Chapter 1160 The Night Banquet
Chapter 1160 The Night Banquet
As night came, the front hall of the Nightless Palace was brightly lit, and the banquet had not yet begun, but the front hall was already bustling.

Wang Shu and the three generals are back.Jun Mingye gave them the antidote, and asked them to organize and gather all the poisoned people together, and then secretly detoxify, so as not to leak the news.

Holding the antidote in his hand, Ying Yuantian was astonished.He asked Jun Mingye: "Yejun, can this really detoxify? I haven't tried it before, so I just take it directly, I'm afraid it's inappropriate."

"It doesn't matter. I have already tried this antidote, and there is no problem." Jun Mingye said.

Now the poisoned people in the side hall have all detoxified.It was just to keep them from going out in order not to spread the news.

After hearing Jun Mingye's explanation, Fu Wei and Pang Ruojun became happy.Can detoxify, and immediately solve the current trouble.Great!

Wang Shu also nodded happily, "Okay. I'll be responsible for this matter, and it must be done properly."

"Wang Shu, let me help you." Ying Yuantian said to Wang Shu with a smile.

Everyone is in a happy atmosphere.Soon, Wang Shu and Fu Wei asked about the night banquet, and why Jun Jiu and the others haven't come yet.Therefore, I didn't notice that under Ying Yuantian's smile, there was a bit of stiffness and gloom.

Doesn't it mean that no one can cure this poison except the person who poisoned it?

Ying Yuantian's stiffness and gloom quickly melted away, and he hid it perfectly.He showed a sincere smile again, because it doesn't matter if he can detoxify, it won't affect major events.

He has received the news that the sacrifice was successful!

They are on their way to Chaos City.And he has also made preparations so that they can enter the city of chaos unimpeded.

Ying Yuantian looked up at Jun Mingye and all of them, the smile on the corner of his mouth was a little cold.None of them would know that it would be too late when the six major forces came before them.

It's just that Ying Yuantian didn't notice that two people noticed the abnormality in his expression in the dark.Even if it's only for a short moment, it's well hidden.But he was still out of tune with Fu Wei and the others, and received extra attention.

These two people were exactly Yuan Sang and Shen Cangming who followed Wang Shu and the three generals after inspecting most of the chaotic city.

They looked at each other, making eye contact.

Shen Cangming lowered his voice, "Let's go, go and join Jiu'er and the others. You can tell Jiu'er about this and let Jiu'er refer to it."

"Well, let's go." Yuan Sang nodded.

The two of them flashed and disappeared into the darkness.On the way, they met Jun Jiu and the others who came to the banquet.

Yuan Sang and Shen Cangming just opened their mouths and told Jun Jiu all their observations.Ying Yuantian's anomaly is no exception.

After hearing this, Xiao Wu blinked and guessed, "Could it be that the traitor is Ying Yuantian?"

"I can't be sure. But he has a big suspicion! He loves Pang Ruojun, and Pang Ruojun likes my father. This love triangle relationship is complicated, and many things are easy to happen. It is not surprising that Ying Yuantian betrayed because of this." Jun Nine said.

However, just relying on a little anomaly, and speculation about a love triangle.If he can't be convicted yet, Ying Yuantian must be a traitor!

There must be conclusive evidence.

Jun Jiu went on to say: "We went to the banquet, let's observe more. See if there are any other abnormalities."

"it is good."

"no problem!"

They went to the banquet together.They are brand newcomers in Chaos City.Especially Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue were so outstanding in appearance that they attracted many people's attention along the way.


City of chaos, in the outer city.

Rong Yu and Rong Zifu returned to the inn after solving the group of people who were blocking the way and trying to rob them.

The two sat down to take a sip of water, and immediately began to exchange clues and information about each other.The task Jun Jiu gave them was to go to the outer city to inquire about information.In order to collect more information faster and more quickly, Rong Yu and Rong Zifu acted separately and went to as many restaurants and crowded places as possible.

After some exchanges and comparisons, the expressions of Rong Yu and Rong Zifu became solemn and cold.

Rong Yu: "We must immediately tell Miss Qingjun about them!"

"Well, send a message." Rong Zifu nodded.

As the matter was urgent, they immediately took out the Jade Talisman of Communication and sent a message to Jun Jiu.

In the same place, Jun Jiu received a summons soon.But she had just arrived at the front hall, and when she saw Jun Mingye and the others approaching, Jun Jiu temporarily put away the Jade Talisman of Communication, planning to look at it later.

Jun Mingye walked towards Jun Jiu and the others with a smile on his face, and said, "Girls, you are here. Come in quickly, we have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Jun Jiu looked past Jun Mingye, and looked at Wang Shu, Fu Wei and the others in turn.Not paying special attention to Ying Yuantian, Jun Jiu smiled and nodded at them.Say hello to each other, and then enter the banquet.

Seeing Jun Jiu's seat, it was beside Jun Mingye.Even Shen Cangming gave up one.

Wang Shu and the three generals looked at each other silently.They guessed about Jun Jiu in their hearts, guessing that she is the future wife of the city lord, and they couldn't help but increase their bargaining chips.

Pang Ruojun's heart was sour, he couldn't sit still, and he couldn't even keep a smile on his face.Unfortunately, only Ying Yuantian noticed her depression and sour jealousy, and only Ying Yuantian comforted her.

Ying Yuantian said in a low voice: "Ruojun, don't worry. Soon you won't be so uncomfortable."

Pang Ruojun glanced at Ying Yuantian, sneered and sneered: "Can you let Lord Ye marry me?"

Ying Yuantian choked, his eyes widened, and his face turned ugly.He frowned and bowed his head, saying nothing more.From the looks of others, they only saw him as lost and dejected after being bullied by Pang Ruojun.

The Lord has arrived, and the banquet begins!
Jun Mingye prepared for this banquet for a long time.As soon as he came back from Wuyuan, he asked Wang Shu to prepare.It almost emptied the treasure house. If the spirit fruit is old, cherish the deliciousness and be worth thousands of gold.

The meat and so on required for delicious food must be one of the best collections!
Most of them are made of the characteristics and well-known delicacies of Chaos City.All the rest are made into the taste of hometown.In fact, Jun Mingye can't remember clearly. He has been away from his homeland for too long, so he can only use his memory to direct the cook to make it.

Jun Mingye was a little nervous, and couldn't help but look at Jun Jiu frequently.I'm afraid that Jun Jiu will show a disliked expression.

There are also fine wines, all of which have been collected for hundreds of years!Not only the city of chaos, but also all kinds of fine wine collected from various places in Zhongsanzhong.

When Jun Jiu tasted each dish, Jun Mingye would speak in person and tell Jun Jiu about its origin and characteristics.The loudest voice in the whole banquet was none other than Jun Mingye.

While tasting, Jun Jiu listened to Jun Mingye's words, while submerging her mental power into the communication jade talisman.After hearing the summons, Jun Jiu's eyes darkened.She raised her eyes to look at Wang Shu and the three generals who were opposite, and Jun Jiu then looked at Jun Mingye.

Jun Jiu said directly: "You can tell them."

(End of this chapter)

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