Chapter 1109

Chapter 1109

Obviously Rong Jiaojiao was already weak to the point of dying.At this moment, he struggled, but became more and more ferocious.Gradually, Rong Zifu couldn't hold back anymore.

She looked at Rong Jiaojiao who was screaming in pain, and then looked up at Jun Jiu.Flustered and anxious in her heart, Rong Zifu took a deep breath when she saw Jun Jiu's indifferent, calm, beautiful and confident side face.She used her spiritual power to suppress Rong Jiaojiao.

Jun Jiu didn't rush, and continued the steps of bloodletting and needle removal in her hand.

Seeing more and more blood in the basin, Xiao Wu changed to a second basin.The amount of bleeding almost exceeds the total amount of blood in a person's body.

The Great Elder's face was pale and livid, he clenched his teeth, and his fists were clenched.Is this saving lives?Still hurting people!
The three people in the room were tormented every second.So Jun Jiu and Xiao Wu took it easy, and the time passed by every minute.Jun Jiu pulled out the last silver needle, Rong Jiaojiao let out a mournful cry, her body trembled suddenly and fell back onto the bed, motionless.

Rong Zifu was frightened.Opened her mouth, "Jiaojiao?"

"Rong Zifu, go down. Xiao Wu prepares a bathtub and dissolves this bottle of elixir. I need it soon." Jun Jiu said to Xiao Wu while commanding Rong Zifu.

Xiao Wu took the elixir and immediately turned around to prepare it.

On the other hand, Rong Zifu looked at Rong Jiaojiao in a daze and couldn't react.It was Jun Jiu who clasped her shoulder with one hand, lifted her up and moved her to the bed.

Turning over to Rong Jiaojiao's side, Jun Jiu pulled Rong Jiaojiao up and sat down.

He poured out three different elixirs for Rong Jiaojiao to take, and pointed out three big acupoints on Rong Jiaojiao's body.Then, Jun Jiu put both hands on Rong Jiaojiao's back, and closed her eyes.Run the spiritual power, slowly sinking into Rong Jiaojiao's body.

The poison Rong Jiaojiao suffered from was very similar to the blackened soul power.But the toxicity is more ferocious and overbearing. Although it will not devour the soul, it will destroy the body more aggressively and fiercely, preventing the body from healing itself, and making people immersed in pain all the time.

Even Jun Mingye, a ninth-level Spirit Lord, was difficult to decipher the previous poison.It can only be suppressed temporarily, waiting for her to detoxify.

It is naturally impossible to successfully detoxify the more fierce and domineering poison with the help of the Great Elder and Rong Zifu alone.But fortunately, they have always been able to expel the toxin, so that Rong Jiaojiao can live until now.

Rong Jiaojiao's poison was too deep, she was extremely fragile!Cannot be drugged with ghosts.

It can only radiate all the blood in her body.Then use the blood-enriching pill to quickly protect the heart and generate blood. Now, Jun Jiu will use his spiritual power to spread the effects of the three pills he just took to Rong Jiaojiao's whole body.Can't hesitate for a moment, can't be slow!

Rong Zifu was kicked out of bed by Jun Jiu, she stared at Rong Jiaojiao and Jun Jiu in a daze.

The Great Elder strode forward and said, "Miss, she..."

"Hush!" Rong Zifu raised her fingers anxiously, signaling the elder to whisper.Then she lowered her voice, stared at Rong Jiaojiao with bright eyes and said: "Look, Jiaojiao's complexion has improved! Her breath is also recovering rapidly."

The Great Elder turned his head to look, and was stunned.


Rong Jiaojiao is really improving.Compared with just now, it's like a dead flower coming back to life again in spring.

Now the two of them didn't dare to take a breath, for fear of disturbing Jun Jiu's treatment of Rong Jiaojiao.

Another half an hour passed before Jun Jiu closed his hands and opened his eyes.Sweat was dripping from her white and full forehead.The rosy and glossy lips are now slightly pale.The whole person is exhausted and tired.

Jun Jiu didn't speak.She turned over and got off the bed, and looked up at Xiao Wu at the door.

Xiao Wu nodded, "Ready."

"Bring it in."

Xiao Wu came in holding a bathtub three times her size in both hands.It was hot inside, and the water was a mixed color of light blue and purple.

Jun Jiu raised her hand and pinched the center of her eyebrows, and said to Rong Zifu: "Put your sister in it. It will be fine when the color in the water disappears."

"Okay." Rong Zifu nodded repeatedly.

Now she doesn't doubt Jun Jiu's words at all, she believes her even more!Rong Zifu walked over immediately, picked up Rong Jiaojiao and put her in the bathtub.As soon as Rong Jiaojiao got into the tub, the blue-purple water in the tub immediately rushed towards her.

The delicate body glowed faintly, and Rong Jiaojiao's frown, which was tightly frowned because of the pain, gradually relaxed at this moment.She moved her body comfortably, then leaned on the side and fell asleep.

Seeing this, Rong Zifu heaved a sigh of relief.

never mind!
Immediately turned around and looked back at Jun Jiu.Seeing Jun Jiu's exhausted appearance, Rong Zifu immediately said, "Miss Qingjun, please rest for a while. What do you need, I will prepare it right away?"

"No need." Jun Jiu shook his head.

She walked to the chair, rested her forehead with her hands, and secretly adjusted her spiritual power.

Xiao Wu blinked, and immediately walked over to stand behind Jun Jiu, massaged Jun Jiu's shoulders and arms.The corners of Jun Jiu's mouth curled up, and he smiled at Xiao Wu.

In the eyes of Rong Zifu and the Great Elder, Jun Jiu was extremely tired!Thinking of the doubts and disbeliefs before, it is inevitable that I feel very guilty.But they didn't know that Jun Jiu was just pretending.With her strength, it is impossible to be so tiring after detoxification.

Why do you want to install it?
Jun Jiu's belly was black and his lips curled up, his eyes glanced at Rong Zifu and the first elder.

Her holy hand, Jun Jiu, saved people, never in vain!It's really free, that's her own pleasure~~
Squinting her eyes, Jun Jiu turned her eyes around the three people in the room.She was thinking, she heard that even the suzerain of the Wuji sect came out to save the young master of the Wuji sect in person.Why can't I see anyone?
Recalling the conversation between the Great Elder and Rong Zifu before, Jun Jiu's eyes flashed with a faint light.She thought, she understood what was going on!
She has already played the first move.

For the rest, just wait for Rong Zifu and the Great Elder to speak.

Thinking about it, Jun Jiu lowered her head and pinched her eyebrows again.It has to be said that the disappearance of the young master of the Wuji Sect is complicated and confusing, and it is a mystery that is linked one after another. Up to now, she can't guess exactly what happened.This is the first time Jun Jiu encountered a difficult problem.

Be competitive!

That's why she had to figure out what was going on.

And somewhere, Jun Jiu has a sixth sense that she must understand about this matter.Maybe it has nothing to do with her directly, but it's important.

"Jiaojiao!" Rong Zifu's joyful exclamation made Jun Jiu look up.

After thinking about it, an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

The water in the bathtub became clear, Rong Jiaojiao woke up and turned around.She looked at Rong Zifu ignorantly, and opened her mouth in a murmur: "Sister, don't worry, I don't feel any pain anymore."

"Jiaojiao." There were tears in Rong Zifu's eyes.

She couldn't laugh or cry, holding Rong Jiaojiao's face in her hands.Excitedly, she said to her: "Jiaojiao, you are fine. Miss Qingjun has cured you! You are almost feeling the same, are you all well?"

Rong Jiaojiao was taken aback.

It was only then that she remembered that she had just met a particularly beautiful fairy lady.

While looking inside the body, he looked up and looked around.Meeting Jun Jiu's eyes, Rong Jiaojiao opened her mouth wide.Wow!There are really fairy ladies.

(End of this chapter)

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