Chapter 43

Before arriving at the small courtyard, Wei Yunqing let Yan Rusong go and didn't make things difficult for him anymore.

After getting out of the car, Wei Yunqing dragged Yan Rusong back and forth, took him around the corners of the small courtyard, even took him to see the back room, and finally went back to the study she had specially opened up, and put the The Four Treasures of the Study pushed him in front of him, and said with a smile: "Help me write a piece of writing, I want to frame it."

Yan Rusong said helplessly: "My words are indistinct."

Wei Yunqing showed him a picture he had written in boredom while waiting for Xiaoman's news, and said proudly, "That's why I'm not eye-catching."

The handwriting she took out can only be said to understand what she wrote, other than that, it really can't be called a handwriting.It's crooked, with no strokes, like a pool of mud that can't support the wall.This is written with a soft brush. Wei Yunqing's soft brush calligraphy is really not good, but this time when she bought the Four Treasures of the Study, she specially chose the brush that she used before, which is similar to a fountain pen. The tip is very thin and short, which is relatively good control.Others use it as a writing brush, and hang the pen on the wrist, but Wei Yunqing uses it as a fountain pen, and there is no sense of disobedience when he squeezes it tightly to write on the rice paper.In addition, there is a pen cap, which is more like a fountain pen. Wei Yunqing has no problem with hard pen calligraphy.However, she hid the words written in this kind of written test and did not let Yan Rusong read them.

Yan Rusong smiled and shook his head, compromised and said, "Will you polish the ink for me?"

"Of course!" Wei Yunqing hurriedly opened the ink cartridge, grinding ink like Xiu'er did before.Xiu'er had served in the study before, so she was very familiar with writing and ink, but Wei Yunqing cherished the two of them being alone on dates, so when they arrived at the study, they kicked out all the waiters.

Yan Rusong dipped his pen into the ink and asked casually, "What do you want me to write?"

Wei Yunqing thought for a while, and countless poems and songs flashed in his mind. Too many choices made him choose phobia.She calmed down and looked at Yan Rusong, and said with a smile, "Just write the green pine into the clouds."

Yan Rusong was startled, then smiled and said, "Okay."

He lowered his head, spread out the rice paper, thought carefully before writing.

Green pine into the clouds, this is the homophony of the four characters in the names of the two people, and the combination of these four characters looks very artistic.Wei Yunqing watched Yan Rusong write smoothly, and the four characters gradually took shape under his pen, and suddenly he blushed a little - if you think about the four characters in a wrong way, they seem to be quite yellow...

Wei Yunqing knew that he was the only one who was evil, so he silently suppressed that thought back to the bottom of his heart, watching Yan Rusong complete the last stroke with eyes full of joy. The pen actually made her see the meaning of lingering.

"Please draw a pine tree for me!" Wei Yunqing said suddenly.

Yan Rusong had never seen someone draw a painting, so he said helplessly: "One of my paintings is worse than a book."

"It's okay, just draw whatever you want." Wei Yunqing said with a smile, "Why don't you take a look at my painting skills to find your confidence?"

Yan Rusong realized that he couldn't do without painting, so he looked down helplessly for a while, and outlined a pine tree standing on a cliff with a few strokes.

Wei Yunqing pushed Yan Rusong away, and stood in front of the table admiringly looking at the writing. He was very happy, and said with a smile: "You people are always so self-effacing, saying that this is not good and that is not good, but you can write it out and draw it clearly. It's amazing."

She was so satisfied with the calligraphy and painting in front of her, she wished she could hang it up immediately and look at it every day.

"My paintings and calligraphy are indeed difficult to be considered elegant." Yan Rusong had to defend himself.

Wei Yunqing said: "This calligraphy and painting was given to me. I said it looks good, but it doesn't matter what you say."

Yan Rusong was speechless.In terms of the power of fallacies, how can he compare to Wei Yunqing?

Wei Yunqing admired the calligraphy and painting for a while, and the more he looked at it, the more he couldn't put it down. When the ink was dry, he called Shaoyao and asked her to frame the calligraphy and painting as soon as possible.

There were too few indoor entertainment activities in ancient times, but Wei Yunqing is also thankful that there are no mobile phones and WiFi here, otherwise the two of them may become bow-headed people, playing their own things, how boring it is.

She asked Xiu'er to bring snacks, pulled Yan Rusong to sit down at the round table, and said with a smile, "I still want to hear your story... the story of your childhood."

Yan Rusong found that after he talked to Wei Yunqing, the mood he felt most was helplessness with a touch of sweetness, and it was the same at this moment, but he also made a request: "I just want to talk to you, okay?"

He was decisive on the battlefield, but when he came to Wei Yunqing's place, even making a request seemed to be pleading. Even if she disagreed, he couldn't do anything about her, but obediently followed her request.

Seeing Yan Rusong's embarrassed face, Wei Yunqing remembered that last time she dragged a group of people to listen to Yan Rusong's story on the battlefield. He probably had a psychological shadow at that time, and was afraid that she would also find a group of people to listen to it this time.

She smiled sweetly and said, "Okay." After a pause, she added, "I can't bear to let other people hear about your childhood."

She pushed a plate of melon seeds in front of Yan Rusong, and said coquettishly, "Will you help me peel the melon seeds while talking?"

"...Okay." Yan Rusong naturally agreed.

Wei Yunqing stared at Yan Rusong's slender hands nimbly peeling melon seeds, and heard his clear and gentle voice.

"I didn't like reading when I was young, and my father often reprimanded me for it." Yan Rusong didn't know where to start. In [-], I climbed a tree to dig out a bird's nest, and accidentally fell from the tree, broke my leg, and lay in bed for three months."

Wei Yunqing interjected with a smile: "So you were very afraid that your father would break your leg later?"

Yan Rusong nodded in embarrassment. He had never talked about these things with others. Speaking of it this time, he actually missed that time. It's just that time flies, and it's useless to reminisce about it. The most important thing is to cherish the people in front of you.He continued: "When I got older, I fell in love with reading military books, and I always imagined the scene of beating Fang Qiu on the battlefield and making a plan."

Wei Yunqing showed an expression of "I understand". She can understand Jack Su's boy's dream. After all, she also had Mary Su's girl's dream in her second year of middle school. The direction and content of everyone's fantasy are different, but the essence is similar .

"My father has probably been disappointed in me and didn't care about me anymore. I was fascinated by it, and it has been out of control since then." Yan Rusong said with a smile, "That year, I passed the martial arts exam and got my wish and went to the battlefield. Fighting a war is completely different from what I thought, but at that time there was no retreat, and this walk has reached today."

Wei Yunqing was very fortunate to hear that, fortunately Yan Rusong did not read those pedantic Confucian classics since he was a child, otherwise how could he accept such a deviant her?

"It's a good thing you were naughty at the time, otherwise it's unclear whether Daliang can be preserved now." Wei Yunqing said, "I was also naughty when I was young. I didn't like reading and couldn't leave school. When I got older, I liked to compare myself with my classmates, so I fought hard again. Only when I get older can I really like what I have learned, and I don’t need to be forced to learn by external force.”

While she was talking, she suddenly saw that Yan Rusong had a weird expression, so she hurriedly said: "The things I learn in that school are completely different from the classics and history collections you learn, and we don't need to practice calligraphy!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she got up and took the words written with the "pen" and the pen that she had hidden before and spread them out in front of Yan Rusong, raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Look, I can also write with this kind of pen." Come out with decent words."

Yan Rusong looked at these words in astonishment. They were small and neat, and the strokes were not prominent, but they were indeed much better-looking than the previous ones, and they didn't seem to be written by the same person.

His expression pleased Wei Yunqing, she picked up a melon seed on the table, put it flat on her chest, let it fall, and said: "We are learning the time it takes for the melon seed to fall to the ground, and we are learning how to drive a horse soaring until it suddenly falls. The time it takes to rein in the horse."

Seeing Yan Rusong's puzzled face, Wei Yunqing got even more excited, simply picked up a pen and wrote some Arabic numerals on the blank space of the rice paper, and let Yan Rusong see: "We still learn from these."

"This is..." Yan Rusong frowned slightly, wondering.

"This is one, this is two, this is three..." Wei Yunqing clicked one by one, "These are another way of writing numbers, which is very simple and can be used for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division."

Wei Yunqing then listed some calculation formulas, and quickly gave the answer. He looked up at Yan Rusong and said, "In this era... there are some arithmetic classics that describe it, but it's not as convenient as ours."

Yan Rusong had dabbled in arithmetic knowledge, but when faced with Arabic numerals, his eyes were naturally darkened. After hearing Wei Yunqing's brief description, his eyes lit up, and he only felt that these symbols were very useful.If it can be used in the army, I think it can come in handy.

"Yunqing, these marks... can you teach me?" Yan Rusong said.

Wei Yunqing was taken aback: "Do you want to learn?"

Yan Rusong nodded lightly: "Maybe it will come in handy."

Anyway, being idle is idle, Wei Yunqing took a new piece of paper and sat next to Yan Rusong and said, "Then I'll be a gentleman for a while. Can you memorize Jiujiu formula table?"

Yan Rusong nodded: "Yes."

In this era, there is already a table of multiplication formulas, but it started from Jiujiu 81, so it is also called "Little Jiujiu".Yan Rusong has dabbled in arithmetic a little, so he is not proficient, but this table of formulas is the foundation, and he has already memorized it by heart.

"That's great." Wei Yunqing reversed the multiplication table written in Arabic numerals, and wrote the Arabic numerals and Chinese numerals correspondingly, and said to Yan Rusong, "These symbols are read in the same way as words, you Remember how they correspond first, and then I will teach you how to calculate multi-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for convenience."

When Yan Rusong was immersed in the sea of ​​memories, Wei Yunqing rested his chin and looked at his serious face, and suddenly realized that the direction of their date is so strange, from a female hooligan molesting little fresh meat to a strict female teacher training handsome male students ... Cough cough, no matter which one it is, it sounds very yellow.

Yan Rusong memorized things very quickly. After the Arabic numerals he copied were almost decent, Wei Yunqing came to a quiz, dictation.Yan Rusong made occasional mistakes, but most of them were memorized.Later, Wei Yunqing taught him the concept of the so-called "base system". Most of the times in this era are decimal systems, but there are also other base systems mixed in. twelve binary.

Naturally, she didn't mention the cool binary system that is the basis of computers in modern society, and she couldn't give an example if she mentioned it, so he naturally couldn't understand it, so it's better not to mention it.

After explaining some concepts, Wei Yunqing taught Yan Rusong how to use Arabic numerals to make drafts, and how to calculate multi-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in the shortest time using drafts.

One of them was teaching with all his heart, the other was studying with all his heart, time passed without realizing it, suddenly Shao Yao came to report, saying that there was a young lady at the door asking to see her.

Wei Yunqing took a sip of water to moisten his hoarse voice, and asked strangely, "Which family is the lady from?"

"That young lady claims her surname is Sun." Shao Yao said.

"Sun?" When Wei Yunqing thought about it, she knew it. Isn't that the only lady surnamed Sun she knew.

"Please come in." Wei Yunqing said.

After Shaoyao left, Yan Rusong also rubbed his temples and got up and said, "Yun Qing, who is Miss Sun?"

"The granddaughter of Chief Assistant Sun, she is a very interesting little girl." Wei Yunqing said with a smile, although that Miss Sun knew her very well, she did not dislike her.

"Then I'll avoid it for a while." Yan Rusong said.

"It doesn't matter." Wei Yunqing pulled him to sit down, and said with a smile, "My small courtyard is not big, and it's too late to avoid it. Could it be that you want to enter my boudoir?"

Yan Rusong was startled, and hurriedly turned his eyes away, not daring to look at Wei Yunqing again.

Wei Yunqing smiled happily, and heard a brisk voice say: "Sister Wei, I've come to see you, do you miss me?"

Sun Sisi arrived before the sound came. When she saw Wei Yunqing, she had a pure and bright smile on her face, but when she turned her eyes and saw Yan Rusong at the side, she was shocked and exclaimed: "Sister Wei, Are you meeting your lover privately?"

One sentence made Yan Rusong look away in embarrassment.

Sun Sisi took the opportunity to take a few glances at Yan Rusong. She naturally didn't know Yan Rusong in the boudoir, she just thought that this man was handsome and handsome, and he was a perfect match for Sister Wei.

She leaned over and whispered: "Sister Wei, I'm really sorry, I disturbed you, or I'll leave now?"

"Here you are, sit down." Wei Yunqing didn't care, and said with a smile, "This is General Yan Rusongyan, and I was his husband just now."

"General Yan!" Sun Sisi looked over in surprise. Of course, she had heard people talking about this hero of the Liang Dynasty, but she didn't expect to see it here.

Immediately, she recalled another word in Wei Yunqing's words: "Sir?" She leaned over curiously, and saw a large pile of papers on the table, densely packed with symbols she couldn't understand. Looking at Wei Yunqing, he leaned over again and whispered, "You really didn't have a private meeting with him?"

"What you said...he can hear you." Wei Yunqing gave Yan Rusong a helpless look.

Sun Sisi blushed, took a step back and hid behind Wei Yunqing, poked her head out and said, "General Yan, Sisi is small and ignorant, don't argue with me."

"It's okay." Yan Rusong naturally wouldn't care about a little girl.

Sun Sisi didn't look at Yan Rusong much, turned her eyes away with a blushing face, and whispered to Wei Yunqing, "Sister Wei, what did you teach General Yan?"

Hearing that she finally changed the subject, Wei Yunqing also heaved a sigh of relief.She didn't directly answer Sun Sisi's question just now, she didn't want to lie, she was indeed having a private meeting with her lover, but if she said it in front of Yan Rusong, he might feel uncomfortable, so for his sake, she didn't face it several times Instead of answering Sun Sisi, she diverted her words.Fortunately, Sun Sisi did not ask the bottom line, and his attention was quickly diverted.

Wei Yunqing showed Sun Sisi the multiplication table that he had written for Yan Rusong first, and after explaining it, Sun Sisi finally understood what she was teaching, and said with a bright eye, "Sister Wei, I want to learn too!"

"Have you memorized the ninety-nine table?" Wei Yunqing asked.

Sun Sisi shook her head and said confidently: "I will be able to recite it soon."

"Then we'll talk about it after you learn how to recite it." Wei Yunqing folded the piece of paper and gave it to Sun Sisi.

Sun Sisi took it solemnly, and said seriously: "Sister Wei, don't worry, I'll be able to memorize it soon!"

"Miss Wei...Yan remembered that there were still some things to do, so he left first." Seeing that Sun Sisi had no intention of leaving for a while, Yan Rusong got up and said.

In front of Wei Yunqing, that's all. With this Miss Sun, he always pays attention to the defense of men and women, so he basically didn't speak before, but now he found a chance to say goodbye first.

"Okay, I'll see you off." Wei Yunqing didn't leave Yan Rusong behind, and turned to Sun Sisi, "Sisi, sit down for a while, I'll be back soon."

Sun Sisi smiled and said, "I know."

Before Wei Yunqing brought Yan Rusong directly, he didn't bring anyone or ride a horse, so after she went out, she called Uncle Ma and asked him to take Yan Rusong back.

"Rusong, if you and that friend of yours have time to take me out for a walk, remember to send a servant to tell me first." Wei Yunqing waved to him with a smile.

Yan Rusong responded: "I will let Deng Hong come over. You go back, don't catch a cold."

"I see. See you later."

As the carriage left, Yan Rusong also lowered the curtain, and Wei Yunqing stood at the door for a while before turning back to the yard.She didn't expect to see Sun Sisi standing behind her smiling strangely as soon as she turned her head, which startled her.

"Sister Wei, you and General Yan are getting married?" Sun Sisi asked curiously.

Although Sun Sisi was different from ordinary boudoir girls, she couldn't get rid of the shackles of this era. Seeing that Wei Yunqing and Yan Rusong were alone in the same room, she didn't shy away from it. Naturally, she thought that the two would be like this only after they got married.

"How old are you, that's all you think about?" Another question that was not easy to answer, Wei Yunqing simply didn't answer directly.

Sun Sisi blushed, curled her lips and said, "I am fourteen this year, and my mother said that in another year, I will find... a good husband for me."

She blushed as she spoke, and covered her face, not daring to look at Wei Yunqing.

Wei Yunqing laughed angrily and said, "Don't be ashamed!"

"Men's college should be married, and female college's should be married. What's there to avoid?" Sun Sisi put down her hands, her face was still flushed, but her eyes were very serious when she looked over.

Wei Yunqing was taken aback. She really appreciated Sun Sisi's attitude, so she smiled and said, "There is really no need to shy away from it."

She stepped forward, pulled Sun Sisi back to the small courtyard, and said as she walked, "Come on, tell me, what kind of Mr. Ruyi is you thinking of?"

Sun Sisi's face turned red in an instant, and she rubbed her fingers at the corner of her clothes. After a while, she shyly whispered her expectations for her future partner.

Wei Yunqing is grateful for Sun Chengji's help, and also likes the little girl Sun Sisi, so he intends to befriend her. The two of them are just meeting for the second time. Under the attitude of one of them being acquainted and the other following along, the gap between the two quickly dissipates , and soon chatted happily.

Later, Sun Sisi asked her servant girl to go back and report, and stayed at Wei Yunqing's place for dinner.Seeing that it was getting late, Wei Yunqing asked Uncle Ma, who had already sent Yan Rusong back, to take Xiao Man with him, and followed Sun Sisi's carriage, and escorted her back to the Sun Mansion.

After breakfast the next morning, when Shaoyao and Xiu'er walked into Wei Yunqing's room together, they saw her sitting in front of the desk in a daze, looking out of control, and couldn't help feeling worried.

The two looked at each other, and Shao Yao asked with concern: "Girl, do you have something to worry about?"

Wei Yunqing let out a long sigh, recovered from his contemplation, looked at Shaoyao and said, "I'm thinking about making money."

"Make money?" Shao Yao and Xiu'er looked surprised.

From their point of view, Wei Yunqing is a nobleman who has a close relationship with the imperial palace, so why should he want to make money?What's more, they saw it when they were helping to pack things before. The money she brought would not be spent by ordinary people in a few lifetimes. If they didn't use the silver as water, why should they worry about running out of money?

"That's right!" Wei Yunqing looked troubled, "Do you understand the principle of sitting and eating mountains and empty fields? I was thinking, can I start a small business..."

After leaving the palace, settled down, and established a long-term relationship with Yan Rusong, wouldn't she have nothing to do?Although the family still has a lot of money, she is sure that with the prices of this era, she is not afraid of running out of money even if she sits and eats, but she must have pursuits, and she always finds something for herself to do.This era is too unfriendly to women. She has no place to do work if she wants to. She is not willing to do the work that women can do in this era, and she will definitely not be able to do it well. She can only rely on money to do business. If there is Steward Lu If she came forward as a woman instead of her, there should be a lot less trouble, and you don't have to worry about those messes.There is always enough money, but what bothers her is, what kind of business is she going to do?You can't speculate on real estate in this era, right?In this era, productivity is too low, and people's living standards are generally not high. Unlike modern times, even if housing prices rise, ordinary people can still afford houses.

"Business? This..." Shao Yao and Xiu'er looked surprised again.

Wei Yunqing asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

The two looked at each other, and Xiu'er said: "Miss Hui, the so-called scholars, farmers, businessmen, and merchants are the most humble. Miss, you have a noble status, how can you go into business?"

Xiuer and Shaoyao used to live in a big family with a lot of land, and the main source of income was the rent paid by the tenants. The family did not do business and had a deep-rooted prejudice against businessmen, so Xiuer and Shaoyao were somewhat brainwashed.

Wei Yunqing didn't think about this issue, but from what she saw, the status of Daliang merchants didn't seem to be that low.When he was still in Xuancheng, wasn't that Qian Dashan very popular?When she and Yang Yi mixed up in Qian Dashan's shop convoy out of the city, the soldiers guarding the gate of Xuancheng were quite polite to the housekeeper.

Perhaps, a businessman is respected or despised by others is partial. There are so many people in this world, and there are always various ideas.She doesn't care about other people, but she doesn't want the two maids beside her to think like that.

"Let me ask you, do you want to be a businessman with a lot of fish and meat every day? Or a farmer with his face on the loess and his back to the sky, and if God doesn't reward him, he will have no harvest and can only starve?" Wei Yunqing asked.

Shaoyao and Xiu'er were both startled, both of them showed embarrassment, Shaoyao replied first: "Slave... want to be a big businessman!"

Xiu'er is even more troubled than Shaoyao. She used to serve in the study and knew a lot more words. She admires the business of scholars, farmers, and businessmen. Although she is a maid, she has never had to worry about food and clothing. Sex, now asked by Wei Yunqing, suddenly lost his mind, and did not answer for a long time.

In Wei Yunqing's view, Xiu'er, who admired scholars, farmers, businessmen, didn't immediately say that wanting to be a farmer was her victory, so she smiled and said, "Actually, no status is important. We don't need to judge him by the status of the other party. How about farmers, How about a businessman, even a high-ranking emperor is just an ordinary person."

Shao Yao and Xiu'er were stunned when they heard it, they never thought that Wei Yunqing dared to talk about the emperor in private, his face was full of panic, he was afraid that the emperor's Jin Yiwei would appear in the next moment and take away these treacherous people like them.

The faces of the two made Wei Yunqing realize that her words had touched the bottom line for these people who were brainwashed by the supremacy of imperial power, and immediately regretted it.

"Okay, let's not talk about those things, you guys think about it for me, what kind of small business can I do?" Wei Yunqing had no choice but to bring the previous topic over.

The two took a deep breath and calmed down a little before frowning and thinking.Miss Wei is their master, and the master wants to do business, can they stop him?Since you can't stop it, why don't you think about how to help her come up with a suitable idea.

(End of this chapter)

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