Chapter 1111 Pippi Cat

Chapter 1111 Pippi Cat

Why do hands hurt?Of course strength is despised.

Although this is the truth, Cang Chen is not wrong.But Xiaowu's hair exploded, and he turned into a cat and pounced on it, scratching him for a while.However, apart from messing with Cangchen's hair and clothes, it couldn't do any harm.

In the eyes of the White Tiger God King, no matter how fierce Xiao Wu is, he is still a kitten~~
My child bride-in-law, spoil her!
Mo Wuyue just didn't want Xiao Wu to come and be a light bulb, so he took a look to see if Cang Chen could stop Xiao Wu.Seeing this, the corners of Mo Wuyue's mouth twitched.

Looking back at Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue sighed. "Xiao Jiuer, why is your cat so skinny?"

"Cough, you've been spoiled by me." Jun Jiu shrugged and smiled.

In her previous life, she was Xiao Wu's close partner.Although there is no body, it can only communicate with consciousness.

In this life, Xiao Wu got a body.It's still her favorite cat, even if it's a fake cat.Jun Jiu is still in love!
Xiao Wu is so cute, so beautiful, sometimes soft and cute, sometimes ferocious and explosive, sometimes pretending to be silly and obedient... How about Xiao Wu, Jun Jiu likes it all!They all dote on her.Xiao Wu, who is naturally favored, is lawless.

Moreover, Aiwujiwu.

Mo Wuyue also let her go, and Cang Chen was even more reluctant to hurt her and make her unhappy.

So under all kinds of pampering, can Xiao Wu not be skinny?

The smile in his eyes deepened again, Jun Jiu rested his chin on his hands and looked at Mo Wuyue who was sitting opposite.She raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why are you here? Where are Ye Jun and Uncle Shen?"

"My third is there. They won't know."

As he said that, Mo Wuyue's eyes flashed with arrogance and black belly.Those two people were still whispering.Little did they know, he himself had already come to Xiao Jiu'er's side.

If they know, they must be envious of them~~
Jun Jiu understood and nodded.She went on to say: "The current situation of the Wuji Sect is not very good. The master of the first sect has been poisoned. The third lady is also poisoned. Both the strength of the elder and Rong Zifu have been damaged."

"In this way, no matter what they have experienced, they are at a disadvantage. Later, it depends on how they explain what happened here."

"Xiao Jiuer cares about this." Mo Wuyue said.

Junjiu nodded.

She told Mo Wuyue that the closer she was to the truth of the matter, the more she had an intuition that she had to solve her doubts.

A woman's sixth sense has always been accurate.And her sixth sense is far better than others.But Jun Jiu would not have imagined for a while, how could the matter of the Wuji Sect be related to her?

Seeing Jun Jiu was confused.Mo Wuyue said: "Little Jiu'er, there is no need to be confused. Everything in the world has a cause and effect. When you choose to settle down from the Wuji Sect, cause and effect will happen invisible. But this cause and effect is nothing. If you don't want it, just wave your hand and cut it off."

In Mo Wuyue's eyes, except for the cause and effect of Jun Mingye, which is a bit complicated.

Everything else is fine.It didn't affect Xiao Jiu'er at all.

If Xiao Jiu'er can't cut it off, then let him do it.Cut off cause and effect, and take Xiao Jiu'er away.The world can't do anything to him, and it can't do anything to Xiao Jiu'er!
"Let's see what Wujizong said." Jun Jiu said.


In the tent palace.

Rong Zifu, the Great Elder, and Rong Jiaojiao, who was recovering for the most part, were all here waiting for the suzerain to wake up.

The eyes moved, and Rong Xucheng, the lord of the Wuji Sect, opened them.Rong Zifu and Rong Jiaojiao immediately jumped into Rong Xucheng's arms excitedly, and the elder also heaved a sigh of relief, with water flashing in his eyes.

It's all right, great!
The great elder was even more grateful to Jun Jiu from the bottom of his heart!I can't wait to rush over now and thank Jun Jiu again.

The suzerain Rong Xucheng was still a little puzzled.It was only when Rong Zifu and the three of them said each other that they understood what happened after he fell into a coma.Hearing the appearance of Jun Jiu and Xiao Wu, Rong Xucheng frowned.

He looked at the great elder.Opened his mouth: "Before, I never heard of Qingjun and Xiaowu. The medical skills are so powerful, they shouldn't be unknown."

"Could it be the Ten Thousand Medicine Sect from the Southern District? Or the pharmacists from the North and West Districts." Rong Jiaojiao deliberated.

You look at me and I look at you, no one can be sure.

Rong Zifu broke the silence of speculation, she smiled and said: "Don't talk about this. We just need to be sure that she is not our enemy! Father, Miss Qingjun must be a master of alchemy. With her help, we will be able to break through the black devil poison Wu, saved my brother."

"Yes! If she can detoxify my father and me, she will definitely be able to detoxify the black devil's poisonous mist." Rong Jiaojiao also agreed.

Rong Xucheng fell silent.

He pressed the center of his brows, lowered his head and said in a low voice: "If she is a master of alchemy, then she must have come for the ancient elixir. She not only detoxified us, but also brought news of the youngest son. We should all give her all the rewards."

"It's not easy to ask her to help us crack the black demon poisonous mist again. Flying Star Villa, Wu Xiang taught them their conspiracy, and they shouldn't let outsiders know about it."

Hearing this, Rong Zifu immediately refuted.Without Jun Jiu's help, they wouldn't be able to break through the black demon poisonous mist!
Do they want Feixing Villa to get their wish?

Not to mention that Rong Xucheng disagreed, none of them would agree!

Those people are too vicious, and their plots are too sinister and vicious.The Promise Sect will never join forces with them.Even if the youngest son/brother is taken away, they don't want to compromise.

The four of them looked at each other, and finally Rong Xu was defeated.He sighed, "Let me have a talk with this girl who is devoted to the emperor."

Although the matter was urgent, they still didn't bother Jun Jiu right away.Jun Jiu and the like saved two people, so she should have a good night's rest no matter what.

The next day, Rong Zifu came to the door in person.

She stood outside the tent, and transmitted her voice into secrets. "Miss Qingjun, are you awake? Father wants to see you."


Jun Jiu squinted at Mo Wuyue, she got up and straightened her skirt.Open the mouth: "I'm going to see the lord of the Wuji Sect. Believe me, I'll know what's going on soon. Are you going back and waiting for me, or are you here?"

"Here." Mo Wuyue said.

For Jun Mingye and Shen Cangming, a third avatar is enough to deal with it.They won't find a problem.

Two "father-in-laws", hum!Of course he wants to enjoy the moment of occupying Xiao Jiu'er alone.They'd better stand aside first.When did Xiao Jiu'er admit to them and talk again.

At this time, Xiao Wu came out.She "played" with Cang Chen all night, and now she is in a good mood.

Seeing Mo Wuyue, Xiao Wu made a grimace.Walking up to Jun Jiu, he raised his eyebrows at Mo Wuyue who still didn't forget to be provocative, and said, "I'm going to do business with the master. Do you envy Mo Tiaotiao?"

"Pippi cat."

Mo Wuyue picked up the teacup, glanced sideways at Xiao Wu, shook his head with an evil smile.

This cat can't teach.It is said that a fox pretends to be a tiger, but this is a real white tiger, pretending to be a cat to show its cuteness, and being loved by Xiao Jiuer, it is lawless.

Jun Jiu shook his head helplessly.He patted Xiao Wu's head, "Don't be shy. Let's go, let's meet the master of Wuji Sect. Let's see what he has to say."

"Okay meow~"

(End of this chapter)

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