Chapter 51
When the doctor came in, he handed Zhu Chenqing something, "My lord, this is what you want."

"Well, hard work."

Zhu Chenqing opened the thing in front of everyone, "This thing is the nemesis of 'Chunfenglu', if people who take 'Chunfenglu', they will have unbearable abdominal pain after taking this medicine, if not, this pill will not be harmful to the body any damage."

In order to convince everyone, Zhu Chenqing ate one himself.

It turned out there was no problem whatsoever.

Seeing this, Liu Yuzhu's face became paler and paler. She didn't expect that someone here would know "Chunfenglu".

If she really took this antidote, everything she planned would be in vain.

thought here.

Her heart was stagnant, making her breathing difficult.

Seeing his mother's expression, Zhang Ruixuan didn't expect anything.

No matter what you can't eat this thing.

If you eat it.

Then all this is not busy.

Meng Ran looked at Liu Yuzhu and Zhang Ruixuan's mother and son's changed faces, and it was best to slowly sneer.

"Master Zhu is right. You can't wrong any good person, and you can't let any bad person go." She walked in front of him, saw that there was still half a box of antidote in the box, and took one without any hesitation. Put it in your mouth.

"I'm also willing to try the medicine myself." After she took a sip, her eyes lit up instantly, and she smiled meaningfully at Zhu Chenqing's face.

This man also looks like a fox.

Meng Ran turned around in front of everyone, "Everyone saw it too, nothing happened."

Zhu Chenqing took out a medicine from the box and handed it to Liu Yuzhu, who was paralyzed on the ground, and said gently, "In order to avoid being wronged like that 'brother-in-law is condescending to the elder sister-in-law', madam, please take it. Let everyone bear witness."

Liu Yuzhu originally thought that he would find someone to check her body to see if she was really defiled.

The result is now...

Zhu Chenqing seemed to feel that what he said was not powerful enough, so he added a few more words.

"I heard that the reason why this medicine is called the 'Chunfenglu' nemesis is because someone once took the 'Chunfenglu' and took this medicine, and it didn't take long for them to experience abdominal cramps and bleeding from the seven orifices. People who died, but did not eat the 'Spring Breeze Dew', are still alive and well."

This time.

Liu Yuzhu, who wanted to stand up, became even more frightened.

She pinched Zhang Ruixuan's arm fiercely, but the other party has nothing to do now.

It would be fine if Zhu Chenqing could settle it with money, but he had checked it before he came. This county magistrate is a good official with a clean sleeve, so naturally he can't do things like collecting money.

If he took out the silver taels at this time, he might be arrested directly.

Zhang Ruixuan had no choice, and Liu Yuzhu didn't dare to eat it.

Everyone immediately saw something tricky.

Meng Ran stepped forward to take the pill from Zhu Chenqing's hand, squatted in front of Liu Yuzhu, looked at her with a smile and said, "Since you keep saying that my father has defiled you, the traces on your body are naturally true. Now, then this medicine will be fine for you if you take it, won't it?"

Liu Yuzhu: "..."

"Why are you staring at me? I've already eaten one just now, and Mr. Zhu is right in front of you. I can't do anything else, can I?"

Meng Ran smiled and put the pill in her hand directly to her lips, "I'm afraid you won't be able to take the medicine after all the 'hard work' last night, so let me, my father and daughter, feed you personally, if you don't want to take it again , does it mean..."

Her smile was extraordinarily gentle, but in Liu Yuzhu's eyes it was extraordinarily terrifying.

Zhang Ruixuan suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed Meng Ran away, "My mother doesn't eat these things. My mother's health has always been bad. The doctor said, don't take medicine indiscriminately, it's not good for your health."

He found such a reason to say that he didn't believe it himself, but he had no other way.

Because of his push, Meng Ran fell backwards.

When Zhu Chenqing reached out to help her, he was pushed away by a force. Meng Ran felt the familiar strong hands on his waist, and his face became stiff for a moment.

After she got up, the strength disappeared.

Zhu Chenqing looked at his hand thoughtfully, the strength just now...

He looked around with scrutiny in his eyes.

Liu Yuzhu was following what her son said, "That's right, the doctor said, I can't take medicine casually. Medicines that don't pose any problems to your body may be life-threatening charms to me."


"Heh..." Meng Ran looked at them sarcastically.

She waved her hand.

Suddenly leaned over and clasped Liu Yuzhu's chin, forcefully threw the medicine in her hand directly into her mouth.

"Hmm...cough cough...cough cough..." Liu Yuzhu choked on the throat because the medicine came too fast, and coughed a little uncomfortable.

However, after she thought of the consequences of this medicine, her face paled instantly.

"Cough...the antidote, give me the antidote for this medicine, cough...give me..." Liu Yuzhu asked while choking, looking at Zhu Chenqing expectantly, he will definitely have the antidote, definitely There will be.

Zhang Ruixuan was also afraid, now Liu Yuzhu was his only relative in the world, if she also left, he would really have no family.

"Give the antidote to my mother, my lord, please... Please, please give the antidote to my mother." He rushed over and grabbed Zhu Chenqing's arm, yelling continuously, with nervousness bursting out of his eyes And fear is not fake.

Zhu Chenqing looked at him calmly, "If your mother has never taken 'Chunfenglu', then this medicine is not only not harmful to her, but also has a nourishing effect, so don't worry."

don't worry...

How could you not worry!

His mother ate 'Spring Breeze'! ! !
"No, my mother..." Zhang Ruixuan was about to say that his mother had eaten Chunfenglu, but was interrupted by Liu Yuzhu sharply, "Ruixuan!"

Zhang Ruixuan didn't care about Liu Yuzhu's words, because he had already seen that her face had lost any color, and the sweat on her face was increasing. He seemed to have seen his mother bleeding from seven holes.

His heart was terrified.

I can't even imagine such a scene.

After all.

Zhang Ruixuan still has some conscience in his heart, at least when his father was alive, his teachings to him were always upright.

"My mother ate 'Chunfenglu', so she will die, please give us the antidote." Zhang Ruixuan yelled out with his eyes closed, and it was too late when Liu Yuzhu wanted to stop it .


(End of this chapter)

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