there are only some small things with fruit cores.

When she had nothing to do, she found a carving knife and played with it.

When Meng Qing came back, seeing the lifelike fruit core in her hand, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Ranran, how do you know this skill?" Meng Ran was finishing the finishing touches when he came in. Facing his question, Meng Ran didn't hide it, and said directly, "I also accidentally discovered that I still There is this ability."

She pointed to the drawing on the table, looked up at Meng Qing, "Father, I carved it according to this, do you think I carved it well?"

Meng Qing's eyes fell on a small book on the table. These were some short story books he bought for her to relieve boredom when he came back from the outside.

She is holding a little rabbit in her hand, which looks really cute.

"Well, don't play with these knives in the future, it's easy to hurt your hands." After admonishing Meng Qing, he moved the box of things he brought back around the yard, and Meng Ran knew what was inside.

It's just that this time there seems to be another smell in this smell, what is it?

Even Bai Lian inside the seal could smell it.

"Father, what's in your realgar wine? Why doesn't it smell like what you used to smell?" Meng Ran didn't know where to think, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, as if something was about to happen again.

And when Ye Heichi came, both Meng Ran and Bai Lian were ready to fight.

Didn't expect him to recover so quickly.

in the courtyard.

An enchantment was accidentally hit in the middle.

Here she was the only one confronting that Hei Chi, her father was sleeping in the house and didn't hear anything outside.

Also because Bai Lian immediately set up the barrier, when Hei Chi instantly turned into a snake body and wrapped around Meng Ran, the people around did not notice anything strange.

You must know that the street is outside their yard, which can be regarded as a corner of tranquility in the busy city.

If other people saw such a big snake coming out of her yard, they would have to be kicked out as outliers.



One black and one white.

The moment Meng Ran blinked, the black snake wrapped around her body was hooked out by Bai Lian.

If it weren't for her good eyesight.

What you can see is two twisted twists, one black and one white.

Hei Chi and Bai Lian fought with all their might, while Meng Ran suddenly realized that he could feel ghost power.

Unlike spiritual power, ghost power can be absorbed.

That ghost is here...

Her gaze fell on the tree in the courtyard. It has been more than half a month since she came to this place, but she didn't feel it until today.

Is it because of the arrival of Hei Chi?

(End of this chapter)

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