Chapter 5 I pissed off the villain 05
The old woman quickened her pace and walked towards her house, as if something was chasing him behind.

The second she came back into the room, her stooped body immediately stood up straight.
The bowl of porridge in the bowl is not porridge, it's just mixed with the blood of insect eggs, and the rust-like fishy smell is particularly strong.

"The people who entered the village this time are too shrewd and cunning to eat anything."

The woman's voice was not as old as her appearance, on the contrary, there was a trace of coquettishness, but it was another old man in the room, his voice was as old as his appearance.

"Since that's the case, let's deal with them tonight, so as not to have long nights and dreams, and cause trouble."

"That's what I said, but 'raw' is not as delicious as 'fat'." The woman's tongue licked the corner of her mouth, as if she was already reminiscing about the deliciousness of the last meal.

In the corner of their room, clothes were scattered all over the floor, the freshest one stained with blood was the clothes of Chen Yuer who had disappeared.

Now there is only one broken place left.

As night fell, Meng Ran also noticed the growing coldness in the village.

It's ghostly.

There is no ghost smell in such a strong smell of blood in the woods.

It turned out that they were all in this village!

He leaned closer to Yu Zhaoyan's ear, and after muttering a few words in a low voice, he drew a slightly surprised look from the other side.

"No, it's too dangerous."

Yu Zhaoyan didn't agree with his suggestion, and grabbed his wrist firmly, not letting him out of his sight.

Meng Ran was very surprised by this.
"Xiaoyanyan, you actually took the initiative to me?!"

Yu Zhaoyan: "..." I don't know if it's too late to let go.

Meng Ran lowered her head pretending to be shy, "Since you have taken the initiative to me, then I have no choice but to follow you. Tonight, let us go to Wushan Yunyu..."

In a place that Yu Zhaoyan didn't even notice, Meng Ran accurately captured the increasingly dark black on the ground.

The red light in the vertical pupil flashed by.

Those black shadows dissipated in an instant.

There was indeed dry food in her pack, but there were only those four small pieces, even if they saved them, it was not enough.

For now, if you want to survive...

We must get out of this village and that forest!
But the surrounding area is very foggy, and everything is gray, just like when there is fog on the Wangchuan River.

There are ghosts here, but no ghosts.

Her spells in the physical body are limited, and Meng Potang has no way to use them, so she can only ask the power of ghosts for help.

Granny Meng and judges of the underworld...

Both have the power to summon ghosts. I don't know if she can summon them after she arrives in the mortal world.

Anyway, no matter what Meng Ran said, Yu Zhaoyan did not let go.

And his eyes turned an endless dark blue, with his mother's exotic color.

Handsome, enchanting, dazzling.

"Meng Ran, don't leave my side."

It was the first time he spoke to Meng Ran so seriously.

There was a smile in the eyes of the other party, looking at his seductive opening, "Don't worry, how can I be willing to leave you, you are my little heart."

However, there was still a small creature like a silver thread, which quietly left from Meng Ran's fingertips, looking for the ghosts in this village and even the surrounding area.

When Shen Ruoying and Sima Han heard Meng Ran's words, goose bumps almost popped out of their bodies.

This is really a flower stuck in cow dung!
Do not misunderstand.

In their eyes, Yu Zhaoyan is the flower.


The night is as cool as water, and the night is full of stars.

The sound of the wind blowing through the leaves sounded again, Shen Ruoying almost reflexively wanted to jump up, but was held in Sima Han's arms.

Meng Ran still had her eyes closed, and Yu Zhaoyan did not open them either.

Suddenly, they all felt a pulling force pulling them into the two rooms. Meng Ran's hands were tightly clasped by Yu Zhaoyan, and Shen Ruoying was also held in Sima Han's arms. The man is blocked.

Seeing the long sword in the hand of the shadow under Yu Zhaoyan's feet, Meng Ran sharply raised her voice to remind Yu Zhaoyan.


She immediately took out a silver special short blade from the burden, pressed it on the handle, and then the short blade turned into a long sword, and he slashed at the shadow on the ground with all his strength. Insert directly into the soil.

A shrill roar that seemed to come from the underworld resounded around them, and gradually, something in the soil under their feet began to churn.

"Everyone, be careful where you step!" The soft sword in Yu Zhaoyan's hand moved towards the shadow on Sima Han's right, but it didn't block the shadow's attack, and Sima Han's shoulder was still scratched by the shadow's long claws.

"Damn it! What the hell is this!" Sima Han bent over to dodge with his arms around Shen Ruoying, but in a blink of an eye, those shadows disappeared.

Meng Ran immediately came to Yu Zhaoyan and Sima Han's side, "These things are not people, not ghosts, but shadows!"

She came to the middle of them with a spin, drove away the shadows around them with a wave of the long sword, and then inserted the tip of the sword into the soil under their feet again, and said quickly to them, "The long sword in your hand does nothing to them Threat, hand over your sword blades, I have a solution!"

She swiped her palm hard on the silver long sword, and then dripped her blood on the long swords of Yu Zhaoyan and Sima Han. To their surprise, his blood was quickly absorbed by their swords went in.

In an instant, their swords burst into light, and the shadows around them also retreated.


in the dark.

Those shadows also started an exchange meeting, hiding in the silent dark place and staring at Meng Ran and the four of them.

"What kind of sword is this? Why can it hurt us."

"It hurts. I was hurt by the silver sword in that brat's hand just now, and it made a sizzling sound."

"Show me quickly, ouch, the wound is so big, I really feel sorry for my brother."

"Hey, you've had enough! Hurry up, the moonlight will be covered by the black mist in a while, if we don't hurry up and eat them, when the moonlight comes out again, we will have nothing to do with them."

"What's the hurry, anyway, they can't get out of the bloody bamboo forest."

"I think that kid is a bit capable. Didn't you see the sword in his hand? It's specially designed to defeat ghosts like us."

"Look at your cowardice, don't go out for a while, watch me 'eat' them like this!"

"Third brother, you should also calm down. The fourth child is right. These four people are not the same people as before. Be careful not to eat them, but they were killed by them."

Meng Ran drew a talisman on the ground with a silver sword to prepare for the appearance of "Cloud Covering the Moon".

And, he really wanted to tell them...

(End of this chapter)

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