Chapter 45

Wei Yunqing intended to make friends with Liu Huiniang, so he said a lot about his own situation, and what he said was true. He felt that what he said was not suitable for now, so he didn't mention it. For example, the matter of her time travel, for example, she was in love with Yan Rusong Regarding the matter, the former is too unbelievable, and the other party may not understand it after talking about it, and the latter is too embarrassing to say it now.

Seeing that Wei Yunqing didn't hide anything, Liu Huiniang also reciprocated, telling about her family's situation.Her family has been doing business for several generations, and they have developed better and better. Unexpectedly, her mother passed away early, and her father died of a sudden illness. Only she and her seven-year-old younger brother are left in the family.Some cousins ​​deceived no one in her family and wanted to take a share of the business and take over her family's business, but Liu Huiniang knew that these distant relatives of her family talked nicely, but once her family's property was taken over, their siblings would I can only let them figure it out.Although Liu Huiniang was a woman, she also had the will to not admit defeat. Relying on the business experience she had learned from her father, she decided to go into battle by herself and take over the Liu family's property.

With the help of the loyal old butler as the director, the difficulty for Liu Huiniang to get started has been greatly reduced, and she didn't need to show up at first.Later, she was able to take charge of the family business, and when the old housekeeper passed away, she officially appeared in the business field.Trouble ensued. Seeing that she was a girl, some customers disdain to cooperate with her. Compared with the past, the Liu family's business has plummeted. Fortunately, the centipede is dead but not stiff, so there is no problem in maintaining it.Recently, a colleague from a family took a fancy to her family's cloth shop and wanted to buy it, but Liu Huiniang naturally refused to sell it, and the other party didn't know what kind of connections they had made, so they asked Jin Yiwei to make a move. If Wei Yunqing happened to be there, the Liu family would have fallen into ruin. .

Wei Yunqing couldn't help but sigh when he heard that, this era is really a hell for women, even in a serious business, people are looked down upon and bullied because of their gender.Therefore, she and Yang Yi really benefited each other. If she hadn't met Yang Yi and she wore it to other places, it would probably be the rhythm of a beggar, and she would never be able to turn over for the rest of her life.

After talking about her family background, Liu Huiniang didn't feel sorry for herself, but instead said with a smile: "When Ah Heng grows up, I don't have to worry about these things anymore."

Ah Heng is the name of Liu Huiniang's younger brother, Liu Heng.

"Aheng is studying now?" Wei Yunqing asked curiously.

"That's right, before my father passed away, he went to the school, and I planned to let him try to get a reputation." Liu Huiniang sighed, "With fame and fame, he won't be bullied like he is now."

"But if he wants to gain fame, won't he have no time to learn how to do business?" Wei Yunqing said.

Liu Huiniang nodded: "In a few years, I will let him learn to do business with me. As for fame...he may give it a try when he has a son in the future."

"You continue to do business and let your family's Ah Heng test his fame." Wei Yunqing said, "You have already built your cloth shop and it looks pretty good. Why bother to teach your younger brother? Let Ah Heng concentrate on studying." , take the exam and become an official, and you won't have to be bullied again in the future."

Liu Huiniang was taken aback: "But I'm a woman... Now that I'm doing business, I've been frustrated everywhere, and I barely managed to keep the family business."

"You have endured so much hardship in the past to keep your family business, how could you give up halfway and lose sight of the hardships of the past few years?" Wei Yunqing followed her words, "Don't give up."

Liu Huiniang showed embarrassment.

Wei Yunqing suddenly said: "Hui Niang, are you thinking about getting married?"

Liu Huiniang blushed, but shook her head and smiled wryly: "When Ah Heng grows up, I will be nearly thirty years old, and I have been out in the public eye for many years, how can anyone want to marry me?"

"Let's hire a son-in-law." Wei Yunqing said, "You can go around and see if there is any poor scholar who can't even eat for the sake of his fame. The only condition is that the girder is so big, there will always be someone who will agree to it.”

Liu Huiniang was shocked and looked at Wei Yunqing in astonishment.

"Of course, this is a relatively simple method." Wei Yunqing smiled, "If there is a woman like you in this world, there will be a man who can accept a woman like you. You don't have to worry, just wait slowly. Wait until the end. Well, I can't wait... Isn't it free and unrestrained to live alone? You have money, what are you afraid of?"

"This... this is really..." Liu Huiniang listened to Wei Yunqing's high-spirited speech in shock, and after the initial surprise, only the ups and downs of her heart remained.The road that Wei Yunqing showed her was so surprising. Although she also thought that she was doomed to die alone in the future, it should be lonely and helpless, not the chic and free that Wei Yunqing mentioned... She After coming out to do business, she has seen a lot more. She has also heard and seen the misery of the women in the house who are all focused on one person. Thinking about the unusual description Wei Yunqing gave her, she almost cried with joy!

Yes, so what if there is only one person in the future?As long as she has money, she can do whatever she wants, who can restrain her, who can hinder her?
Liu Huiniang's 19-year values ​​were washed away by the tsunami on this day, turning the world upside down.It was also because the person who instilled her new ideas was Wei Yunqing, who had just saved her and was still in an old relationship with the emperor. If it was someone else, even with the same rhetoric, it would not have such a big impact on her.

"Yun Qing, please accept my bow." Liu Huiniang's expression became agitated, and she suddenly got up and bowed gracefully.

Wei Yunqing was startled, and hurried over to stop her, but Liu Huiniang insisted on finishing the ceremony before looking at Wei Yunqing and saying, "It's a blessing in Huiniang's life to get to know Yunqing."

Wei Yunqing was a little embarrassed by what he said, and quickly waved his hands and said, "You are absurd... Cough, by the way, I have some spare money and I want to do some business. What do you think I can do?"

For Liu Huiniang's gratitude, Wei Yunqing really felt ashamed.Liu Huiniang was limited by this era and never thought of another way of life. She just meant to show her another road, another sky. As for what kind of life she will choose in the future, it is Liu Huiniang's own business, and there is no need to thank her at all. .

When it came to business matters, Liu Huiniang's complexion returned to normal, and she asked curiously, "You want to do business in public like me?"

Wei Yunqing thought for a while, and replied: "It depends on the situation. If necessary, I will come out, if not, let my housekeeper Lu come out on my behalf."

Liu Huiniang nodded, and after some consideration, she opened her mouth and said, "If you have enough capital, you can do any kind of business. Cloth shop, garment shop, rice shop, antique shop, grocery shop... There are many choices. Depends on what you want to do."

Wei Yunqing sighed: "I don't know what I want to do. Capital is not a problem, I just want to do some interesting business."

She paused, and asked curiously, "Is there any shop that buys and sells some knacks? For example, strange things from overseas?"

Liu Huiniang looked around in a little panic, and then said in a low voice: "There is a sea ban in Daliang, and no one dares to sell things from outside."

"There is still a sea ban..." Wei Yunqing sighed. She just thought, are there any foreigners from overseas in this superficial society?She kind of misses modern technology.

"At the beginning of the founding of Daliang, there were no pirates, but pirates were rampant at sea, and most of the merchant ships who went to sea suffered disasters. Those pirates were too cunning. The imperial court sent troops several times without success, and finally had to ban the sea." Liu Huiniang said.

"Japanese pirates? What other countries are there in the outer sea?" Wei Yunqing asked curiously.Maps are contraband in this era, and she doesn't know which countries are around besides Daliang and Song Dynasty.

"There is a Japanese country to the east of the sea, and most of the Japanese pirates come from the Japanese country." Liu Huiniang said, "I heard that there are some barbarian countries across the sea to the south of Daliang, but I haven't heard that anyone has been there."

Wei Yunqing said: "Are there any foreigners in Daliang?"

Liu Huiniang thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "I haven't heard of it."

Wei Yunqing was a little disappointed, it seemed that even if she wanted to find some foreigners to review her English, she would have no chance.

"If you trust me, I can help you pay attention first. If there is any interesting business you mentioned, I will help you write it down first." Liu Huiniang said.

"That couldn't be better." Wei Yunqing said with a smile.Anyway, there is no rush to do business, and it is already worth the money to get to know Liu Huiniang when I come out today.

Afterwards, the two talked about the local customs, the parents were short-tempered, and Wei Yunqing even went back after having lunch with Liu Huiniang.Xiu'er picked a lot of cloth to go back, Liu Huiniang decided to give a discount, and sold it to Wei Yunqing at almost the cost price.

On the way back, Xiu'er said happily, "Girl, if you get to know more shopkeepers in the future, our shopping will be cheaper."

Wei Yunqing teased: "Don't you think the status of a businessman is low now?"

Xiu'er blushed, touched the cloth she bought and fell silent.

As soon as the carriage returned to the small courtyard, Xiao Shuan came up to him and said, "Miss, just now a military master who called himself Deng Hong said that General Yan will not be free for a few days, please forgive me."

"I see." Wei Yunqing nodded, feeling quite disappointed.People with serious jobs naturally have a lot of things to do, and she can't help it.However, it was already night after Yan Rusong got off work. It is too eye-catching to go out to play at night in this era, so it is better not to try it lightly.

"Also, the calligraphy and paintings sent the day before yesterday have been framed and delivered." Xiaoshuan said again.

Wei Yunqing's eyes lit up, and he walked quickly back to his room. When he saw the calligraphy and painting on the desk, he immediately felt better.

Looking at the words "green pine into the clouds" and the pine on the cliff where the signature was signed, Wei Yunqing really couldn't put it down, so Xiaoman and Xiaoshuan hung the calligraphy and painting in the study, and looked at them from time to time, recalling that Yan Rusong wrote this With his serious and handsome appearance when painting a calligraphy and painting, his heart beats faster.

In order to fill the emptiness in Yan Rusong's heart because he didn't come to find her, Wei Yunqing focused on connecting with his girlfriends in the next few days.

Just as Wei Yunqing had guessed before, Sun Sisi seemed to have an innate liking for relatively independent women. She just said that she would introduce a female boss to her, but she showed an excited expression and dragged Wei Yunqing to find someone.Wei Yunqing first took Sun Sisi to Liu's Cloth House to introduce them to them, and then the three of them went to the private room of a nearby teahouse together, chatting everywhere.

Sun Sisi had already memorized the multiplication table and urged Wei Yunqing to continue teaching her. Seeing this was interesting, Liu Huiniang followed along and listened. As a businessman, she immediately realized that these symbols and the calculation methods that followed were of great importance to her in doing business. It will be of great help, so I also ask Wei Yunqing to teach her.How could Wei Yunqing refuse? After learning that Liu Huiniang had already memorized the multiplication table, she taught them both at the same time.At any rate, she was a tutor when she was in college, and it was no problem to teach two students.

After the two taught together, their sensitivity to mathematics became different. Liu Huiniang learned it faster than Sun Sisi, after all, she always deals with numbers on weekdays.

Wei Yunqing only felt that the time passed quickly and happily during the few days he spent with Sun Sisi and Liu Huiniang.Sometimes they would meet in the teahouse outside, sometimes in Wei Yunqing's small courtyard, sometimes at Liu Huiniang's home, and even once, Wei Yunqing and Liu Huiniang were invited to Sun's Mansion.

The two didn't meet Sun Chengji when they went to the Sun's residence, but they did meet Mrs. Sun. Seeing her granddaughter bringing a handkerchief to play at home, Mrs. Sun didn't bother her too much. go.

Mrs. Sun is a kind and wise old man. She had heard her master praise Wei Yunqing earlier, but now that she met her for the first time, she already appraised her in her heart. welcome.

This morning, Liu Huiniang couldn't play happily together because of family business, and Sun Sisi also had other handkerchiefs to take care of, Wei Yunqing was thinking about where to go for a stroll, when Xiaoman hurried over and said anxiously: "Girl! Grandpa is here!"

Wei Yunqing: "..." What the hell is the noble man?

Before she could understand, Yang Yi's voice came from outside: "Sister Yunqing, I'm here, where are you?"

Wei Yunqing was taken aback for a moment, and finally remembered that this was already the fifth day after Yang Yi left, and it was time to make an appointment for him to come.

She stretched her waist, stood up and went out to greet her: "I'm here, A Yi, good morning. Have you had breakfast yet?"

Yang Yi's eyes lit up when he saw Wei Yunqing, and he quickly replied: "Not yet, sister Yunqing, let's eat together!"

"...Okay." She just asked politely casually, but she didn't expect Yang Yi to come without breakfast.

Wei Yunqing had already eaten in the morning, but it’s okay to have something to eat with Yang Yi, she told Aunt Ma not to bother, and she would serve whatever she wanted, and Aunt Ma was honest, and really brought up the hot food left in the morning.

Yang Yi looked disgusted when he saw the breakfast served, but he didn't dare to say it outright. He sat down at the table upright, took his chopsticks and ate in a dignified way.Zheng Xiang, who was waiting on the sidelines, sighed inwardly, and wanted to go up to serve but was waved back by Yang Yi.

"You all go out." Yang Yi waved his hands a little unhappy to see Wei Yunqing's maid was still in the room.

Shao Yao took a look at Wei Yunqing, saw her nodding, and hurriedly backed out.

Only Wei Yunqing and Yang Yi were left in the room.

"Sister Yunqing, I miss you these few days, do you miss me?" Yang Yi asked impatiently while eating.

"Yes." Wei Yunqing smiled.To be honest, she had a good time with Sun Sisi and Liu Huiniang, and she really didn't think about him in the way of missing him, but mentioned him, so it wouldn't be a lie to say "yes".

Yang Yi frowned when he heard this, and he didn't hide his happiness at all.In the past few days in the palace, he just felt that he couldn't eat and sleep well, counting the days every day was really tormenting.

"Sister Yunqing, since this is the case, don't let me come to see you once every five days." Yang Yi took the opportunity to raise conditions.

Wei Yunqing said sternly: "That's not okay. If you want to think about it, you must do what you promised. This is not negotiable."

"Is it really not possible?" Yang Yi pleaded with disappointment on his face.

Wei Yunqing said firmly, "No. You are a man, and you are the emperor. How can you change the order every day? It's only once every five days, and you can't change it any more."

The look on Yang Yi's face disappeared without a trace, he devoured the fried dough sticks viciously, and looked at Wei Yunqing sadly from time to time.

Wei Yunqing just didn't know, and enthusiastically moved the pastry plate to Yang Yi: "Eat it while it's hot, you're welcome."

Yang Yi had no choice but to eat breakfast obediently.

After breakfast, Yang Yi said: "Sister Yunqing, earlier you said you would tell me about the fairy world, but you left without saying anything, does it still count now?"

"It counts." Wei Yunqing nodded helplessly.It seems that there is no time to go out to play today.

"Then tell me now! If you can draw for me, it will be the best!" Yang Yi said excitedly.

Wei Yunqing responded and led Yang Yi to the study.

As soon as Yang Yi entered the study, he looked around, and suddenly saw the calligraphy and painting on the wall, "green pine into the clouds", but the signature was a pine on the cliff, he just found it interesting, and asked: "Sister Yunqing, who wrote this calligraphy and painting? The inscription is actually a painting!"

Wei Yunqing didn't want Yang Yi to know that she and Yan Rusong were in a relationship. She remembered that Yang Yi had a big reaction to her getting close to Yan Rusong. She thought it was like a toy or a close person being taken away by others, so she said casually: "I also I don’t know, it looks good, I bought it at a calligraphy and painting stall.”

She took out a pen and paper, and called Yang Yi over: "A Yi, don't you want to see the elevator in the fairy world? Come here, I'll show you a picture."

Yang Yi hurriedly responded, and finally looked at the calligraphy and painting, only to feel a strange feeling, but before he had time to think about it, he was completely attracted by what Wei Yunqing was drawing.

"Isn't this... a cabinet?" Yang Yi looked at it for a long time and was confused.The so-called magic weapon "elevator" is just a cabinet?This made him a little disillusioned.

"It's a cabinet, but this is no ordinary cabinet." Wei Yunqing squinted at him, "Can your cabinet reach a height of thirty feet in an instant?"

Yang Yi shook his head.

"That's all right?" Wei Yunqing said, drawing a few more lines on the top of the cabinet, and said, "This elevator is automatic, and there are ropes on it, not what you are using now, but steel ropes, which are very strong and not controlled by humans. , but electricity."


"You can think of it as thunder that fell from the sky." Wei Yunqing said, "But this thunder will not hurt people, we can use it as we want." As for those electric shock accidents... there is no need to tell Yang Yi listened.

Yang Yi was very envious when he heard it, the thunder in the sky can be used by the fairy world, it really is a trick of the gods, and ordinary people can't do it.

Wei Yunqing said whatever came to mind, talking about a lot of modern high-tech products, such as computers, cameras, airplanes, cars and so on.

Yang Yi was speechless, and finally asked suddenly: "Sister Yunqing, when you go back to heaven, can you take me back with you?"

"You're not the emperor anymore?" Wei Yunqing asked in surprise.

Yang Yi shook his head: "How can being the emperor be as interesting as the fairy world?"

Wei Yunqing nodded, she also felt that being an emperor would be better than being happy in the modern age, a life without mobile phones and WiFi is simply unbearable!There are also air conditioners, flush toilets, sanitary napkins... She misses them all.

Yang Yi misunderstood, and excitedly said: "Sister Yunqing, are you willing to take me with you?"

Wei Yunqing coughed lightly, quickly shook her head and said, "I'm afraid not." She also wanted to go back to modern times, but how could she go back?She didn't have a clue, so it was impossible to take Yang Yi away.

"Why?" Yang Yi asked eagerly.

Wei Yunqing said: "Immortals and mortals are different. Although you are the emperor, you are still a mortal. You cannot go to the fairy world. It is even difficult for me to go back."

Yang Yi was extremely disappointed, not being able to go to that interesting fairyland is really a great pity in life.But then he thought that it would be difficult for Sister Yunqing to go back, so he secretly became happy.But this happiness can only be hidden in the bottom of my heart and cannot be told to her.

The two had their own thoughts, and neither of them mentioned the matter of going to the "immortal world", but continued to talk about everything about the so-called immortal world.

Soon it was lunch time, Yang Yilai had lunch here, and wanted to take Wei Yunqing out for a stroll in the afternoon.It so happened that at this time, Xiaoman came in to report, and someone asked to see him.

Wei Yunqing asked Yang Yi to wait in the room, and ran to the porter himself—Xiao Man told her quietly after leaving Yang Yi's sight that it was Deng Hong who came.

When Deng Hong saw Wei Yunqing, he immediately smiled and said: "Miss Wei, my general said that he and Mr. Wu are both free in the afternoon today. If you have nothing to do in the afternoon, why don't you go for a tour together?"

Wei Yunqing nodded immediately: "Okay, did the general say where to meet?"

Deng Hong said with a smile: "The general said, please make a decision."

"Where is the general now? Can you go with Master Wu?"

"Yes, my general and Mr. Wu are at home, just waiting for Miss Wei to reply." Deng Hong laughed.

"Then I'll just go there, you go back and let me know, I'll be there later." Wei Yunqing said.

Deng Hong nodded: "I'll go back and tell the general."

Deng Hong came on horseback and left soon after.It was only when Wei Yunqing walked back that he remembered that Yang Yi was still there, and he had forgotten about him just now.But even if she thought about it, she could only drive Yang Yi away first. She hadn't seen Yan Rusong for so many days. If she couldn't see her today, she didn't know when she would have to wait.

"Ayi, I have some things to do, you should go back to the palace today." Wei Yunqing said as soon as he entered the door.

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then showed unwillingness: "Sister Yunqing, you drove me away when I just arrived."

"I'm in a hurry." Wei Yunqing was also a little guilty, and added after thinking, "Then if you're willing, you can come back tomorrow, it's to make up for today."

Hearing this, Yang Yi's complexion softened a little, as a result, he spent half a day more with Sister Yun Qing, which is not a loss.

Yang Yi, who accepted the deal, happily boarded the carriage when Wei Yunqing saw him off.Just as he promised Wei Yunqing, the ones he came back this time were not mobilizing at all, except for Zheng Xiang, there were only a few people dressed as family servants, and he didn't clear the way like Jin Yiwei did at the beginning.Of course, there are not many guards in the dark.

Yang Yi got into the carriage, Zheng Xiang suddenly leaned over and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, this old slave just watched, the person who came to see Miss Wei seems to be the personal soldier of General Yan Rusong."

The original smile on Yang Yi's face became stiff because of Zheng Xiang's words, and he asked angrily, "Can you see clearly?"

"This old slave has also met General Yan many times, and the old slave who is beside him will not admit his mistake." Zheng Xiang was terrified, but he said it with certainty.

Yang Yi slammed his fist on the wall of the carriage, gritted his teeth and said: "Let's see where Sister Yun Qing is going later, follow!"

Zheng Xiang bowed his head and replied, "Yes, Your Majesty."

After a while, a carriage drove out of the courtyard, followed by a carriage parked on the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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