Chapter 38
"Meng Ran!!!"

Bai Lian hugged the fallen Meng Ran into his arms, and worriedly looked at the unconscious woman in his arms.

He casually squeezed a barrier and threw it on Hei Chi's body to hide his breath and traces, and then carried Meng Ran into the room.

And from start to finish.

Meng Qing didn't even notice the movement.

After Bai Lian created the enchantment, Hei Yi couldn't see her brother. Anxious, she wanted to mobilize the snakes, but found that all the snakes had retreated.

It's Bai Lian's breath!

The breath of the son of the snake king is enough to command the snakes.

Even she, under such a strong breath, bent her knees and knelt down outside the yard in humiliation.

They all disappeared one by one, leaving Lian Yue in the yard with a confused face looking at the moonlight above her head, so what is she doing here? ? ?
If I had known it earlier, I would not have come out. I finally saw someone who was pleasing to the eye and wanted to eat him to increase his skills. As a result, he was beaten to the point where there was only residual blood left. She couldn't even lick a bag when she came up.

It is really angry! ! !
Even ghosts are being bullied these days, does that woman still have humanity!

Meng Ran, who was in a coma, vaguely returned to the underworld. She had lived in the peach blossom tree on Huangquan Road for thousands of years.

There is a universe inside it, which is the place she belongs to for thousands of years.

I never thought that I would come back in my sleep, but this place seems to be a little different.

It's still the same peach tree, but here is a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, not as cold and terrifying as the sea of ​​flames in purgatory in the underworld, it's more like a fairyland on earth.

It's really unpleasant.

She glanced at her palm, trying to condense her spiritual power.

I thought it was futile, but I never thought that it would be possible to condense a spiritual ball.

She raised her hand and threw it towards the peach blossom tree, devouring the peach blossom tree in an instant, without even falling a single flower or leaf.

Bai Lian looked at Meng Ran who was frowning, and called her name over and over again.

seen before.

She seemed to be trapped in a hallucination.


"Meng Ran."


The next morning.

Meng Ran woke up in the midst of crying.

There is no woman in their family except her, so where is the sound of women crying?

Bai Lian was not in the room, nor was he in the seal on her wrist, his aura seemed to have disappeared from her side.

Lian Yue looked at the gradually rising sun in horror.

"Help! I don't want to die!"


"Is there anyone—"

"Ahhh! It's about to burn! My glass skirt! My smoke cage gauze!"

The sound of Lian Yue's chirping for help outside was probably only heard by Meng Ran, because Bai Lian didn't notice Lian Yue in the yard last night.

She opened the door and said to Lianyue who was in the yard without even looking up, "Little ghost, you are so noisy."

"Oh, my fairy aunt, please save me quickly, I don't want to be among the ghosts... the first ghost to be burnt to ashes by the sun!!! That look is too embarrassing!"

Meng Ran's head was full of Lianyue's screaming and terrified voices. Annoyed, she waved her sleeves and photographed her directly into the dead tree where she stayed last night.

Seeing the dead tree, she suddenly thought of the peach blossom tree in her dream.

once Upon a time.

She seems to have enjoyed the brilliant spring flowers together with others under the tree.


When Bai Lian came back, it was still the time when the moon and the stars were hanging high.

He went straight through the wall and came into the room, but saw a picture of a beautiful woman coming out of the bath.

Ling·long·you·zhi's song is envied by many women and obsessed with men. There is a fire in the depths of his amber eyes, and when he regains consciousness, Meng Ran has quickly put on his clothes.

Staring at the stupid Bai Lian standing in the room, "What are you doing here again?! Well, you little male snake, you dare to spy on a woman out of the bath. I think you are not a snake, but a wolf!"

satyr!Big pervert!

Bai Lian didn't know what she meant by what she said, so if he simply couldn't understand it, he took it as a compliment.

"Come on, swallow this thing."

Meng Ran looked at the box in his palm. When he entered the room just now, she smelled the fragrance of lotus seeds, and the fragrance came from the box in Bai Lian's hand.

"I do not want."

She didn't want to accept what was his.

This man looks like the kind who is used to being arrogant.

Meng Ran frowned at the information revealed in Hei Chi's words before. Now the little black snake has been taken down by Bai Lian, and that little black snake of Hei Yi is not worth mentioning at all.

Now that Bai Lian's spiritual power has recovered a lot, he should be able to leave her arm, right?

As long as she thought of a little male snake living in her arm, she wished she could roll up her sleeve and beat her wrist.

If her wrist was disabled, would he have left too?
Meng Ran, who didn't have any feelings about the separation, wanted Bai Lian to leave, but now his threat was less.

He can go back to his Sheshan and continue to be his snake king and snake king, and when the time comes, he will have sex with those female snakes, and soon there will be a litter of young snakes.

Coming like this, he shouldn't be dead, right?

In this way, if she finds a suitable opportunity, she can leave directly.

Seeing that she didn't want to eat, Bai Lian directly took it out and stuffed it into her mouth, and said softly, "Hey, eating this will save your life."

Meng Ran: But I don't want to continue my life.

Meng Ran: As long as you don't die, it's fine for me to die! ! !

But Bai Lian did not give up.

Seeing that she didn't open her mouth for a long time, he directly bit the elixir, covered her lips, and directly fed the elixir to her with his own strength.

In order to prevent her from vomiting it out by herself, Bai Lian directly raised his body's vigilance to the highest level.

It's not that he hasn't seen Hei Chi's tragic situation just now, and now he just finished a fight with him, if Meng Ran rolls up his sleeves and comes to fight now, he is not fully sure to deal with it.

His hand has been guiding the elixir, and he was relieved after confirming that she had swallowed it.

This little wife is too unlovable.

One went out to cause trouble without paying attention, and was so violent, not at all like those women in the world.

Her beauty is exuded from the inside of her bones, and it cannot be replaced by rouge and gouache.

After a long time.

When Meng Ran woke up from closing her eyes, she felt that her body was much better than before, but when she thought of the medicine this man gave her and the care she had for her, she still didn't have time to drive him away... to say it.

cough cough.

Just as he was about to say something, Bai Lian spoke ahead of time, "What's in that tree, why do you keep staring at it?"

Meng Ran cast a glance at the shivering little ghost inside, and silently complained in her heart: "This is definitely the least courageous person she has ever met.

(End of this chapter)

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