Chapter 78

These ministers can ignore Wei Yunqing's words, but they have to listen to Yang Yi's words, so they have to go and see what Zhao Zhen has to say.

Zhao Zhen was stared at by so many people, and he was not as cramped as before. He didn't look at other people, but only looked at Wei Yunqing and talked: "Go back to your mother, I have just thought about it, even if the soldiers of the Song Dynasty are more powerful than me. The soldiers in Daliang are strong, and generally speaking, they will not exceed the combat effectiveness of the soldiers in the Beijing camp. We even have spare power to send a small group of soldiers to attack the rear of the Song army. Falling flowers and flowing water!"

The more he talked, the more excited he became, as if he had seen the wonderful ending of driving the Great Song Army away.

Wei Yunqing nodded, and continued to ask: "Then who should be the general who defends the city? Do you have someone in mind?"

Zhao Zhen hesitated for a moment, and said: "My minister thinks that He Zhili, who has already served as the general soldier, can take up this post."

He Zhili He Zongbing?

Wei Yunqing suddenly remembered that Yan Rusong once said that a He Zongbing was kind to him, and if He Zongbing didn't appreciate him and give him a chance, he wouldn't be able to reach his current position.

She felt sad, and the image flashed in her mind was that she dragged Lantian and Lucui to pester Yan Rusong to tell stories, Yan Rusong was embarrassed and couldn't refuse, so he had no choice but to tell them about the past.She will always remember how excited she was when she heard about his past.At that time, in his clear voice, she only felt like a spring breeze, and it would be good to fall asleep. She never thought that she would never hear that gentle and amiable voice again.

"He Zongbing... but He Zongbing who pacified Nanmiao eight years ago?" Wei Yunqing settled down.

No one saw Wei Yunqing's momentary loss of focus, only Zhao Zhen said: "Exactly."

Li Shan, who had listened for a long time, broke the silence: "It is true that Zongbing He has made great contributions to the court, but now that he is old, how can he bother the old man with such things as fighting? He is not as healthy as before. Neat, if there is a mistake on the battlefield, how can he be worthy of the credit he has made for the court in the past?"

Li Shan said this politely, but anyone could tell that he was worried that He Zhili would be old and useless, and that it would cause bad things if he went to the battlefield.Li Shan did not express his approval for the defense of the city, but this did not prevent him from expressing his opinions on the candidates for the defense generals as Minister of the Ministry of War.

Zhao Zhen's momentary hesitation just now stemmed from this.

He Zhili is a veteran with rich combat experience, defending the city is just a piece of cake for him.But it is also true that he is old. When Nan Miao was pacified, some people wanted to recommend others on the grounds that he was too old. At that time, he was allowed to lead the army under Li Shan's strong insistence—— It was in that counter-insurgency campaign that Yan Rusong, who was still a young general, stood out, and then rose all the way up, becoming a legend of Daliang.He Zhili became an official five years ago, and now even Li Shan, who recommended him at the beginning, thinks that he is too old, and it is really embarrassing for him to ask He Zhili to come back to lead the army.

Although he has never met, Wei Yunqing has a good impression and respect for that Zongbing He, and he doesn't want to embarrass him when he is old, and let him go into battle again to exhaust the last bit of energy for Daliang.

"Master Zhao, do you have other candidates?" Wei Yunqing asked.

Zhao Zhen frowned slightly: "Yes, yes... But compared with He Zongbing, he is far behind." He paused, and then said, "I met He Zongbing a month ago, although he is now an official At home, in addition to raising flowers and birds every day, I still insist on wielding knives and sticks, and I will be as strong as a young general.”

"Really?" Wei Yunqing's eyes lit up.She has no doubts in He Zongbing's ability to lead the army, and the person Yan Rusong respects must be very extraordinary.If Zongbing He led the soldiers to defend the city, the Song Army would not be able to break through the city!

"My minister has absolutely no lies!" Zhao Zhen said with certainty.

"I still do not agree to invite He Zongbing out of the mountain. Even if he is still practicing every day, so what? He is old and can't stand the toss anymore. It is not enough for the leader to point out the country. If the physical strength can't keep up, he will die halfway." Falling down is another blow to our morale." Li Shan said forcefully.

"Then how do you say someone is selected?" Wei Yunqing looked at Li Shan.

After all, Li Shan is the minister of the Ministry of War, and he knows the generals who can be used. He was about to speak when he heard the words, and suddenly thought of something, and shut up suddenly—it was so dangerous, he almost fell for it!He didn't agree with the emperor staying to defend the city, which now made him recommend a general to defend the could he obey?

"I think it's impossible to defend the city." Li Shan said solemnly, changing his words.

Mao Yirong snorted through his nose and continued, "I think so too."

"My minister seconded the proposal."

"So does Weichen."

Seeing them go back to the conversation, Wei Yunqing was very annoyed, but suddenly smiled: "Since you adults think that defending the city is impossible, then you can go." She turned to Yang Yi and said as if asking , "Your Majesty, allow them to go first? After all, they are all ministers of my humerus. We must not treat them too badly. We must always agree with them and let them choose whether to stay or not."

One sentence from Wei Yunqing changed the nature of these ministers persuading Yang Yi.

In the eyes of others, they originally persuaded Yang Yi to leave for Daliang's future, but now they have become greedy for life and afraid of death.

The expressions of the few ministers who spoke just now changed after Wei Yunqing finished speaking, and they stared at Wei Yunqing angrily.

Mao Yirong said angrily: "A woman's opinion!" He did not argue with Wei Yunqing, he stared at Yang Yi and said, "Your Majesty, women have long hair but short knowledge! Your body is the most important thing now, how can you be so trifling? This is a matter of discussion among important officials of the imperial court, please ask the emperor to invite irrelevant people out!"

This has nothing to do with people, and it is naturally Wei Yunqing who is talking about it.

Cao Jun sneered suddenly: "Master Mao, what you said is wrong. We are all involved in the attack of the Great Song Army in Shangjing, which one is considered 'no one else'?" I’m as familiar with you as your empress? Your empress is a person who personally went to the battlefield and survived, and the adults... want to see the appearance of soldiers stabbing people with knives, I’m afraid they will pee their pants in fright!"

With Wei Yunqing as his backer, Cao Jun's courage has become bigger and bigger. Zheng Xiang was standing in front of him before, but now under Wei Yunqing's "pillow wind", Zheng Xiang has lost the palm of the eunuch He was kicked out of the imperial prison, and without real power, Zheng Xiang couldn't make any tricks.Now Cao Jun, Supervisor of Ceremonies, dominates alone. Although the position of eunuch with palm seal is not yet in his hands, it is not far away. He is already the real No. 1 servant.Therefore, when facing the officials, he was not very polite - anyway, he was polite to them, and they still looked down on him, so why is he pretending?It's better to say what you have to say, and you can feel happier in your heart.

Therefore, Cao Jun, who was basically silent before, couldn't help it when these ministers were caught speaking so rudely to Wei Yunqing.

"You, you... talking nonsense!" Jin Yan was so angry that his beard was raised.

Mao Yirong looked livid, looked at Yang Yi and said sternly: "Your Majesty! How can you allow people in the harem to meddle in important state affairs? Please also put the country as the most important thing for the emperor, and don't be fooled by beauty and rhetoric!"

Mao Yirong's words hit Yang Yi directly in the face. Doesn't this mean that Yang Yi is a fool?
Yang Yi didn't pursue Mao Yirong's disrespect, but turned his back and said, "I've already made up my mind, don't try to persuade me anymore! If you want to leave, just go, I won't stop you, but you don't want to persuade me any more. Those who talk too much will be thrown into prison!"

It was rare for Yang Yi to be domineering. After all, he is the emperor and the real ruler. Listening to the opinions of the officials is to give them face. If they don't listen to them, there is nothing they can do about him.

Mao Yirong and the others looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed and didn't speak again. No one wanted to put themselves in it. Is the place where people can stay in the prison?
It's just... I'm afraid they can only live and die with Shangjing this time.Even if the emperor doesn't leave, who among them would dare to leave the city easily?
Wei Yunqing was very satisfied with Yang Yi's performance this time, and said lightly: "The emperor means that if the adults have no feasible suggestions, they should step down first. Too many people are not good for discussion. But for soldiers, city defense, food and grass, etc. If you have ideas, please stay and do your part to defend Shangjing. After defeating the Great Song Army, the big guys will all be the heroes of Daliang, and everyone should be rewarded."

This, this... When did the emperor have such meaning in his words?

Several ministers were angry and shocked, but no one listened to Wei Yunqing's words and left—joke, the next thing is about everyone's wealth and life, who dares to leave?

"Oh? Everyone has something to say?" Seeing that no one was leaving, Wei Yunqing raised his eyebrows and said, "Then please pay attention to the order, and talk one by one, and don't interrupt when it's not your turn, so as not to waste time arguing again. Great Song Army We don’t have that much time to spend extravagantly arguing with the tigers staring at us not far away.”

No one responded, but everyone's attitude already showed that they acquiesced to Wei Yunqing's words.

The atmosphere of the discussion finally became harmonious. Wei Yunqing, who had exhausted his energy for this, breathed a sigh of relief, and began to be a qualified bystander, quietly listening to the big guys expressing their opinions.

Just as she doesn't understand politics, she doesn't know much about military affairs either. What she knows is only the most obvious things. As an organizer, it is enough to guide the topic at critical moments. Professionals should be left to professionals.The so-called art industry has specialization, that's all.

Half an hour later, the discussion ended, and the plan for defending the city was finalized.The generals defending the city finally decided on He Zhili, and some young and experienced generals would come to assist him.As for the deployment of soldiers, food and grass issues, etc., special personnel were also designated to be responsible.

Such a result made Wei Yunqing quite satisfied. When she left after discussing the matter, she greeted Mao Yirong and others friendly. Of course, all she got was a few supercilious looks.

But she didn't care at all, and led her people away Shi Shiran.

But when the group returned to the Palace of Yanxi Palace, Wei Yunqing suddenly stopped while looking ahead, turned his head and walked back.

"Niang Niang?" Lan Tian asked suspiciously.

"Go back to Qianqing Palace." Wei Yun said calmly.

She would rather go to Qianqing Palace to find Yang Yi and read the memorial for him than go back to the empty Yanxi Palace.She knew that she would miss Yan Rusong crazily, and if she didn't find something for herself to do, she would drive herself crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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