Chapter 4

Wei Yunqing was stunned.

The arrow came so suddenly and was so close to her. The moment she fell to the ground, her heart almost stopped beating. She thought that she was shot by the arrow and would die for stealing the rabbit.

But soon she discovered that the flying arrow only hit her clothes and didn't hurt her at all.The arrow pinned the clothes under her right armpit firmly to the ground, and she could only grab the body of the arrow with her left hand and pull it upwards forcefully.

The arrow didn't move at all.

If she thought that the other party's archery skills were not good before, now she can be sure that the other party has excellent archery skills. Not only did he "catch" her accurately, but he didn't hurt her at all.

The sound of footsteps approached, Wei Yunqing looked up, and saw a tall man in a military uniform with narrow sleeves and a dark armor walking towards him.He has a tall and straight figure, and his face is like a crown jade. The moonlight falls lightly on his handsome facial features, which adds a unique charm to his originally clear and clear temperament. Shi Shi comes like Pan An reborn.

The man suddenly gasped, walked two steps quickly, looked down at her three steps away from Wei Yunqing, and said in surprise, "A woman?"

Wei Yunqing didn't know who the other party was, but the demeanor of this man was not like a hunter, but like a nobleman.But in this wilderness, where does the noble young man come from?Judging from the clothes he was wearing, he seemed to be an official?He can shoot arrows, and he still has a waist knife tied around his waist... so he is a military officer?

"My lord! I'm very sorry, the little girl only wants to touch your things when she's extremely hungry... I beg your lord to spare me!" Wei Yunqing's mind was spinning rapidly, and the most suitable words had already spit out from his mouth.This man looked calm and relaxed. At first glance, he was not an official of the defeated Daliang Kingdom, but probably an enemy soldier.Yang Yi said before that it was the Great Song State in the north who was fighting with the Liang State, and this person seemed to be a soldier of the Great Song State.

So, is this man here looking for Yang Yi? ——No, no, he seems to be alone, and he is not looking for anyone, so he probably didn't come to look for Yang Yi, or he probably didn't know that Yang Yi was here!

The man raised his eyebrows and looked her up and down.

Because of the sudden fall, Wei Yunqing didn't do any protection, the vines used to tie her hair spread out, and her long hair scattered all over the floor, adding a bit of messy beauty.She looked embarrassed, and she was wearing a men's military uniform, but after all, she was naturally beautiful, and the beauty was even more hazy under the moonlight, which made her charming and charming.

"Where are you from?" The man's tone softened unconsciously.

"The little girl came here on the run! There are wars everywhere, the little girl really has nowhere to escape, so she had to flee into the woods, just now following the scent, and didn't think too much when she saw this barbecue..." Wei Yunqing said His eyes drifted to the barbecue, and his stomach growled a few times in unison.

The man chuckled: "The visitor is a guest, and it is fate to meet you here. I will share half of this roasted rabbit with you."

He bent down and pulled out the arrow easily, and stretched out his hand towards Wei Yunqing.

Wei Yunqing relaxed slightly, grabbed his hand and wanted to get up, but he didn't expect the other party to force her back with one hand, and suppressed her from above, preventing her from getting up.

"My lord, this is..." Wei Yunqing's voice trembled slightly.What's the situation here, the agreed rabbit will share half with her? !
The man squatted halfway behind Wei Yunqing, and his clear voice was almost in her ear: "First, with your appearance and demeanor, if I say that you are an ordinary woman in a certain village, I would never believe it; second, you The clothes on my body are my military uniforms made in the Song Dynasty; thirdly, men and women can’t kiss each other. I stretched out my hand to pull you, but I didn’t see you hesitated. Who are you and why are you here? You suffer less."

Wei Yunqing was stunned, how did she know what the ordinary women in this village were like?Besides, she is used to living in modern society, so how can a man and a woman not agree with each other?Don't talk about holding hands, it doesn't matter if you hug it!It's the clothes... It's true that she was negligent, but how could she notice these things when she was starving?She didn't know that she would be so unlucky, but she happened to meet a soldier from the Song Dynasty, and the clothes were recognized by him!She was wearing a nightgown underneath, so she wouldn't steal a roasted rabbit and make her run naked, would she? !

Wei Yunqing will keep this in mind, but the most important thing right now is to escape from this man.

Wei Yunqing looked at Lin Zi out of the corner of his eye. Now she is in a restrained state, why doesn't Yang Yi come out to help?Was he waiting for the opportunity, or was he too scared to move, or he had already fled away?
Relying on others is worse than relying on oneself. After realizing that Yang Yi could not be counted on, Wei Yunqing leaned back slightly and straightened up, relieving some of the pain of having his arms cut behind his back.

"It seems that there are many smart people in the world." Instead of putting on the pitiful look just now, she said in a calm voice.

"Huh?" The man snorted through his nose, "Human world? What do you mean? You want to say that you are not extraordinary?"

"Of course I'm not a mortal." Wei Yunqing deliberately sneered, and then continued to babble, "The three flaws you mentioned are very easy to explain. I took off the clothes from the dead, and I didn't know that they were soldiers from the Song Dynasty. Clothes? I am not from this world, so I am not like the women you are familiar with. The so-called incompatibility between men and women is just a joke in our world."

Wei Yunqing's ability to talk nonsense in a serious manner is very good. Even if the content of her words is extremely absurd, she can't stand her superb performance, which really scares this man a little.

But after a while, the man suddenly laughed: "Interesting! According to what you said, you are a fairy? Then tell me, how could you be easily caught by me?"

This time Wei Yunqing paused for a long time, trying to simulate the distressed state of an unlucky immortal who lost his mana.

"It's just a tiger falling into Pingyang and being bullied by a dog." Wei Yunqing snorted.

The man suddenly let go of Wei Yunqing, got up, walked to her, and squatted down in front of her.In just a short contact, he easily found that this woman was weak and weak, and he was not afraid that she would find an opportunity to hurt him.

Wei Yunqing suddenly lost strength and fell to the soft ground.She rubbed her shoulders and looked forward.

The man smiled and said: "I originally thought that if you beg for mercy, I would let you go, but I didn't expect to ask something interesting. Little fairy, how about you tell me about your fairy world in detail?"

Wei Yunqing's expression changed a few times, but he didn't pay attention to the first half of his sentence.Now this man is talking nonsense, how could he, who is so sensitive, let her who is full of doubts go because of her begging for mercy?As for his last sentence, it was full of ridicule.

Wei Yunqing met his gaze without dodging or avoiding: "Speaking out will scare you to death!"

The man laughed. He sat cross-legged on the ground, pretending to be listening to a story, and said, "Nothing can scare me since I was a child. If you can really scare me, I'll let you go. How about it?"

"Once you say your word, it's the puppy who regrets it!" Wei Yunqing said quickly.

The man was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed heartily again. After the laughter stopped, he looked at Wei Yunqing with burning eyes and said, "I was in a bad mood today, but I didn't expect to be made laugh by you. Why don't you just talk to me?" let's go."

"...Wait! Just now you let me go because you said it would scare you, how can you go back on your word?" Wei Yunqing hastily stopped him.

The man rubbed his chin, stared at Wei Yunqing and smiled, "I don't mind being a puppy."

Wei Yunqing: "..." What the hell, she wanted to kill someone.

"I'm a fairy, you are a mortal, and you want to take me away?" She stared with disdain.

The man spread his hands and said with a smile: "You have fallen into my hands, if you want to escape, just try it, if you can't catch up, I will definitely give up."

When meeting a rascal man with high force value, he can really be pissed off by the other party.

"Do you know that you will be punished by heaven for kidnapping a fairy?" Wei Yunqing threatened.

"Tell me what kind of divine punishment it is?" the man asked with a smile.

Wei Yunqing said: "Actually, I didn't come down to earth alone, my guard just got lost, and he will find me soon. If you want to escape unscathed, I advise you to plan early, otherwise my guard will call you There is no place to die!"

"Oh? Then I'll just wait." The man smiled again, apparently not taking Wei Yunqing's words seriously.

Wei Yunqing looked at the man bitterly, and suddenly shouted: "Ayi! If you don't come out and save me, I'm going to die of anger!"

The man watched Wei Yunqing's performance with a smile, neither stopping nor making a sound.

Wei Yunqing continued to shout: "Come sneak up on him while I'm talking to him!"

She knew that this man didn't believe her words at all, so she simply instructed Yang Yi blatantly.

The shouting stopped, and the surroundings were silent. Wei Yunqing deliberately glanced around in a concealed manner, and his gaze stayed for a second longer in the direction where Yang Yi was hiding, but there was no movement there.Her heart sank, Yang Yi, did he really abandon her and run away?

"Where's your guard? I'm still waiting." The man laughed.

Wei Yunqing kept his mouth shut.

If Yang Yi really escaped, then she would only have herself to rely on.The man in front of her was a soldier of the Great Song Dynasty. Although he was a rogue, he seemed to be educated and able to reason. In order to protect herself, she had no choice but to sell Yang Yi to this man in front of her.If it's not impossible, she doesn't want to cooperate with anyone other than Yang Yi at all, and the man in front of her is the type she least wants to cooperate with. She would definitely suffer from a trade.

But if there was no other way, she had no choice but to take the risk.

With a smile on his face, the man watched Wei Yunqing's uncertain appearance with great interest, and said with a smile: "It seems that your guards are also afraid of me, so they dare not come out to rescue you."

With the facts before his eyes, Wei Yunqing had nothing to say.

The man turned his eyes on her clothes, and asked a little curiously: "You just said that you took off the clothes from the dead, are you really so bold?"

"It's just a dead person." Wei Yunqing replied boldly.

"That person... was also killed by you?"

Wei Yunqing cast a contemptuous look: "If I could kill people, would I be caught by you? It's just that I saw a battlefield on the way to escape and took off a piece of clothing." Her palms were sweating, and this Men never say anything without temptation.

"Why?" the man asked.

Wei Yunqing was taken aback: "What?"

The man raised his eyebrows and said, "The clothes are dirty and smelly. They were worn by dead people. What are you wearing them for?"

"I'm cold." Wei Yunqing's expression was upright.

The man smiled: "Little fairy, when you descended, didn't you come down wearing a bellyband? The weather is not considered cold."

Wei Yunqing thought, she just said this man is smart?She even guessed that she came down in pajamas!

"Of course not, I'm just afraid of the cold." Wei Yunqing categorically denied it. Seeing that the topic drifted to nowhere, she had to try her best to bring it back, "Well, since I can't lie to you, I'll tell you the truth."

Hearing what Wei Yunqing said, the man didn't look very happy, nodded and said: "Tell me." It means, whether you say it or not, it's up to me to believe it or not.

Wei Yunqing said: "I lied to you when I said that I came from the sky." This is a deception, she really fell from the sky.

"Oh, then who are you?"

Wei Yunqing ignored him, and continued to speak at his own pace: "But the origin of the clothes and the fleeing are true. I am the daughter of a wealthy businessman. I encountered deserters on the way to escape, and my family was scattered. I managed to I just escaped and was planning to find my family. You ask me why I don’t look like a village woman, because I am not a village woman. As for not avoiding the defense of men and women... My father only has one daughter, and he trained me to be a business housekeeper since childhood. If I'm still like Xiaojiabiyu, who doesn't leave the door and doesn't step out of the door, and I can blush when I see a foreigner, how can I take on the big responsibility?"

Wei Yunqing's words sounded a bit more authentic to the man, and what she said at this moment really corresponded to the cleverness, vigilance and eloquence she showed.And when it comes to family members, Wei Yunqing can't help thinking of his family and friends in modern times, and can't help showing sadness, which further deepens his credibility.

She had been in danger before, and Wei Yunqing had no time to be sentimental. At this time, she casually mentioned it, and it was inevitable that she would be a little sad, but sentimentality is useless, and she can't go back, so she can only stay here with peace of mind.

"This is much more believable." The man thought thoughtfully.

Wei Yunqing continued his efforts: "My lord, I know that you are a soldier of the Song Dynasty, and I am a commoner of Daliang. We belong to different countries, so you don't have to show mercy to me. But there is a way that God has the virtue of good life. If you can let me find Family, I will definitely repay you ten times and a hundred times in the future!"

"I don't need to repay you ten times and a hundred times..." The man said slowly, "What's your name?"

"The little girl's surname is Wei." Wei Yunqing replied after being startled.He actually changed the subject for her again!
"What about your name?" The man raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you say that you never avoid men and women?"

"..." Wei Yunqing struggled for a while, considering that he was a black household here anyway and could not find anything, so he gave his real name, "Yun Qing. Yun and Qing of Baiyun Qingshui."

"Yunqing..." The man repeated, with a soft smile on the corner of his mouth, he suddenly raised his gaze to Wei Yunqing's face, and smiled slightly, "Yunqing, I will help you find..."

He paused and asked, "What's your father's name?"

Wei Yunqing was on guard against him asking this just now, and had already made up the name, so he immediately replied: "Father Wei Youcai."

The man raised his brows, and suddenly he stepped forward and grabbed Wei Yunqing's waist, carried her upside down on his shoulders, and said with a big smile, "I'll help you find my father-in-law!"

Wei Yunqing with his head down: ... Fuck!

(End of this chapter)

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