Chapter 120

1836 AD.

Daliang People's Republic, Jinyang City, Jingzhou Province, Jinyang University Library.

Yang Xue was flipping through the historical materials of Tai'an period in Daliang, and there was a post on the computer next to her, which was called: On Empress Wei who traveled through time.

Landlord: In the past, we have been saying that people like Tesla, Da Vinci, and Wang Mang are all time-travelers, and we have cited various examples, but I want to say that the Tai’an Emperor Wei and Queen Wei more than 200 years ago are the real time-travelers , and still wearing it!

Empress Wei's life experience is ominous. It first appeared because she rescued Emperor Tai'an who was wiped out by the imperial conquest at that time. The specific situation is not written in the historical materials, but think about it, a queen, so many things about her are written in the historical materials, but She didn't write about her background, so she just said "unknown". No matter how you look at it, she was wearing clothes, or she just happened to travel to the battlefield and save Emperor Tai'an!If it weren't for the time traveler, why would Emperor Tai'an be so devoted to Empress Wei later on, and even under the pressure of all the officials, "the second sage is facing the court" and sit on an equal footing with her!Tsk tsk, not to mention Emperor Tai'an, even the women in Emperor Tai'an's original harem surrendered to her!

Well, the above is just an appetizer, now let's talk about the evidence of Queen Wei's time travel.First of all, she broke the rule of "the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics" and came to the "two sages to court", but she even convinced the civil and military ministers of the court, and no one opposed her, which shows her personal charm and governance methods.The second is her several measures to improve the status of women.It must be hard for everyone to imagine that 200 years ago, our country was still superior to men and women were inferior. It is not like women can hold up half the sky now. Girls should thank Empress Wei. She opened a girls' academy, and later gave girls an additional position as a legal consultant. Fight for——the teaching content of this academy also needs to be written in a special book, so let's not list it for the time being.Once again, she developed productivity, developed commerce, opened the sea ban, and sent a businesswoman to conduct overseas trade for the first time. By the way, she killed two birds with one stone and solved all the pirates. How courageous!

Next, we will focus on the women's academy run by Empress Wei.At that time, the imperial examinations were based on Confucianism and the principles of Confucius and Mencius, but what was taught in women's colleges?It is a modern course at all!Empress Wei went into battle in person, teaching Arabic numerals!Everyone knows that the symbols of Arabic numerals were invented by the ancient bream people more than 1000 years ago. At that time, the Asian continent where our beams are located and the African continent where the ancient bream people are located did not have any contact channels!What are the four arithmetic operations, square root, trigonometric functions... The key point is trigonometric functions. Where do those patterns and symbols come from in the past?It was Empress Wei's place, Biu popped up all of a sudden, without even a little bit of evolution.By the way, there is also calculus that must be mentioned. Leibniz and Newton did not invent this at that time!Although the history books did not clearly state what it was called, but look at the symbols on the ancient books that have been handed down, what is it not a differential?Alas, it's a pity that not many words have been handed down, otherwise our Daliang would have another great and maddening invention!

In addition to mathematics, physics is also taught in girls' colleges!Have you seen the force analysis diagram?Alas, some people say it's just graffiti, but your graffiti is painted as a force analysis diagram?Are the squares representing small wooden blocks and the arrows representing force familiar to everyone?Also, an official of the Qin Tianjian at that time left a note saying that the land where he lived was a sphere, and he also cited a sailboat approaching from a distance to reveal its sails as evidence.Some people say that this note is a fantasy note, but I think this official knew Queen Wei, and he didn't think it up by himself, Queen Wei told him!The evidence is that this official had a childhood with Yan Rusong, a heroic general in Daliang at that time, and this general had an affair with Empress Wei in the unofficial history-don't say "don't bring up the unofficial history". Emperor Tai'an almost died on the battlefield. When Queen Wei escorted him back to Jinyang, it was this general who guarded the city!It's a pity that Empress Wei stopped teaching in the girls' college later, and no one could continue to teach physics, and it was quickly lost.

The last thing I want to talk about is the law class taught in the girls' college."The value of the law lies in freedom, equality, and order", "everyone is equal before the law", "presumption of innocence"... these concepts were incompatible with the ethical concepts at that time.However, these concepts are too advanced after all. It is a pity that Empress Wei only said it in the early days, and then she did not teach it anymore. If there were no female students at that time who took notes and passed them down, no one would know.But even so, this course has also trained Daliang many legal workers with a considerable degree of legal literacy, and they are all women!Later, Empress Wei carried out judicial reforms, made Dali Temple independent, and also rigidly stipulated that officials should not interfere with Dali Temple's handling of cases.Tsk tsk, we have a tradition of imperial power interfering in the judiciary since ancient times, but what about Empress Wei, she actually wants to make the judiciary independent!Although the arms can't hold the thighs, even when Empress Wei was alive, administrative interference in the judiciary was never rare, but look at this advanced thinking and legal literacy, I bet that Empress Wei is a time traveler who graduated in law!

Having said so much, those who oppose it will always put forward various theories, but anyway, I firmly believe in Empress Wei's identity as a time traveler.Alas, if only Empress Wei had the habit of keeping a diary, then everything would be revealed.

Finally, Empress Wei was about 22 years old when she met Emperor Tai'an, so please cherish the girl named Wei Yunqing by your side, maybe you will never see her again after she is 22 years old...

Yang Xue just glanced at it and didn't read the whole post, so she even laughed at it.There are so many ancient wizards in this world, these people just don't want to admit that there are such awesome people in this world, and they say that others are time-traveling.Most of the things written in this post exist in unofficial history, so there is no need to take it seriously at all, just laugh it off.

After Yang Xue spent a day in the library, the thesis for the elective course was finally finished. The hard work paid off, and she got a full grade in this class.

When returning home during the Chinese New Year, Yang Xue rarely accompanied her parents back to her hometown.Yang Xue's family was originally from the countryside. They settled down after buying a house in the city, and rarely returned to their hometown.This time, they will go back because of the death of an old patriarch of the grandparents in their hometown.

Yang Xue's old family has the same surname in the whole village, and they are all related by blood.After staying in his hometown for three days, Yang Xue felt that the old family was too bragging.What is said that the ancestors of the Yang family are of royal blood, which can be traced back to the second prince during the Tai'an period, and later King Xuan, all in the genealogy.After listening to the folks bragging about it for a few days, Yang Xue also had some thoughts in her heart, so she begged the old man in the clan to take her to see the genealogy.

The university that Yang Xue was admitted to was the best university in Daliang, and the family members had always been proud of her, so they satisfied her and took her to see the family tree.The genealogy was originally guarded by the old patriarch, but now that he passed away, the genealogy was passed on to the new patriarch, with a large box of ancient books, which were only allowed to be seen and not touched, for fear of falling apart.

In fact, Yang Xue is not very interested in the genealogy. The first page contains some names at the beginning, and I don't know whether it is true or not.It was the pile of ancient books, which she really wanted to read.That is a genuine antique, and it is not easy to preserve it until now.

Yang Xue pleaded and begged again, and finally got the treatment of flipping through ancient books wearing gloves under the supervision of the new patriarch.The patriarch didn't allow the photo to be taken, so she could only take a quick look at it. Unexpectedly, she found a strange manuscript after seeing it.

The manuscript was only the size of a piece of B4 paper, and it was folded in half in a story book. She carefully identified it for a while, and then her heart started pounding—it seemed to be the manuscript of Emperor Wei of Tai'an!

The paper looked very old, but the words were actually written in simplified characters, but I don’t know if it was a typo or something, some words had more strokes, and some words had fewer strokes——after reading the entire article, she realized that those were not typos at all, but Different simplified characters developed in different worlds!

To future generations:

My name is Wei Yunqing, and I am a time traveler.Now she is the queen of Emperor Tai'an of Daliang Guo, although I don't want to be such a queen at all.

I don't know if my self-report can be seen by others, and I don't know if people who see it will believe it. These are not important, just wait for someone who is destined.As mentioned above, I am a time traveler, and I am from a parallel world.The history here is not exactly the same as that of my world. There are many specious things, I am not a history student, and I can't remember so many things.

I was on the battlefield when I first traveled, and I saved Yang Yi, who is Emperor Tai'an.I won’t talk about the days when I sent him back to Jinyang, I was tired, there were pig teammates inside, and godly opponents outside, I was able to send him back safely, it was a bonus to pass through the halo of the heroine.

Later, I had a relationship, but it didn't work out, because Yang Yi directly got me into the palace, and then the person I liked also married someone under pressure.I've met that girl before, she's pretty and has a good personality, she suits him quite well, I can't even hate them, I can only bless them.But after that, I didn't have any thoughts about dating, just being a queen is a job, I have something to do, and I have nothing to do.The time in the future is still so long, sometimes when I think about the past in the middle of the night, I will inevitably feel sad and desperate, and when I wake up, I will be a good man again.

Today is the whole year I traveled through, and I write these, it can be regarded as a kind of remembrance.I can't guess what will happen in the future, but life will always go on.I don’t know if you in the future will be frightened by a person like me who is out of tune with this world, haha, like Tesla, Da Vinci—I don’t know if there will be such people in your world—they are Really high IQ, I'm just an ordinary person who time-traveled, completely borrowing the wisdom of the predecessors.

I wish your world is getting better and better, no discrimination, common prosperity and world peace~
Signed: Wei Yunqing, a lonely traveler.

The host of that post... really guessed right!
Yang Xue was dumbfounded when she saw this manuscript. If this thing is taken out, it will definitely cause a big disturbance.Not only in the field of history, but also in the field of science.A traveler who traveled from another world changed the history of this world!
While being excited, she still has reason. Yang Xue knew that if she asked the new patriarch for this manuscript, the other party would definitely not give it to her. She wanted to hide it quietly but the other party was watching closely. Said the content and importance of this manuscript.

However, the new patriarch didn't understand what time-traveling meant, Yang Xue explained it several times and he got annoyed, and then he simply didn't let her continue reading.

Yang Xue had no choice but to think about not wanting this manuscript to be silent, so she contacted several local newspapers on Weibo, but no one believed that she had a manuscript proving that Empress Wei was a time traveler.She didn't give up, and looked for many people, and finally found one who was willing to find out.Yang Xue was very excited, and hurriedly took her back to her hometown, but the patriarch told her that shortly after she left, a fire broke out in the ancestral hall, and most of the ancient books were burned.Yang Xue took the Liang history expert to search for a long time in the pile of ancient books and relics, but found nothing.

The manuscript that could prove that Empress Wei was a time traveler had been destroyed in the fire.Yang Xue had seen it, but her words were unfounded, and no one would believe Empress Wei's identity as a time traveler just because of her words.The expert is gone, and the matter is over.

Yang Xue was very sad, she dug up the post, and wrote in the post: Landlord, you guessed it right, Empress Wei traveled through time.I found some ancient books in my hometown, and one of the scriptures contained a manuscript written by Empress Wei, which stated her identity as a time traveler, but she did not travel through the past in our time, she came from another world, and history is the same as ours. s difference.I have approached many people to announce this news, but the manuscript was later burned in a fire, and my words are unfounded. You will definitely think that I am grandstanding and deceiving you.

In that manuscript, Empress Wei stated her identity as a time traveler, and also wrote that she had a relationship, but it ended without a problem, and Emperor Tai'an's robbery ruined her marriage.Empress Wei is not only a different world traveler, she is also a very interesting person, she is very kind, and her kindness and strength can be seen between the lines.It is a pity that there is no way to make these public.

After reading that manuscript, I didn't have much feeling for Empress Wei at first, but now, I admire and pity her.Her final signature was "A Lonely Traveler", and she said it with all her heart.The time she wrote the manuscript was one year after time travel. At that time, Emperor Tai'an had not cleared up the harem for her. I naively hoped that after that year, someone would make her no longer feel lonely.

Yang Xue's reply didn't cause much splash, because no one believed it.The host of that post only said "I'll just say it" symbolically, obviously only thinking that she made up this paragraph on purpose to support him.

Yang Xue didn't care, in fact, even she herself wasn't sure if the manuscript was genuine.After all, before any tests could be done, the manuscript disappeared into the sea of ​​flames. Maybe it was just a joke made by someone in the past.However, Empress Wei is no longer a cold name to her. In her mind, Empress Wei is a real person with flesh and blood, joy and tears.The cold passages in the history books can't outline Empress Wei's emotions. She hopes that the alien traveler, who may be her ancestor, will be more joyful than sad in his magnificent life, even if he is entangled in trivial matters.

(End of this chapter)

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