The fast-wearing men's clothing boss is cruel and charming

Chapter 79 This Immortal Venerable Is Cool 05

Chapter 79 This Immortal Venerable Is Cool 05
Meng Ran fiercely attacked the rear, and what floated down was another pinch of white fox fur, which reminded her of her little pet in Xiwu Mountain.

This fox is really cunning.

Jun Shiyue was very surprised by her acuity and precision. Is it because he asked her to do some things because he was a confused apprentice?

Meng Ran took care of the obstacle of Fox Flower Star, looked around, and found nothing unusual, then changed back to the appearance of a little rabbit, and obediently waited for Jun Shiyue's arrival.

But what she didn't know was that...she had concealed part of her own strength, and Jun Shiyue had also concealed part of her strength.

At this time, he was behind the clouds, looking intently at Meng Ran who was lying on the soft clouds, with a strange and unclear look in his eyes with scrutiny and thinking.

After a long time.

Jun Shiyue came slowly from behind the clouds, drifting towards him step by step. The deep purple robe made him look a bit gloomy today, not as elegant as before.

"Meng Ran, come here."

A certain rabbit raised her head, and played a small temper with his behavior of coming so long. If she hadn't been strong, she would have been burned by that little fox!

"Hmph." She buried her head in the clouds, turning a blind eye to someone's overtures.

don't say anything...

His excuse for not noticing where she is, is his title of Shiyue Immortal Venerable a joke from the Six Realms? !
It was clearly intentional!
Jun Shiyue looked at the protruding rabbit ears in the clouds, and thought they were clouds if he didn't look carefully.

In the end, Jun Shiyue grabbed the rabbit's ears and lifted Meng Ran up, then stuffed it back into his sleeves, walking against the wind.

Meng Ran: "..."

Who is she?
where is she?

What is she going to do?
Meng Ran instantly began to doubt life.


She doesn't want to lose face? !
But now is not the time for her to show her strength. When the time comes, when this man succeeds in becoming a god, she will... she will...

She doesn't seem to be able to do anything! ! !

Thinking of this, Meng Ran was depressed, how could this be, she is a majestic ghost!

It is appropriate to say that the six realms are vertical and horizontal.

How did she become so crispy when she was in the Eight Desolation Mirror? !
She tried her best to calm herself down, poked her head out of his sleeve a little angrily, "Daddy, let me out."


Jun Shiyue ignored her, but accelerated forward.

Seems to be in a hurry.

Meng Ran felt bored, turned over in his Qiankun sleeves, and fell asleep again.

Jingling in the Eight Desolation Mirror sighed silently. Ranran seemed to be getting used to this situation more and more. Is this good or bad?


Qingbo Mountain.

Jun Shiyue stepped into the gate of Qingbo Mountain with the little apprentice in his sleeve, and immediately many immortals came to greet him.

"Welcome to Shiyue Immortal Venerable."

"Welcome to Shiyue Immortal Venerable."

"Shiyue Xianzun..." A scent of lotus came to her face, disturbing Meng Ran's sleepiness, she poked her head out to see a touch of white coming from afar.

Stepping on the lotus, the lotus grows step by step.

Jun Shiyue condescended to look down at the immortals, and waved his hand, and the immortals only felt a gust of wind coming.

"Get up, this deity is here for a private matter, and you'll each go away."

Jun Shiyue took Meng Ran in his sleeves towards the top of Qingbo Mountain. Lianfang's ability was above all the immortals, so he could sense the strangeness in Jun Shiyue's sleeves.

What's more, suddenly he didn't intend to hide his figure, he poked his head out of Jun Shiyue's sleeve generously, and when he saw Lian Fang's thoughtful eyes, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.


Find a companion for this Shiyue Immortal Venerable?
Then let them double cultivate together and ascend to the God Realm early?

The more she thought about it, the more likely she felt that the possibility was high, and she felt instantly happy. At first, she was worried that Jun Shiyue would have memories before the world restarted, just like Fu Yiqi in the previous world.

But 15 years have passed, and visually it is gone.

She also felt relieved.


A certain mirror spirit: It seems too early for you to be happy.


The top of Qingbo Mountain, the Wannian Snow Mountain.

This is the place where Jun Shiyue practiced before he became a celestial being. On the top of the mountain where the vast white snow could not see the edge, there was his former palace.

When he didn't find Meng Ran, he planned to travel around and then return to the top of Qingbo Mountain.

After Meng Ran's little accident on the road, he lived on Xiwu Mountain for 15 years. This was the first time he brought his little apprentice here.

"This is the place where I used to practice as a teacher. You have been practicing here for the past few days. To be a teacher, you have to go out of the courtyard." Jun Shiyue opened the barrier and sent Meng Ran in his sleeve to the eye of the formation.

The wind, frost, snow and rain continued in the enchantment, and only the eye of the array was calm.

All creatures who want to break into the barrier he set up without permission will be bound by the wind, frost, snow and rain in the barrier, and will be half-crippled if they don't die.

"Daddy——" Meng Ran transformed from a rabbit into a human in an instant. She looked at Jun Shiyue outside the barrier in puzzlement, and a gleam flashed in the other's cold eyes.

It disappeared before Meng Ran's eyes in an instant.

She stood facing the wind and fought in the eyes of the formation, looking at the direction where Jun Shiyue was leaving, she frowned slightly, did something happen?
The next moment the wind passed, Meng Ran was no longer in the eyes of the formation.

She quietly followed Jun Shiyue's breath.

This plane has a reward of 1000 spirit stones, so no matter what you say, you can't fail again.

Even if she can refresh again and again, she is very tired.

However, at the moment she left the enchantment, a fairy in a purple robe walked out from another wind and frost, and it was Jun Shiyue who had just left.

What he did just now was just a cover-up, the purpose was to see how powerful his little apprentice was.

This enchantment was set up during his heyday. Even the emperor of heaven needed half a stick of incense to break it, but Meng Ran came out of it all at once.

In the blink of an eye...

Jun Shiyue also disappeared from the spot, following Meng Ran's aura.

There is a Canghai Orchid Pavilion at the foot of Qingbo Mountain.

Different from the white snow on the top of the mountain, the water here is clear and full of fish, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. However, there are too many lotuses in the water, which conceals her interest in fishing.

These lotus flowers absorb the spiritual power from the bottom of the sea and lake, hindering the spiritual power absorbed by these fish, it is really domineering.

Meng Ran used the wind as a blade to cut off more than half of the lotus, and only then did she reveal the well-dressed blue water of the lake. The water was rippling, and the sparkling light on the vast lake surface revealed the clean and pure beauty of the snow-capped mountains.

The happy fish swimming in the lake were disturbed by the suddenly cut off lotus, and fled in fright.

"What are you doing!"


(End of this chapter)

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