Chapter 54
"Hello." The two did not shake hands, but just nodded to each other.

Seeing Fu Yiqi again, Meng Ran's heart actually fluctuated. This is a terrible man. After taking off the pair of glasses, in the eyes of her, there has never been any warmth for her, only indifference, and nothing else.

Fu Xiaoxiao originally planned to invite Fu Yiqi and Meng Ran to have dinner together, after all, they are her closest people.

But when Meng Ran saw the woman coming from the corner over there, her pupils deepened, and she tugged at Fu Xiaoxiao's sleeve and said, "Xiaoxiao, didn't you say you were going shopping? It's not like I don't know, how could I keep your brother waiting for so long."


Fu Xiaoxiao was very happy in his heart.

Her closest brother has returned to China, and her best friend has been discharged from the hospital. She wants to introduce the two of them to each other.

It would be even better if they could be made into a pair.

Meng Ran leaned close to Fu Xiaoxiao's ear, and said softly, "Be good, your brother may have an appointment, let's eat some time later."

"Okay then." Fu Xiaoxiao, who followed Meng Ran's suggestion, could only wave to his elder brother and said, "Brother, remember to invite Ranran and me to dinner next time.

We have to go shopping today, so I won’t tell you more, don’t wait for me to eat tonight, let’s go first~”

When Meng Ran and Fu Xiaoxiao left, the last look that Fu Yiqi gave her back then flashed in front of her eyes.

Dark and cold, stubborn and rebellious, it's like... like something... a bit like cold and sharp ice, which makes people unable to approach.

For Fu Xiaoxiao's last wish after the car accident at that time, she tried her best to accompany him, take care of him, and even wanted to make him have a sincere smile on his face, but the final result showed that she failed.

After returning to the Eight Desolation Mirror, she didn't look at Fu Yiqi's results anymore.

Now we meet again.

Her heart is full of mixed feelings.

Why were you blind in the first place? ? ?
The tens of thousands of years of silence in the underworld have made her cold and icy. During these days of constantly shuttling in these mortal worlds, she is better, but her face is still unrecognizable. silence.

Fu Yiqi looked at her back thoughtfully, and always felt that his sister's friend gave him a very unusual feeling.

that night.

Fu Yiqi received the news from his subordinates.

Looking at Meng Ran's excellent grades in her hand, she has been the opposite of Fu Xiaoxiao's personality since she was a child. She has excellent grades and has won many awards. Everything is No.1.

A true lady.

The man slowly took off his eyes, a pair of amber eyes shining in the night, exuding the light of a hunter.

At this time, Meng Ran was already checking the air ticket to the small western town.

But looking at the distance, she frowned.

After getting there.

She will have to drive another five hours to reach the village over there, and then walk another hour on the mountain road to reach that destination.

Before leaving, she did a lot of shopping.

Because the supplies over there are limited, after she purchases them here, she sends them to the small town over there.

When she arrives, send them over together.

It's just that she didn't think of it.

Before leaving, Fu Xiaoxiao's elder brother Fu Yiqi actually wanted to invite her to dinner.

In addition, a certain Miss Fu who is of the opposite sex and inhumane forgot that she had an appointment that night, so in the end she and Fu Yiqi had dinner together.

The dinner table.

Meng Ran has been silent all the time, Fu Yiqi looks gentle and gentle when talking to her.

She still spoke very little.

"Miss Meng seems to talk very little."

Fu Yiqi's eyes hidden behind the lenses looked at her lightly, smiling tenderly.


Meng Ran knew that those amber eyes were fatally dangerous, and the indifference in them seemed to be inherent in her body, and she was the most ruthless towards everything that seemed gentle.

"Sorry, my nature is like this, I made Mr. Fu laugh."

"How could it be?" Fu Yiqi looked at her with a certain interest, which made Meng Ran frowned slightly, "Thank you Mr. Fu for dinner tonight, it's getting late, if there's nothing else, I'll go back first."

Fu Yiqi looked at her eyes that had been about to leave since she sat down, the corners of her mouth slightly curved, "Are you afraid of me?"

"You are joking. You are Xiaoxiao's elder brother. She often praises you in front of me. How can I be afraid of you?"

Absolutely does not exist.

Meng Ran looked up into his eyes, and smiled without dodging, "It's just that the discipline at home is very strict, and it's not good after all if you come back late."

The meaning of her words was already on point, but the smile on the corner of Fu Yiqi's mouth became brighter and brighter.

For some reason, she saw a familiar look in his eyes, and when she took a closer look, it had already disappeared.

Meng Ran came here by car. She didn't intend to ask Fu Yiqi to see her off, but what surprised her was that the man didn't drive. In addition, it's the rush hour of traffic jams. It might take an hour before his family's driver arrives. .

"If Ms. Meng doesn't mind, can you give me a gift?" Although Fu Yiqi's words were inquiries, he was sure that Meng Ran couldn't say no.

She will not let him do so.

"Sorry, it's not on the way."


"Bye." It's best not to meet again in the future.


Meng Ran looked at the man sitting in her co-pilot seat and sneered.

What a cheeky man.


Although she didn't drink because of driving today, Fu Yiqi drank a lot and looked drowsy.

"I'm Xiaoxiao's elder brother, and I'm so handsome. There are many female perverts at night. If something happens to me, Xiaoxiao will hate you."


"Your home is not far from mine, so you can drive to your home, and then I will go back by myself."


The car drove away amidst someone's anger. This shameless and narcissistic man is a gentle scum!

In a daze, Fu Yiqi looked at Meng Ran's black hair, the faint fragrance of his hair and his slender fair neck, which made his body feel hot.

This impulse came very suddenly, he suppressed the throbbing of his body, and looked at her quietly.

Although his past is a blank sheet of paper, he has never eaten pork and seen pigs running.

He clearly understood what his body's reaction meant.

It's just that Fu Yiqi didn't expect that he would be impulsive to his sister's good friend, and it was still under the circumstance that the other party was polite and indifferent to him all the time.

Just because of the breath on her body.

It's also ridiculous.

He is no longer a kid on campus, but she is still.

The road after passing through the busy city is very spacious, Meng Ran thought about leaving him behind and going back, so the speed of the car was a little faster.

Then when the man suddenly said "Ranran, don't move" like a dream, she slammed on the brakes. Fortunately, her speed had already slowed down at that time, so there was no big surprise.

Fu Yiqi woke up after being pulled back by the seat belt. He looked at the stopped car and turned to look at the people around him in doubt, "What's wrong? Is the car turned off?"

(End of this chapter)

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