Chapter 7

"Why are you running? Let me help you change your clothes." Wei Yunqing explained angrily.

Yang Yi's terrified expression calmed down, he hurriedly got up, and patted the dust off his body, his face was a little embarrassed.It turned out that he misunderstood... He just said, how could Sister Yun Qing kill him?
Wei Yunqing would not admit that she was deliberately scaring Yang Yi just now, she scratched a few times on his clothes with a normal face, then bent down and grabbed the dirt and wiped the dirt on his head and face.

After all the disguises were done, Yang Yi no longer looked like a young man with red lips and white teeth. He stood there blankly, looking ashamed.

Wei Yunqing couldn't help laughing: "If you want to survive, just be patient. When we get to the city, we'll change our equipment!"

Yang Yi's complexion improved a bit.As a pampered emperor since he was a child, he had never experienced such suffering, so he especially hated the eunuch who encouraged him to conquer himself, even though the eunuch had already died in the rebellion.

But for Wei Yunqing, who really made him into such a mess with his own hands, he was only grateful. If it weren't for Sister Fairy, he would have become the soul of the soldiers of the Song Dynasty long ago!

Before joining the refugee team, Wei Yunqing told Yang Yi once again, telling him to pretend to be dumb and she would deal with it when something happened.Yang Yi repeatedly nodded in agreement.

Wei Yunqing sighed, their combination is really interesting.Yang Yi is an aborigine, but he is an emperor who does not work hard and does not distinguish between five grains. He probably doesn't know as much as she does. Communicate with other natives on the scalp.

The refugee team was very long, estimated to be thousands of people, some dragged their families and supported each other to move forward, some pushed a cart, and followed the team forward. There was no carriage as far as the eye could see. People have already run away, and the rest are slow pacers.

When Wei Yunqing and Yang Yi entered the refugee team, they didn't attract too many people's attention. The people next to them saw that they were not soldiers, so they turned their eyes away and let themselves go on their way.

The two walked at the back of the team and moved forward with the flow of people.

After only a few minutes of walking, they heard a rush of soldiers and horses ahead, and the people behind couldn't see the situation in front, so they all stopped nervously and tiptoed to look around. There was a tense atmosphere in the team.

Soon, Wei Yunqing saw the culprit that caused all this - a group of light cavalry.

When it was clear that it was the cavalry that came, the refugees crowded aside one after another, their faces full of fear, but later everyone found out that although the cavalry was from the Song Dynasty, they only cared about their journey and did not commit any offense to the refugee team.Now the refugees felt a little relieved, and only retreated to the side of the road, so as not to accidentally bump into the horse and cause death.

The refugees were not afraid, but Wei Yunqing, who could clearly see that the leader was Li Zhuo, was almost scared out of her wits. She quickly lowered her head, put her arms around Yang Yi's waist and said in a low voice, "Hold me quickly!"

Yang Yi didn't see Li Zhuo's appearance clearly last night, seeing Wei Yunqing panicked, he hurriedly put his arms around Wei Yunqing's shoulders, allowing her to bury her whole face in his chest.The two leaned on each other and moved forward. Wei Yunqing coughed from time to time, as if he was dying of illness and was about to go west soon.

This camouflage achieved the desired effect, the appearance of Wei Yunqing and Yang Yi had already blended into the refugees, plus she wore a man's hair in a bun and did not show her face, Li Zhuo would not be able to recognize her even if she was a god.

Li Zhuo rode a tall horse and slowed down when passing by the refugees. His eyes consciously scanned the refugee team, but naturally he didn't find anything.He was a little disappointed, he looked away, and his mind returned to the battle.Presumably General Wu is cleaning the battlefield at this moment, and I don't know if the little emperor is dead or not.

When Li Zhuo passed Wei Yunqing on horseback, she was the most nervous. She closed her eyes tightly and prayed for him to leave quickly. But at this moment, the wheel of Wei Yunqing's side and rear cart overturned when the wheels ran over the stones on the ground. The luggage turned over and fell to the ground, blocking the way of Li Zhuo and his party. He led his soldiers to stop.

Wei Yunqing was startled, this evil old society can't even fix a road!
The man who flipped the cart was a middle-aged man. He was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing: "Master, please spare me! Please, please, please!"

Li Zhuo frowned slightly, and Wang Hong, who was a horse head behind him, immediately said: "Hurry up and pack up your things to make way!"

The middle-aged man woke up like a dream, and only then remembered what he should do. He hurriedly straightened the cart, and hurriedly picked up the belongings on the ground.The surrounding refugees and this middle-aged man have also been neighbors for many years. Seeing that this team of military masters is not vicious, they have the courage to step forward to help. In this way, if Wei Yunqing and Yang Yi, who are not far away, do not move, It is very conspicuous.

But Wei Yunqing didn't dare to move!Although she made a disguise, it was not a disguise. If Li Zhuo saw her face, she might recognize her, and she didn't want to take the risk.But if you don't help, you will be like standing out from the crowd.

It’s not to help, it’s not to not to help, Wei Yunqing simply gritted his teeth, pulled Yang Yi to sit on the ground with his arms, and burst into continuous coughing sounds from his mouth.Just because she lowered her head, she saw the exposed water sac that originally belonged to Li Zhuo, so she hurriedly lifted up the tattered clothes and robe to cover up everything that might expose them.

Yang Yi was a little panicked, he quickly stroked her back, wanted to ask, but remembered what she had told him to pretend to be dumb, so he closed his mouth tightly, his face flustered.

The movements of Wei Yunqing and Yang Yi naturally attracted Li Zhuo's attention. He glanced at them and saw that they were a pair of brothers, so he didn't look any further.He had only seen Wei Yunqing before, and Yang Yi hid from him to see it, and it was dark at that time, so he could remember her face well, but he didn't know her figure well enough, so naturally he didn't recognize her face. is her.

Wei Yunqing coughed so hard that his throat was about to burst, so he had to gradually slow down, occasionally coughing intermittently.

On the other side, the middle-aged man packed up his things with the help of the neighbors, and a group of people immediately retreated to the side.

Seeing that the road was clear, Li Zhuo galloped past with his soldiers.

Wei Yunqing raised his head only after the sound of horseshoes had gone away.At that time, the two followed the refugee team a little further, and still maintained the posture of embracing each other.

Wei Yunqing let go of Yang Yi, bowed her head and hugged him to walk together, it was really uncomfortable, as soon as she let go of him, she stretched her lower limbs and let out a long breath.

"Sister, what happened just now?" Yang Yi asked in a low voice.

Wei Yunqing looked at him sideways: "You didn't recognize him?"

"Huh?" Yang Yi looked blank.

"He is the general of the Song Dynasty last night!" Wei Yunqing whispered, "I smashed his head last night. If he finds out, I will die!"

Yang Yi nodded suddenly, his eyes fell on Wei Yunqing's face, but he didn't say a word: If the general of the Song Dynasty really caught Sister Fairy, he might be ruthless... How could he be willing to kill her?I'm afraid it's too late to love her!

He looked away faintly, he would not tell Sister Fairy about this!

At noon, the refugee team stopped to rest at the same place, and the refugees found a place to sit down, took out food such as biscuits and steamed buns, and began to eat lunch.

Wei Yunqing and Yang Yi sat aside hungry, looking at those delicious sesame seed cakes and those white steamed buns with pained expressions.

There was too little rabbit meat before, so they finished it in one meal, and the two of them walked all night, and their energy was exhausted long ago.Wei Yunqing was still carrying dry rice, but no one was cooking as far as the eye could see, so she couldn't borrow utensils if she wanted, and after eating rabbit meat before, if she swallowed dry rice, she felt that she could spit it out.

"Do you have any money with you?" Wei Yunqing asked Yang Yi in a low voice.

Yang Yi shook his head.As an emperor, how could he carry money with him?

Wei Yun was mentally prepared early in the morning, and he was not disappointed. If he didn't bring any money, he had no choice but to exchange them with valuable things on their bodies.But exchanging her platinum necklace for a steamed bun made her heart ache no matter how she thought about it.

Wei Yunqing turned his head to look at Yang Yi: "Where's your wrench? Do you mind taking one out for something to eat?"

She thought, anyway, Yang Yi is the emperor and has a lot of property, but it's just a finger pull, so he probably won't take it to heart.As for the jade pendant he gave her earlier, after all, it is a dragon pattern, a royal thing, wouldn't it reveal his identity if he took it out?

Yang Yi's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly lowered his head to search.

Wei Yunqing brushed off his robe, and thought that he was a time-traveling woman after all, yet he got to this point, and couldn't help feeling sad.She suddenly felt a little sick, moved her hand up, and vaguely felt that there seemed to be something hidden at the edge of the clothes... She hurriedly took out the dagger, cut the bulge, and a small piece of it fell out. silver.

"Money!" Wei Yunqing's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly grabbed Yang Yi and told him to hide the wrench back.

What Wei Yunqing was wearing was the servant's uniform, which Yang Yi put on in a panic. It was estimated that it was originally worn by some low-status servant. He saved money and sewed it into his clothes, which turned out to be cheap for them.

Yang Yi had never seen Qian so happy before, he looked at Wei Yunqing excitedly, waiting for her to make up her mind.

Wei Yunqing gestured to him to be calm and calm down, and after groping his body for a long time, he found two or three pieces of silver from the corners.She took the silver and looked around, looking for the target.First of all, what she is looking for is a family with a family. Generally, the family has a large population, and there will always be more food prepared, but the population should not be too large. If there are too many people, they will not have enough food for themselves, and they will not distribute it to her; secondly. From those families of three and four, she was looking for someone who was better dressed and seemed to be able to carry a lot of spare food.

Wei Yunqing quickly selected a family of four. It was a pair of parents and a pair of children. Although the boy was wearing a Gebu jacket, he was neat and tidy, as if he had just made it. Yuanyuan, she didn't suffer too much on weekdays.

Wei Yunqing slowly approached, and when she saw the man looking over, she hurriedly stopped, squatted down, looked directly at him and said sincerely: "Brother, do you have any extra food for me and my younger brother?" She pointed Pointing to Yang Yi, who was looking forward to it, "We came out in a hurry, and we didn't have time to prepare..."

But before Wei Yunqing finished speaking, the woman waved her hand and said, "We don't have enough to eat, so how can we give you more?"

The man glanced at his wife, hesitated to speak.At this time, the woman's three or four-year-old son started crying, and she immediately coaxed: "Don't cry, still hungry? Mom, there are steamed buns here, eat quickly!" She said as she broke off a piece of steamed bun and stuffed it into his mouth. inside.

(End of this chapter)

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