Chapter 1182

Chapter 1182

"You know them?" Yuan Sang and A Ruan were shocked and stunned at the moment, just like Li Xiongtian's reaction when he heard Xue Gu talking to Bai Mo.

Jun Jiu nodded, "When I was in the Southern Territory, I made enemies with them. In the end, Holy Land of Nothingness let them escape."

"Xue Gu is too good at running! She almost killed her several times, but she ran away. Now she is still getting involved with Li Xiongtian, maybe the assassination of Ye Jun has something to do with her!" Xiao Wu said angrily.

Jun Jiu shook his head, rejecting Xiao Wu's words.

Jun Jiu said: "There will be no snow bones mixed in. She is the saint of Xilaizong, and she has nothing to do with the Eastern Region. She and Dad don't have any enmity. The reason why I met Li Xiongtian should be like this."

Jun Jiu deliberates and guesses.Li Xiongtian fled to the southern area, no doubt he was going to seek help from the master of Wan Yao Sect.

Yuan Sang said that Li Xiongtian and the master of the Wanyao Sect had a good relationship.Asking him for help is normal.It was a coincidence that they met Xuegu and Baimo.

Hearing this, Ah Ruan was a little confused.She asked Jun Jiu in puzzlement, "Coincidence? But the snow bone you mentioned is the saint of Xilai Sect, how could you meet Li Xiongtian by coincidence in Wan Yao Sect?"

"Sang Lingfeng!" Xiao Wu clapped his hands, his eyes determined.

"Who is Sang Lingfeng?" Yuan Sang and A Ruan asked in confusion.

Now it was Shen Cangming who spoke and told them.Sang Lingfeng is the only apprentice of the master of the Wanyao Sect. She went to the Eastern Region and was also one of the people who participated in the Holy Land of Nothingness.However, Sang Lingfeng was finally buried in the Holy Land of Nothingness and did not come out.

Shen Cangming couldn't see what happened in the Holy Land of Nothingness.But he was sure that Sang Lingfeng's death had something to do with Jun Jiu and the others.

Jun Jiu looked up at Mo Wuyue, and the two looked at each other.Jun Jiudao: "Sang Lingfeng died at our hands. Xuegu went to the Wanyao Sect, nothing more than telling the Wanyao Sect's suzerain about this, thus creating an enemy for us."

"What a sinister intention!" Shen Cangming frowned and cursed.

If Jun Jiu and the others haven't come to the core continent yet.

If they choose to go to the South District first.Then as soon as they arrived in the southern region, they would be hunted down by the Wan Yao Sect, and there would never be peace.

After listening to Shen Cangming's analysis, everyone understood Xue Gu's sinister intentions.She was going to dig a hole for Jun Jiu, so that big trouble would come.It was really a surprise to bump into Li Xiongtian.However, this surprise cannot be underestimated!

Yuan Sang looked at Jun Jiu, and said anxiously: "I don't know what Li Xiongtian said. If Xue Gu and the others knew, Jun Jiu and you are here. It will be troublesome then!"

"There is no need to assume. Even if Xue Gu's identity is not known from Li Xiongtian, she will sooner or later find out that I have come to the Core Continent. However, Li Xiongtian's death is good news. As for Xue Gu and the others, they can ignore it for the time being. "Jun Jiu said.

Xuegu is in the southern district, far away from the eastern district.

But she was looking forward to Xue Gu taking the initiative to come to her door to kill her.In this way, she doesn't have to chase him all the way to the southern district.

Putting the matter of Xuegu aside is also because Jun Jiu has no time to take care of Xuegu now.In the city of chaos, there are still a lot of things waiting for her to do.

On the surface, the six major forces were wiped out, and the Promise Sect led tens of thousands of small forces to submit to Lord Ye.The City of Chaos has become the main city of the entire Eastern District, which is well-deserved.Ye Jun Jun Ming Ye has also become the overlord of the Eastern District!

But this is just appearance.

Beneath the surface, Jun Mingye's position as the overlord of the eastern region is still uncertain.

Recently, there are forces in the city of chaos ready to move.

Far away, the surrendering force just raised the white chess piece to convey the news.There was no real act of submission and obedience.They were just afraid that Lord Ye would attack them, so they lowered their heads and put away their minions.

The Eastern District was previously ruled by the seven major forces that stood side by side with Chaos City.Now that everything has become Ye Jun's territory, who can be reconciled?
Maybe those forces that surrendered on the surface have long been secretly calculating the territory after the six major forces are destroyed.Just around the corner, wanting to occupy and rob, and expand himself to become a top sect like the Wuji Sect.

If there are only one or two forces, it can still be solved.

Once all the forces are making up their minds.Jun Mingye alone cannot become countless.When the time comes, the body will be weak, and the entire Eastern District will collapse and reorganize.

Jun Jiu will never allow such a thing to happen!
If she wants to help her father sit on the position of the overlord of the Eastern District, she must sit firmly, and no one can shake it!

Jun Jiu's voice was low, and he said coldly: "The city of chaos must be stronger! Father must also break through the realm of the holy spirit. Otherwise, we will do too much, and we will not be able to stabilize it for too long."

Xiao Wu's face tensed up, thinking seriously.What can she do to help?

Xiao Wu couldn't figure it out, so she squinted at Mo Wuyue.Seeing that Mo Wuyue opened his thin lips, he seemed to want to say something to Jun Jiu.Xiao Wu was excited, Mo Liao must have thought of a way to help the master!

However, Mo Wuyue couldn't say it out.

Because Wang Shu came in a hurry, he asked via voice transmission outside the palace door: "Miss, I'm Wang Shu, I have something urgent to discuss with Miss. I wonder if Miss is free now?"

Wang Shu is here.Hearing Wang Shu's tone, he looked anxious.Jun Jiu immediately sent a voice transmission to let Wang Shu in.

Wang Shu strode in and looked up to see that everyone was with Jun Jiu.He froze for a moment, and nodded to everyone one after another.

Jun Jiu asked Wang Shu to sit down, and then asked him, "Uncle Wang, what happened?"

Wang Shu is Jun Mingye's most trusted person, and his status in Chaos City is only below Jun Mingye's.It is very appropriate for Jun Jiu to call him uncle.She was also quite amiable, instantly closing the distance between her and Wang Shu.

Normally, Wang Shu would be very happy if he heard Jun Jiu call him uncle.

Ye Jun's daughter is beautiful and smart, who doesn't like it?I'm only jealous of my daughter who is not my own.

But now, Wang Shu is only anxious and dizzy.He immediately said: "Ye Jun asked. After he retreats, if there are important matters, he can discuss with you. It happens that everyone is here, so I will talk about it together."

"I just received news from the South District, West District, and North District. They will soon send envoys to congratulate Ye Jun on becoming the overlord of the Eastern District."

The news from the other three districts is so fast?
It's only been a few days since the assassination of the six major forces, and now that the six major forces have been wiped out.The forces in other districts all know about it, and there is news that they want to come to congratulate.

Wang Shu said again: "But where did they come to congratulate? It's clear that the comers are not good! It's true that they covet the territory of the Eastern District and want to rob them!"

Now there are a lot of things going on in the Eastern District, and both Wang Shu and Fu Wei are very busy.

Suddenly the other three districts wanted to intervene, which made Wang Shu feel dizzy.The third district, that is a super territory with the same status as the entire eastern district.There are countless forces, many of which are comparable to or even surpass the chaotic city.

Ye Jun is still in retreat.Wang Shu could only come to Jun Jiu, he hoped in his heart that Jun Jiu could come up with a good solution!

(End of this chapter)

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