Chapter 60

"I'll go and see him." Wei Yunqing said with a cold face, "Please Eunuch Zheng, please step aside, lest I be anxious about the emperor's dragon body and accidentally bump into Eunuch. Eunuch is getting old, I'm afraid if there is a mistake, yes The palace is an irreplaceable loss to the emperor."

When Wei Yunqing was walking in the palace now, she would always bring Lu Cui and Lan Tian with her, and at this moment, she led the two of them directly past Zheng Xiang, trying to forcefully break into the Qianqing Palace.

Zheng Xiang took a few steps back and stood in front of Wei Yunqing again, winking and many palace people gathered on both sides, all of them looked at Wei Yunqing vigilantly, as if she was an assassin who forcibly broke into the palace.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor has issued an order that no one is allowed to enter, and you are no exception. Please go back." Zheng Xiang said in a tone-deaf way.

Zheng Xiang was the suspect who killed Sun Chengji, plus all the entanglements that prevented her from leaving the palace in the past, Wei Yunqing didn't have a good impression of him, and was even full of hostility in his heart.Thinking of Yang Yi's childish nature, she even suspected that the idea of ​​pretending to be sick and playing truant from school was probably thought up by Zheng Xiang.

"Eunuch Zheng, if you don't let me see the emperor today, I won't leave." Wei Yunqing snorted coldly, seeing that he couldn't break through, and didn't pay attention to the eyes of the people around him, and sat in front of Qianqing Palace with his sleeves flicked. on the steps.

Everyone was stunned.

Wei Yunqing turned to look at Lu Cui: "Lu Cui, do you have snacks on you?"

Lu Cui was taken aback for a moment, then blushed and said, "There are sweet-scented osmanthus sweets on the maidservant's body."

She originally liked to eat sweets, since she lived a good life with Wei Yunqing, she would hide a pack of snacks on her body, and eat them when she was free, to satisfy her cravings.

Without waiting for Wei Yunqing to urge her, she took out a bag full of sweet-scented osmanthus candies and respectfully handed it to Wei Yunqing.

Wei Yunqing smiled and said, "Thank you, it looks delicious."

Encouraged, Lu Cui quickly laughed and said, "Yes, Ma'am, this sweet-scented osmanthus candy is so sweet!"

Lan Tian pulled Lu Cui, signaling her to restrain herself a little.This is at the gate of Qianqing Palace, Wei Yunqing is the imperial concubine, she has privileges and no one dares to punish her afterwards, but they are not necessarily so.

Lu Cui curled her lips, a little disapproving, but didn't say anything more.

"Your Majesty, this is Qianqing Palace, the emperor's bedroom. If you want to eat snacks, please move away. How can you behave like this?" The appearance, solemnly said.

"Oh, can't this work?" Wei Yunqing was about to stuff a sweet-scented osmanthus candy into his mouth, but when he heard the words, he put it down and looked at Zheng Xiang, raising his eyebrows and said, "If that's the case, let the emperor come out and teach me a lesson. He won't Come out, I will just sit here and not leave." She paused, turned her head to look at Qianqing Palace, and raised her voice slightly, "Or, does the emperor want me to leave the palace? Then give me a token to leave the palace, and I will I can't ask for it."

Zheng Xiang looked back at the Qianqing Palace quietly, his eyes flickered slightly, the deliberate respect was gone on his face, and he said in a shrill voice: "Your Majesty, since you have entered the palace, you should completely forget everything outside the palace. , how can you still think about the outside world? The women in this palace are all the emperor's women, if you always think about outside things... or someone, this is breaking the rules of the palace!"

Wei Yunqing glanced at Zheng Xiang. She knew that he was very aware of the entanglement between her and Yan Rusong. Although he didn't know the specific purpose of saying this, he obviously wanted to drive a wedge between her and Yang Yi. The palace is still disconnected from the men outside the palace, not clear.But she didn't mean to explain at all, just because she didn't care.

"So what? Eunuch Zheng has forgotten, you are not the emperor, and it is not up to you to worry about it." Wei Yunqing said indifferently, turned to look at Lu Cui, and passed the osmanthus candy in his hand, "Come on, Lu Cui Cui, you can eat a little too, I'm too embarrassed to eat all of your candy."

"This... Your Majesty, it's fine if you eat all of it, there's still some in the servant's room..." Lu Cui whispered, her face turning red as her tone became lighter and lighter.

"Isn't it here? Come on, don't be too polite, there's Lantian, you can come too." Wei Yunqing raised his eyes and went to greet Lantian again.

"Yes, servant girl, thank you, ma'am." Lan Tian knew that Wei Yunqing was used to being casual, and he would not argue with her on this matter, so he responded with a smile, took a piece of osmanthus candy between his index finger and thumb, and put it in his mouth.

Seeing this, Lu Cui also picked up two candies and stuffed them into her mouth contentedly.

Seeing the three of them eating as if no one else was around, Zheng Xiang was filled with anger, but facing Wei Yunqing whose position in the palace was still stable at this moment, he could do nothing but clenched his fists and watched with a hint of unwillingness. With Wei Yunqing.

At this time, the gate of Qianqing Palace opened a crack, Yang Yi poked his head out from the gate, and said to Wei Yunqing weakly: "Sister Yunqing, you... come in."

"Your Majesty! Why are you up? You still have to lie down to recover!" Zheng Xiang's complexion changed slightly, and he hurried over a few steps, trying to persuade Yang Yi to go back to the house.It was his idea that Yang Yi pretended to be sick. Yang Yi happened to be tired of getting up early to study every day, and Zheng Xiang didn't want him to work so hard, and he was too close to Wei Yunqing. The idea is to hope that Yang Yi will be "sick" for a few more days, and when he loses interest in reading again, this matter will be resolved satisfactorily.

Unexpectedly, Wei Yunqing just said a few words at the door, and Yang Yi couldn't help but came to open the door.Before Yang Yi pretended to be sick, Zheng Xiang told him to act as if he hadn't heard the movement outside, and not to come out no matter what happened. Unexpectedly, he was so overwhelmed and so easily Then he was provoked by Wei Yunqing.

"Zheng Xiang, you step back first." Yang Yi had hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind to come out.Seeing Wei Yunqing looking at him coldly not far away, Yang Yi thought of shrinking back for a moment, but after silently saying "Sister Yunqing can't look down on me", he finally stopped the urge to close the door and hide. He didn't even give Zheng Xiang a look.

Seeing that Yang Yi finally came out, Wei Yunqing felt a little comforted in his heart, at least Yang Yi is not really hopeless.Therefore, seeing that he made Zheng Xiang, who wanted to block the way, to retreat, Wei Yunqing walked over slowly.

Seeing her approaching, Yang Yi lowered his head, not daring to look directly at her, and only said in a low voice, "Sister come in first."

Wei Yunqing nodded, and walked through the space Yang Yi deliberately made way for, and the latter closed the door immediately to prevent the rest of the people from spying on what was about to happen in the palace.

"Tell me, what do you want?" Wei Yunqing sat down at the round table, looking at Yang Yi with a tense expression.

Yang Yi also wanted to sit down, but seeing Wei Yunqing's serious gaze, his hands and feet became stiff, and he didn't dare to sit down, so he just stood there and said, "I...I didn't think about it..."

He behaved like a primary school student who was caught skipping class, or a little ashamed.

Wei Yunqing sighed, and his tone softened: "Come and sit down."

Yang Yi slowly moved over and sat down beside Wei Yunqing, still not daring to look directly at her.

"Let me ask you, what do you plan to do?" Wei Yunqing asked calmly, "If you don't plan to continue our transaction, then you can let me out of the palace, and I don't have to stare at you every day, and you You don’t have to force yourself to do things you don’t want to do every day.”

"No! I'm not unwilling to do it!" Yang Yi immediately raised his head and replied, then lowered his head and hesitated, "I just... I just... I'm not feeling well today..."

"Not feeling well? Do you have a terminal illness of 'don't want to study'?" Wei Yunqing snorted.

Yang Yi's head lowered, he hesitated for a long time and couldn't speak.

"I know it's not easy to persist in studying." Wei Yunqing sighed helplessly, "I know, when I was studying, I was bored and didn't want to go to school. But at that time we were only seven or eight years old, and you are now Seventeen, you are no longer a child who doesn’t understand anything. If you feel tired, tell the truth, we can discuss how to study for a few days and rest for a few days. But now you are pretending to be sick and don’t want to see me. I am disappointed."

"Sister Yunqing, don't be disappointed in me!" Yang Yi gritted his teeth and stood up with an excited face, "I, I won't be like this in the future!"

"Don't just talk and don't do it, I want to see your performance." Wei Yunqing did not respond to his promise, and added after a pause, "Also, Zheng should stay away from him Good. He was the one who pointed out your bad ideas, right? Including this time pretending to be sick. "

"...Yes, yes. From now on... I won't listen to Zheng Xiang." Yang Yi nodded repeatedly.

"I hope you can do what you say." Wei Yunqing looked serious, got up and said, "You can rest today, we will continue tomorrow."

"Sister Yunqing..." Seeing that she was about to leave, Yang Yi immediately took a step forward with an uneasy expression on his face, "Why don't I go to Wen Huai now..."

"You'd better take a rest today, relax well, and study in the best state tomorrow." Wei Yunqing gave him a smile as an encouragement.

Only then did Yang Yi let go of his anxious thoughts, and watched Wei Yunqing go out.

Zheng Xiang came in soon, seeing that Yang Yi's expression was not too ugly, he leaned over and said cautiously: "Your majesty, I see, you are too indulgent to the imperial concubine. This old slave knows, you I just like the empress, so I want to pamper her, but you are the emperor, you can't let a woman ride on your head to do your best, isn't this a joke?"

Yang Yi didn't say a word, of course he knew what Zheng Xiang said, otherwise he wouldn't have tried to avoid others knowing that Wei Yunqing would scold him, but even though he felt ashamed, he didn't think about doing anything to change it.Because he forcibly left her in the palace, he always felt a little guilty towards her. Coupled with her fairy status, he had a natural "inferiority" when facing her.She is a fairy in the sky, and even if he is an emperor, he is just a mortal. How can it be considered a joke for a mortal to be scolded by a fairy?
"Your Majesty, you are the Emperor! I am the Great Liang Dynasty, you are this." Zheng Xiang gave a thumbs up, "You want to pamper the imperial concubine, even if you can, gold, silver, jewelry, luxurious clothes, what she wants, You can give her whatever you want, but you shouldn’t disregard the majesty of the royal family! If it gets out, the ministers won’t be excited, and keep presenting memorials to the imperial concubine? Even if it’s for the good of the imperial concubine, you You shouldn't spoil her like that."

Yang Yi still didn't answer, as if he was thinking about something, after a while he raised his head and said: "Zheng Xiang, you go out first."

Zheng Xiang didn't know if Yang Yi listened to what he said, and wanted to say something more, but he also understood the truth that it was too late, so he saluted and went out.

Not a pet.

Yang Yi poured himself a cup of tea, his mind was filled with Wei Yunqing's faces, some were smiling, some were angry, some were cunning, some were sad...

He likes his sister Yun Qing, he let her, not doting, but respect, liking, because he doesn't want her to be sad, doesn't want to be hated by her and looked down upon by her...

Yang Yi drank a cup of herbal tea, took a deep breath, poured another cup for himself, and drank it in one gulp.

He remembered that Sister Yunqing said just now that he was 17 years old, and he was no longer an ignorant child. She hoped that he would not just talk but do what he said.

Studying with Wen Huai these few days made Yang Yi realize that it is not easy to be a good emperor.He only insisted on it for a few days, but then he felt that his mind was muddled, and he couldn't read a word. He just wanted to lie on the bed and never get up to face all the annoying things.

But before today, he still felt that he could do it, he just didn't want to do it, not that he couldn't do it.But now, he began to doubt himself.

Could it be that he really can't do anything and will only disappoint Sister Yunqing in the end?

Wei Yunqing took Lucui and Lantian to Qianqingmen first, explained the situation to Wenhuai, and then returned to Yanxi Palace.

Although Wei Yunqing had graciously let Yang Yi go just now, but because of today's incident, she couldn't help but began to doubt whether she could train Yang Yi to be a qualified emperor.Some people really can't support the wall with mud, and it's not something that she can achieve with this wish.From the current point of view, Yang Yi is indeed listening to her, but what's the use of that?If he was like a spinning top, it would be meaningless for her to move only once, and it was impossible for her to stay here for the rest of her life.

Don't worry, this is just the beginning, after a while, it will be fine.

Wei Yunqing had no choice but to comfort herself, otherwise she really didn't know how to persevere.

On the second day, Wei Yunqing came to Qianqingmen early in the morning, and she was relieved that Yang Yi came earlier than her and was asking Wen Huai for advice.

"Sister Yunqing!" Seeing Wei Yunqing's arrival, Yang Yi immediately dropped Wenhuai and ran over, with a smile on his face and a positive expression, like a puppy wagging its tail, begging for praise.

"A Yi, you came really early today." Wei Yunqing did not disappoint Yang Yi's expectations, and praised with a smile.

There was a happy smile on Yang Yi's face, and he nodded again and again: "Yes, sister Yunqing, I was wrong yesterday, but today I want to make up for it!"

Wei Yunqing smiled gratifiedly and said, "As long as you have the heart."

"Sooner or later, I will become a good emperor who will last through the ages!" Yang Yi said a lot of bold words.Yesterday he had doubts about himself, and once wanted to give up on himself, but in the end, he still defeated the demon in his heart.

He didn't want Sister Yunqing to look down upon him, he had to do something, he wanted to prove to Sister Yunqing that he could be better than Yan Rusong.

Then, she might stop treating him as a child, forget about Yan Rusong, and fall in love with him.

Next, Wei Yunqing was happy to see Yang Yi listening to Wen Huai's class seriously, and sometimes asked some questions that were obviously asked after listening.So the worries from the previous day were suppressed again, she was full of confidence in transforming Yang Yi, and continued to estimate the time when she would leave the palace with confidence.

Yang Yi's good performance lasted for several more days. As the weather was getting colder, Wei Yunqing fell ill without paying attention. He had a stuffy nose, a runny nose, and a headache. He lay groggy on the bed and couldn't get up.

Yang Yi rushed over immediately after hearing the news, and the imperial doctor prescribed medicine to make Wei Yunqing rest in bed.

There were no minor illnesses in ancient times. Seeing Wei Yunqing's face flushed with fever, Yang Yi surrounded the bed with a worried expression on his face, held her hand and murmured: "Sister Yunqing, aren't you a fairy in the sky? Why do you get sick? Get well soon..."

The illness came like a mountain, and Wei Yunqing, who had a rosy complexion the day before, was now limp and limp, lying on the bed weakly, and felt a dull pain in his head when he moved a little, and his world was spinning.Feeling the coolness in her hand, which made her hot body feel a little comfortable, she clenched her hand reflexively.

Aware of Wei Yunqing's dependence on him, Yang Yi's heart moved slightly, he held her hand with both hands, and said in a low voice: "Sister Yunqing, you will definitely get better..."

Wei Yunqing's physical fitness has always been good. She recuperated well after being shot by Li Zhuo before, without any sequelae. This time, she also used her own resistance to survive the fever without effective medical treatment.

Being ill is like dying. After the fever subsides, Wei Yunqing's body has not recovered, and he has no strength, so he can only rely on others for everything.

After waking up, seeing Yang Yi by his side, her expression was full of worry, and seeing her open her eyes and suddenly revealing a surprised smile, Wei Yunqing couldn't help but feel a little moved.

This kid... is quite repayable.

"Sister Yunqing, you're finally awake!" Yang Yi leaned in front of Wei Yunqing with a look of lingering fear and said, "I thought... last night was dangerous!"

"Don't worry, I won't die yet." Wei Yunqing smiled with difficulty.As soon as the words came out, she realized that her voice was hoarse.

At this time, Lan Tian had already brought warm water over and served Wei Yunqing to drink it, only then did she feel the burning pain in her throat gradually subside.

"I'm fine, you can go to Master Wen."

After Wei Yunqing washed up and ate something, she found that Yang Yi was still stuck in her room, so she couldn't help but chase him away.

"But sister Yunqing, your body..." Yang Yi didn't want to leave.

Wei Yunqing frowned: "You also said it was my body. You are fine, so go to Mr. Wen's place quickly. Reading is not a day's work, so it cannot be wasted. What can you read intermittently?"

Good habits are hard to form, but only a lazy thought is needed to break them.She finally saw that Yang Yi's academic career was getting better and better, so how could she tolerate letting him give up halfway because of her own sake?
"But I don't trust you, sister Yunqing..." Yang Yi was not easily persuaded by Wei Yunqing.

Wei Yunqing said: "If you really think about me, then study hard with Mr. Wen. Only in this way can I recover from my illness with peace of mind."

"...Okay." Yang Yi was finally persuaded by Wei Yunqing, and he left Yanxi Palace without hesitation.

Seeing Yang Yi leave, Wei Yunqing relaxed even more, and nestled comfortably in the bed.

In the next few days, Wei Yunqing's condition relapsed occasionally, but the problem was not serious. Under the strong resistance of her immune system, her symptoms finally subsided slowly, and she was finally able to get out of bed and walk freely.

Naturally, Wei Yunqing hasn't forgotten to pay attention to Yang Yi these days. It's not convenient for her to go, so she often sends Lantian or Lucui to visit Qianqingmen. Hearing that Yang Yi is studying hard there, she feels relieved.What she was most afraid of was that Yang Yi would slack off during the period when she was in poor health and could not supervise her. So far, it seemed that what she was worried about had not happened, so she was naturally relieved.

That day, Wei Yunqing was walking around the palace at will, letting his limbs, which had been rested for too long, move a little bit, when he saw Lu Cui rushing in suddenly, and when he saw her, he shouted: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's not good!"

"Lu Cui, keep your focus! Tell me slowly if you have anything to say, the empress is fine!" Lan Tian immediately reprimanded softly.

Lu Cui didn't hold back a little because of Lan Tian's words, she ran up to Wei Yunqing a few steps and said excitedly, "Ma'am, the servant just came back from the Qianqing Gate, and the Bachelor of Arts is losing his temper!"

"What's wrong?" Wei Yunqing asked curiously.

Lu Cui said: "The Emperor didn't go to see the Bachelor of Arts today, the slave girl asked again later, only to find out that Concubine Zhuang went to the Qianqing Palace to look for the Emperor today, and the Emperor has not come out of the Qianqing Palace until now!"

"Concubine Zhuang?" Wei Yunqing's complexion changed, and he immediately said, "Changing clothes for me, I'm going to Qianqing Palace."

Lu Cui and Lan Tian, ​​with worried expressions on their faces, quickly changed Wei Yunqing's out-of-the-way clothes, led the palace servants of Yanxi Palace, and followed Wei Yunqing to Qianqing Palace.

Being in poor health, and hearing the news that Yang Yi had reverted to his old self, Wei Yunqing was in a bad mood along the way. When she came to Qianqing Palace and vaguely heard laughter coming from inside, her mood It's even worse.

She didn't ask anyone to report, but just stayed outside the palace gate of Qianqing Palace, and she could vaguely see Concubine Zhuang playing with Yang Yi, and Zheng Xiang and others, all surrounded by the emperor Yang Yi, all smiling .

"Niang Niang..." Lan Tian called Wei Yunqing with some worry.

Wei Yunqing looked at everything in Qianqing Palace almost expressionlessly, just when Lan Tian thought she was going to rush in to teach the emperor a lesson, Wei Yunqing turned around and left.

— She has had enough!What's the matter with love!
(End of this chapter)

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