Chapter 98
Seeing that Yun Xiaobao had stopped crying, Yun Zhanbei turned around to deal with the matter.

Meng Ran: "..."

So this man contacts his agent early in the morning and pulls him out of bed.

just for...

Let, him, pass, come, coax, child, son, of? !
If Meng Ran wanted to refuse, seeing Yun Xiaobao's blushing face from crying, she paused for a moment, moved her mouth, but still couldn't bear to see the child starve.

She picked up the milk bottle that was just at the right temperature on the desk, and tentatively handed it to Yun Xiaobao's mouth.

Although Yun Zhanbei was pretending to be serious about his work, he was always paying attention to the interaction between Yun Xiaobao and Meng Ran from the corner of his eye.

The moment he saw Yun Xiaobao without any restraint, biting the mouth of the bottle and drinking it "gudong gudong", he let out a cold sigh in his heart.

Hello Yun Xiaobao.

Daring is not not hungry, but not to drink what he feeds.

With a bottle full of milk, Yun Xiaobao drank it up with a "gudong gudong", and he still held Meng Ran's hand when he was done.

Yun Zhanbei: "..." Reserve!Yun Xiaobao!

Meng Ran didn't care much about a child not letting go. She put the baby bottle on the table and wanted to stand up, but because her book was held by Yun Xiaobao, if she stood up, she would definitely pull the child's hand.

For this, Meng Ran decided to hug him.

He glanced at Yun Zhanbei, who had worked so hard over there, he was really an irresponsible "father".

Meng Ran directly regarded Yun Xiaobao as Yun Zhanbei's son by default.

Yun Xiaobao was held in his arms obediently, and she looked cute without crying or fussing.

She took out her mobile phone and glanced at the messages on it. Ai Bei didn't send him a single message, which didn't suit her temperament at all.

Was it detained?
She glanced at Yun Zhanbei, but the other party ignored him at all.

Yun Xiaobao hugged his neck tightly, followed him to look at his own uncle curiously, as if seeing him for the first time.

Meng Ran looked at the little guy in her arms suspiciously.

Yun Xiaobao immediately smiled brightly.

"You really like to laugh." It was completely different from Yun Zhanbei who had a cold face over there.

"Good boy, shall I take you out to have a look?" Meng Ran didn't know what he looked like now, he really looked like a villain who kidnapped and trafficked children, but Yun Xiaobao leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, expressing his agreement.

Meng Ran pushed her tongue against the cheek kissed by Yun Xiaobao, and smiled, "Little brat, how dare you take advantage of me."

"President Yunda, I'll take your son outside for a walk."

I walked all the way just now and saw that there is an indoor amusement park specially prepared for children outside.

Although the little guy can't play by himself yet, there is a lot of space outside. It's better to hold him for a walk outside than to bear the cold air in Yun Zhanbei here.

Yun Zhanbei looked up at him and nodded.

"Don't go far."

He was answered by Meng Ran's door opening.

There are only these places on the top floor, where else can he go?
Don't think he doesn't know, the elevator and the stairs on the top floor need a special ID card to come and go.

It can be said.

If no one arranged for them to leave, both he and Aibei would have to spend time here.

Meng Ran hugged Yun Xiaobao and walked in the direction where Mu Xi and Ai Bei left just now. This top floor is really weird, all the tables and chairs have soft hemmings, toys and children's playthings can be seen everywhere. rides.

It's like an indoor playground.



Meng Ran hugged the child and found Ai Bei who had discussed with Mu Xi about the future affairs. The other party looked at him with complicated eyes, and finally turned into rare animals.

Um?what's the situation?
When Mu Xi saw Bei Mengran holding Yun Xiaobao in his arms who was not crying or fussing, he was almost moved to tears.

This morning.

Before Ai Bei and Meng Ran came over, he was coaxed by this little ancestor, but it was of no use at all, he should cry or cry.

He is a good young man, one is not married, and the other is that he has no girlfriend.

But for making milk powder for children and changing diapers, professionals can no longer be professional.

A bitter tear.

Meng Ran hugged the child very casually, and Mu Xi's heart was pounding all the time watching it.

But Xiaobao was still very happy.

He took the initiative to wrap his arms around Meng Ran's neck, and looked at Mu Xi and Ai Bei curiously.

"Meng Ran, where did you abduct the child?" Ai Bei came over curiously and looked at Yun Xiaobao. The delicate little face was the most beautiful child she had ever seen. She reached out to touch Yun Xiaobao. But was dodged by the other party.

Aibei: "..." Well, I was rejected.

Mu Xi: "..." In an instant, my heart was balanced.

In order to make the little ancestor more comfortable, Mu Xi still suggested, "Mr. Meng, you put your hands up, so that Xiaobao will be more comfortable."

Does this really regard him as the child's nanny?

"You will? Then I'll give you the child." Meng Ran pretended to hand the child to Mu Xi, but before sending the child, Yun Xiaobao's golden beans were already brewing, and Mu Xi immediately waved his hand in fright.

"No, no, Xiaobao likes to be hugged by you. Meng Ran, you can hug more and put Xiaobao to sleep."

Meng Ran frowned.

Want to coax him to sleep?

She glanced sideways at Yun Xiaobao who was staring at him closely, and said with a twitch of the corner of her mouth, "Little guy, are you sleepy? If you are sleepy, hurry up and sleep on your stomach for a while."

Mu Xi and Ai Bei twitched the corners of their mouths at the same time, is there such a straightforward way to send a child to sleep?

However, to their surprise...

Yun Xiaobao leaned on Meng Ran's shoulder obediently, closed his eyes and started to sleep.

Mu Xi: "..."


People are more popular than dead people.

What Abe wanted to say was also closed after seeing the child drowsy.


"Miss Aibei, I believe what I said is very simple and clear. As long as you sign with Mr. Meng Ran, we will arrange the best resources for Mr. Meng Ran, and we will also tailor a film and television drama suitable for him. .”


"Mu Special Assistant, I naturally believe that the Yun Group will make a move. Although all this is very good, you can see Meng Ran's temper to some extent. I still need to ask for her consent."


This is the conversation between Ai Bei and Mu Xi before they came out of the conference room.

Now seeing the atmosphere between Meng Ran and this child, Aibei suddenly felt that Meng Ran had a great temperament of fatherly love.

When Yun Zhanbei came out, he didn't see Meng Ran and Yun Xiaobao.

He frowned.

It was time for Mu Xi to come out and say something to him.

"President, Mr. Meng Ran and the young master are sleeping in the lounge."

"what happened?"

Mu Xi recounted everything before, and then added, "After the young master fell asleep, he was still unwilling to let go of Mr. Meng Ran, so he had to rest with the young master."

Yun Zhanbei came to the door of the lounge, pushed open a small gap, and took a look.

Yun Xiaobao slept very sweetly in Meng Ran's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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