Chapter 1130
Chapter 1130
Li Xiongtian of Flying Star Villa, the suzerain of the Yulong Sect, the owner of the Great Sun Building and the leader of Wuxiang Sect.The four of them joined forces, and with their huge spiritual sense, they quickly found the corner of the five-star battle formation.

There are five corners, and the four of them locked their eyes on one of them.

Since it is necessary to break the formation, it is natural to choose the weakest one!
In their eyes, among the five horns, three of them were dazzling.No doubt they ditched all three immediately.He turned to look at the remaining two.

The remaining two are about the same.One of them is the closest to them, and it is at the core of the five-star battle formation!

If you break it, you can break the formation!

They stare straight at the corner, no matter who is behind the corner.The surging murderous aura seemed to materialize, spreading its teeth and claws around the four of them.

Across the five-star battle formation, Jun Jiu and the four of them looked at each other.Her eyes were cold, and there was a cold smile on the corner of her lips.

They chose her!
This point was also discovered by Mo Wuyue, Xiao Wu and Jun Mingye.Qi Qi frowned, looking displeased.

Next, there are worries!
Without him, no matter how powerful Jun Jiu is, his strength is limited to the third-level Lingjun.As for the four of them, the owner of the Dasun Building with the lowest cultivation base is also an eighth-level Spirit Lord.

Can't beat at all!
Shen Cangming immediately said: "Jiu'er, let's change places!"

"The corners of the five-star battle formation have been fixed, and they cannot be changed. Let them come." Jun Jiu said lightly, calmly and indifferently.

She didn't waver, and she didn't frighten.Even though she knew how terrifying the coming attack would be, she was not overly afraid.Shouting dread and concentration in his eyes, Jun Jiu pinched his fingertips and was ready at any time.

But no!
Xiao Wu was anxious and asked Mo Wuyue and the others. "Can we start the formation and help the master defuse the attack?"

"Yes." Shen Cangming nodded.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Mo Wuyue and Jun Mingye.But the two of them didn't even open their mouths!They watched Jun Jiu quietly together.

Shen Cangming couldn't see how the two of them reacted, he just thought how could they be so quiet?That was the corner where four eighth-level and ninth-level Lingjun were going to join forces to attack Jun Jiu.

To put it simply, four eighth-level and ninth-level spirits are going to attack Jun Jiu!

Aren't they the biggest worry?

Why is it so quiet now, without saying a word!
Jun Jiu: "Here we come!"

Hearing this, Shen Cangming and Xiao Wu immediately tensed up.With fingertips, move the energy of the five-star battle formation to approach Jun Jiu.Help her resist the attack and defuse it!

The four of them teamed up, and the light of spiritual power was so dazzling that it was hard to look directly at it.

Jun Jiu tilted his head slightly, his back tensed.In the beautiful and cold eyes, there was no wave in the slightest.

Isn't it the eighth-level or ninth-level spirit monarch?There are five of them in the five-star battle formation, and they are by no means weaker than them.If you want to break the formation, just let the horse come!

Seeing the attack come rushing.The powerful coercion forced Jun Jiu to tremble slightly, but she restrained everything.Xiao Jue was about to operate the five-star battle formation, and when he counterattacked this force back, a familiar aura suddenly approached her.

A broad and warm chest was pressed against her back, and one arm was wrapped around her slender waist.

Jun Jiu frowned.What are you doing?

Then, a figure stood in front of him.He made a move and took down all the attacks.

Boom boom boom!
The power of the explosion was so terrifying that it distorted the space, the wind was cut off, and the space was broken.The strong wind swept everyone up and rushed back.

Jun Jiu was protected in her arms, only her hair and skirt fluttered and rattled.

With your feet on the ground, the storm dissipated.

Jun Jiu backed away from Mo Wuyue with a cold face, she looked up at Mo Wuyue, and Jun Mingye who had just made a move.Open your mouth, the voice is so cold that you can freeze to death. "Can you two tell me what you're doing?"

"Protect you." Mo Wuyue was frank and frank, facing Jun Jiu without changing his expression.

Jun Jiu gritted her teeth, glared at him and stared at Jun Mingye again, asking him for an explanation.

Looking into Jun Jiu's eyes, Jun Mingye inexplicably found himself a little apprehensive and guilty.With a dry cough, Jun Mingye pretended to be serious and explained: "Although the five-star battle formation can counterattack them and make up for their attacks. But..."

"But my horn is the weakest, I'm afraid I can't withstand this attack, right?" Jun Jiu sneered, and finished Jun Mingye's words.

Jun Mingye nodded.

Even if Jun Jiu could eat it, he would be seriously injured!This is definitely not what Jun Mingye wants to see.

Jun Mingye and Mo Wuyue looked at each other, then he looked down at Jun Jiu seriously, and said, "Girl, your safety is the most important thing!"

Junjiu: ...

Jun Jiu is speechless, so angry!
Raising his hand to touch the center of his eyebrows, Jun Jiu took a deep breath.Shen Sheng said sullenly: "You know, you leave the corner at this time. Can the five-star battle formation be easily broken by them? They must have run away now."

Jun Mingye took down the attack just now.

But the five-star battle formation was also broken.That's why there are explosions and storms.

They were swept out for dozens of miles by the storm.Even if they catch up immediately now, Li Xiongtian and others may have already run away without a trace.

Jun Jiu felt annoyed for a while, her plan was all in vain!
Thinking about other things, Jun Jiu felt even more headache and angry.She glared at Jun Mingye again angrily, "You don't even know what you let go!"

"Is it important? They are the masters of a sect, and the monks can't escape the temple if they run away." Jun Mingye said.

But he saw that Jun Jiu's expression became more and more indifferent, and his beautiful eyes seemed to be breathing fire.Jun Mingye immediately changed his words, "I can go after him right away! I can catch up!"

"Brother Ye and I will chase together, if possible!" Shen Cangming continued.

Ha ha.

Jun Jiu twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at Jun Mingye expressionlessly.She: "Whatever you want, I don't care!"

After speaking, Jun Jiu turned around and left.When passing by Mo Wuyue, Jun Jiu took a deep breath, but still shut up and said nothing.He walked away feeling depressed.

Xiao Wu swallowed his saliva.She looked at Mo Wuyue and the others with sympathetic eyes, and said in a low voice, "It's over for you. I haven't seen the master so angry for a long time."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Wu turned around and hurriedly caught up with Jun Jiu.She is going to accompany the master to calm down.

In situ, everyone was silent.

You look at me, I look at you, and finally Qi Qi looked at Jun Mingye.Because it seems that when he was facing Mo Wuyue, he was not particularly angry.But after facing Shangjun Mingye, it exploded like a firecracker.

Facing everyone's eyes, Jun Mingye was at a loss.He could only laugh dryly, and said, "Do you know how to calm down the girl?"

Is it to chase everyone back?
Or immediately apologize?
Shen Cangming sighed, and patted Jun Mingye's shoulder meaningfully.He said: "I think the most urgent thing is to figure out why Jiu'er is so angry! She is not someone who loses her temper for no reason."

Let Li Xiongtian and the others run away.There was no deep hatred before, so it would not be so angry.

There should be other reasons!
Jun Mingye nodded in agreement.He and Shen Cangming looked at Rong Xucheng and the others together, they must know!
(End of this chapter)

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