Chapter 76

Wei Yunqing stayed in the Palace of Yanxi Palace for three full days, during which Yang Yi came once, but she closed the door and saw no one, so he could only leave wearily.

Three days later, Wei Yunqing was pale and haggard, and he had lost a lot of weight, but his mental state was better than when he heard the news of Yan Rusong's death.

Just like what Lan Tian said, Wei Yunqing understands the truth, what else can she do when someone is dead, except miss him?It's one thing to understand the truth, but another to be able to do it.It took her three full days to get herself out of the pain a little bit.

It's just that, for the future, she is a little bit unmotivated.Originally, her goal was to find a way to leave the palace after fulfilling her promise, but now that Yan Rusong is dead, what's the point of her desperately leaving the palace?She is still unwilling to stay in the palace, but the urgency to leave the palace is gone.Because outside the palace, there is no one waiting for her like Yan Rusong.

Wei Yunqing didn't want to stay in the Palace of Yanxi Palace and think about it any longer, so he tidied up a bit, and then walked to Qianqing Palace with Lantian Lucui.

The atmosphere along the way seemed a little bit chilly. Wei Yunqing walked all the way, seeing the tense faces of the hurried maids, he knew that the situation was really bad.

She thought that Yan Rusong was originally Daliang's hero, and now his death is not just the fall of a Daliang general, but also had an irreversible impact on Daliang's morale—even he couldn't resist Da Song's attack. Iron cavalry, who else can do it?

When Wei Yunqing came to the Qianqing Palace, the Qianqing Palace was in a mess, as if he was packing something.

She passed by the panic-stricken palace people all the way, but saw the same in the palace. The palace people packed their things in a panic, saluted in a hurry when they saw her, and then left quickly, busy with solemn faces.

The palace people along the way were busy, and no one stopped her, and no one went to report to Yang Yi——no one stopped her to explain, Yang Yi could see how she had eyes, so naturally no one would go It's just that no one notified it, but it's a bit outrageous.

When Wei Yunqing walked outside Yang Yi's bedroom, he heard him shouting hastily inside: "You also find someone for me to notify Yanxi Palace, and let them clean it up as soon as possible!"

Wei Yunqing followed his tail and walked in.Yang Yi happened to be looking in the direction of the door, and saw her at a glance, as if he couldn't believe it, he rubbed his eyes and said pleasantly: "Sister Yunqing, you, why are you here? Quick, come and sit down!"

Seeing that Wei Yunqing had lost a lot of weight, Yang Yi felt pity in his heart, and his voice softened a bit, deliberately not to mention Yan Rusong's matter, just said: "Sister Yunqing, you came just in time! You can go later Pack some valuable things, we'll be leaving in two days!"

Hearing this, Wei Yunqing frowned slightly: "Go? Where are you going?"

As soon as she said this, Yang Yi frowned, feeling a bit shy.Her voice was very hoarse. It was obvious that she had cried a lot these days and her throat was broken.Look at her red and swollen eyes, pale lips, and haggard face...everything reveals her affection for Yan Rusong.

He suppressed the sadness in his heart, and said in a low voice: "Sister Yunqing, you don't know, Da Song has been driving straight in these few days, and it is less than three days away from Shangjing. I don't know how long Bianzhou, north of Shangjing, can last. Go south quickly!"

"Are you... trying to escape?" Wei Yunqing couldn't believe it.

Yang Yi's voice was bitter: "I... I don't want to. If I don't escape, the iron cavalry of Song Dynasty will break through the gate of Shangjing, and none of us will be able to escape!"

Wei Yunqing gritted his teeth and stood up, his expression was cold and hard, and his eyes were full of anger.

"You are the emperor, the civil and military officials of Daliang and the people of Li people all rely on you, but you want to abandon the city and run away? You...what are you?" Wei Yunqing said angrily, his lips trembling with anger.

"But if we don't run...we will all die!" Yang Yi panicked.He recalled how frightened he was when he faced the cruelty of Song soldiers.The kind of panic and helplessness on the verge of life and death, he doesn't want to try again!

"So what about death?" Wei Yunqing looked at him condescendingly, and said coldly, "The emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the country. You are the emperor of Daliang, and the country of Liang is broken. You, the emperor, will die with it. What's the matter?"

Yang Yi's face suddenly turned pale.

Wei Yunqing didn't seem to see it at all, and said again: "What's more, you may not die. Shangjing is a capital after all, and the capital camp is not a decoration. Some soldiers from the surrounding areas will be sent to defend the city. The Song army will break through the city gate and come in. It's easier said than done? After a few months, Da Song went deep into the hinterland of Daliang, and the supplies couldn't keep up, and the troops from other places in Daliang can also gather smoothly to attack Da Song from inside and outside. I don't believe that they can't be defeated!"

Yang Yi stared blankly at Wei Yunqing, suddenly his expression changed, he jumped up and said excitedly: "You, you want to be buried with Yan Rusong, don't you? Sister Yunqing, Yan Rusong is dead, and you don't want to live anymore, so you just want to kill him." Pull me, pull the entire people of Shangjing to be buried with Yan Rusong, right?"

Hearing Yang Yi mention Yan Rusong, Wei Yunqing's eyes changed, and tears seemed to well up in his eyes again.She suppressed the bitterness in her heart, looked at Yang Yi quietly and said, "In your heart, am I such a lunatic?"

Yang Yi was speechless.Of course he knew it wasn't...Sister Yunqing is so gentle and kind, how could she do such a thing?

Seeing that he was silent, Wei Yunqing waited for a while before continuing: "I am calm now, and there is no time to be calmer." She had to strip her emotions and look down at herself like an outsider in order to let herself She didn't cry until her heart broke, so she really wasn't lying, and it seemed like another person was occupying her body at this moment.

Yang Yi looked up at her in a daze.

Wei Yunqing said: "Is there any natural danger to the south of Shangjing?"

Yang Yi thought for a while, then shook his head solemnly.

"Then how do you get the confidence that you can escape from this abandoned city? Once you lose the iron wall of the upper capital wall, how can the soldiers of the Beijing camp and your 26 guards resist the soldiers of the Song Dynasty? There is no natural danger to defend in the south, you If you take a step back, the range of action will be reduced, and when you are forced to the southernmost point, what are you going to do? Jump into the sea and flee? Do you have enough ships and enough courage to take you from the mainland to the unknown world?" Wei Yunqing slowly Said, the voice is harsh.

Yang Yi's face turned pale, he was completely stunned, just thinking about the prospect she had painted for him, he felt a chill down his spine.

Wei Yunqing suddenly looked at the palace servants who were busy, and said loudly: "Don't clean up, put your things back!"

The palace people stopped suddenly, looked at each other, and then looked at Yang Yi in unison.

Yang Yi gritted his teeth, and sighed after a while under the eyes of the palace people: "Listen to Sister Yunqing."

The palace people looked at each other again, and quickly took out the packed things according to Wei Yunqing's instructions, and put them back in place.

With Yang Yi's compromise, the expression on Wei Yunqing's face was not necessarily very satisfied.She nodded towards Yang Yi, and said in a deep voice: "Call the cabinet, the Ministry of War, and all relevant people, and we will have a meeting."

Yang Yi looked at her, his eyes flickering slightly.

She looked cold, as if she was talking about a trivial matter: "Before the Song soldiers come, we still have too many things to arrange."

The side hall of the Qianqing Gate was crowded with a group of brains and brains, and from time to time some people looked at Wei Yunqing who should not be here with inexplicable eyes.

Everyone looked around, but Wei Yunqing didn't feel flustered at all. The person standing beside her was Cao Jun, who frowned slightly at the disrespectful eyes of the people around her, but couldn't do it because of the wrong occasion.

Therefore, there is only one woman, Wei Yunqing, in this place.

"Your majesty, what are your orders for calling Weichen here?" Mao Yirong was used to treating Wei Yunqing as air, and only looked at Yang Yi and said.Wei Yunqing suddenly didn't come to the cabinet one day before, he said that the emperor retracted the oral order, and he didn't feel much at that time, he didn't take Wei Yunqing seriously before.

Yang Yi glanced at Wei Yunqing, and said: "The Great Song Army is about to attack Shangjing, and I'm looking for all my lovers to discuss how to deal with it."

All the ministers looked at each other in blank dismay, murmuring already in their hearts.Although Yang Yi didn't give orders to abandon the city and flee with great fanfare, he made such a big noise about letting people pack up things. Those important ministers had already known about it, and they had already packed up their belongings quickly, and they were just waiting to escape with the emperor. , slow moving, rich family, I'm afraid they are still cleaning up at this moment.Now listen to Yang Yi's meaning...don't run away?

Naturally, it was impossible for everyone present to ask stupid things like "Didn't you say you were going to run away?" There was a strange silence at first, and then they expressed their opinions under Mao Yirong's leadership.

Some people said that they would issue a call to action and let princes and princes from all over the country recruit troops to fight the Song Dynasty.This whimsical idea was immediately refuted.In the early years of the founding of Daliang, the princes and grandchildren still had the right to lead the army, but after the death of Emperor Gao, some of his grandchildren were ready to move, and some even raised the flag to rebel. The rebellion was suppressed.After several generations of emperors' efforts, the matter of cutting down the vassals was settled. The vassal kings were naturally dissatisfied, but after a while, they could not withstand the power of the central court and obediently surrendered their military power.For more than a hundred years after that, the vassal kings in Daliang who were sealed to various places only had economic power, and no military power to lead troops. The prince's family could only support a few hundred soldiers. The heart of disobedience is serious, and there is also the disaster of ransacking the house.Therefore, the princes and grandchildren do not have the right to recruit soldiers, even if they are allowed to recruit soldiers temporarily, it is impossible to solve this urgent need for a while.Moreover, if Daliang can successfully survive this battle, the princes and grandchildren who have an army afterwards may become a new threat.

Some people said that the troops stationed in the south should be transferred back to defend Shangjing.It's just that the distance between the south and Shangjing is far away, and it coincides with the rebellion of Nanmiao, and the army is recalled. The rebellion on the side of Nanmiao may spread outward. The situation, that would be very bad!

There are also people who are sincere and directly say that the Great Song Dynasty is coming so fiercely that Shangjing may not be able to resist it, so it is better to move the capital to the south.The so-called keep the green hills, don't be afraid of running out of firewood, keep a useful body, and slowly figure it out, and then find a way to go back and beat Da Song back in the future.This opinion was reprimanded by Cao Jun. He was not a scholar, so he directly scolded the other party for being greedy for life and fear of death, insulting gentleness, and really a coward.The official's face was flushed by the scolding, and other officials also had a lot of opinions on Cao Jun, the eunuch, insulting his colleagues, but because the emperor was present, he seemed to agree on his face, and everyone weighed it and no one spoke. .

Long before coming here, Wei Yunqing communicated with Cao Jun and told him that what she was discussing this time was the strategy of defending the city and retreating the enemy. She also specifically told Cao Jun that if she abandons the city and retreats this time, I am afraid that everyone present will become a hero in history. Laughing butt, will last forever.Cao Jun had made up his mind a long time ago that he wanted to do something to shine in the annals of history. After hearing Wei Yunqing's words and thinking for a while, he made up his mind-send all his adopted sons and daughters to the capital, while he stayed here, Even if he really couldn't escape a word of death in the end, at least he can gain a reputation of integrity.

(End of this chapter)

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