Chapter 1236 Dangerous Choice

Chapter 1236 Dangerous Choice

It can avoid letting the flames of the sky swallow the pill fire and death fire.Then guide the flames of the sky to temper the body?
Jun Jiu's thoughts turned quickly, and dozens of possibilities were deduced in his mind in a short period of time.But without exception, the answer to these possibilities is failure.Tianyan's fire is too domineering, it is not easy for her to withstand the burning of Tianyan's fire, and it is very difficult to isolate the three kinds of flames.

A little carelessness, none of them were saved.He will also injure himself severely and fall short.

But is there really no way to do it?

Jun Jiu was in deep thought, Mo Wuyue and Xiao Wu didn't bother Jun Jiu.They waited quietly, watching Jun Jiu's expression change from troubled to tangled to hesitant, and finally his eyes lit up, and Jun Jiu clapped his hands. "Yes!"

"Master, don't you think... this is impossible! It's too dangerous." Xiao Wu telepathized first and knew Jun Jiu's idea.She immediately shook her head like a rattle.

Mo Wuyue couldn't guess for a while.But he could imagine that this was definitely a dangerous plan.

With firm eyes, Jun Jiu said, "This plan is worth a try. If it succeeds, protecting the pill fire and death fire, and tempering the body will become easier. If it, I won't fail."

Jun Jiu vetoed the failure, she was very confident in herself!

Even if this plan is very dangerous, the probability of failure is very high.But Jun Jiu still insisted on giving it a try.

Mo Wuyue frowned slightly, and he looked deeply at Jun Jiu.Ask: "Xiao Jiuer, what are you going to do?"

"Doesn't the fire of Tianyan want to swallow the pill fire and death fire? Then I will let it swallow it. I can't control the fire of Tianyan, but I can control the fire of pill and death, and compete with the fire of Tianyan ! Let them fight, and at the same time disintegrate the power of the flames of the sky, and use them for body training."

Every step of Jun Jiu's plan is very detailed.After thousands of deduction and evaluation, it was decided.

But it's still too dangerous!
Xiao Wu couldn't persuade Jun Jiu, so he could only look at Mo Wuyue.I hope that Mo Wuyue will also open his mouth and be able to persuade Jun Jiu to give up.There are other ways to refine the body in the world, and there is no shortage of Tianyanhuo.Why take such a risk?

But Mo Wuyue did not stand on Xiao Wu's side.

Gazing deeply at Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue said, "Little Jiu, have you decided?"

"Well, I want to try." Jun Jiu nodded.

"Okay." Mo Wuyue continued, "I will stand by your side. Once you fail and fall into danger, I will immediately draw out the flames of heaven and stop your cultivation. Do you agree?"

Jun Jiu knew that Mo Wuyue was worried about her.Also know how crazy and daring I am.

So Mo Wuyue didn't stop him, but settled for the next best thing.What else could she disagree with?Jun Jiu nodded, agreeing to Mo Wuyue's proposal.

When Xiao Wu heard this, the corners of his mouth pouted.A little unhappy that Mo Wuyue didn't help her, and helplessly worried about Jun Jiu.Xiao Wu looked at this and then at that.Finally, he shrugged his head, "Okay. Then I will be here too. I have a telepathy with the master, and I can know whether the master is in danger before Mo Liao."

"You just came over and interrupted your breakthrough." Jun Jiu said with a frown.

Xiao Wu sensed that she was hurt, and she also sensed that Xiao Wu was about to break through.But at the critical moment of the breakthrough, Xiao Wu didn't say a word, stopped practicing without hesitation, and rushed towards her immediately.

Xiao Wu put his hands on his hips, looked at Jun Jiu righteously and said, "What is a breakthrough, nothing is as important as the master!"

"Xiao Wu." Jun Jiu was helpless.

She raised her hand to touch Xiao Wu's head.Even in human form, she is still a big girl.When Xiao Wu was touched on the head by her, he bent down instinctively, lowered his head and rubbed against her palm.His eyebrows are curved, enjoying her touch very much.

Sticky little marshmallow~~I'm afraid it will never grow up.

Jun Jiu smiled lowly, and finally rubbed her hand before withdrawing her hand.Jun Jiu took two elixirs and adjusted his breath to recover from the injuries he suffered before.Most of the injuries were taken over by the second clone, and Jun Jiu was only slightly injured.With Mo Wuyue's breath adjustment just now, it's already healed.

Glanced at the second clone.After being seriously injured, she meditated cross-legged by herself, and Jun Jiu didn't need to worry about healing.

The most important thing now is to adjust your state.Maintain the best peak condition, and then carry out the second body training with the fire of the sky.

A day later, Jun Jiu was ready.

She opened her eyes and looked at Xiao Wu and Mo Wuyue.Then he closed his eyes again, and Jun Jiu beckoned to separate the flames from Tianyan's feathers, and direct them into his dantian as before.Only this time, Pill Fire and Death Fire no longer dodged.

They appear in the most dazzling place of the dantian, scorching and burning.Attracts the hatred value of the flames of the sky.


Tianyanzhihuo has its eyes on Danhuo and Deathhuo at a glance.The nature of Tianyan's fire is to devour and destroy, and it will never stop until it burns everything.Among them are both strange flames between heaven and earth, Danhuo and Deathfire are undoubtedly the most attractive enemies of Tianyanhuo.

Tianyanzhihuo immediately abandoned the tempting spiritual power, and directly rushed towards Danhuo and Deathhuo.

Jun Jiu was already prepared.Without panic, he calmly and calmly controlled Pill Fire and Death Fire to retreat.They turned their heads and walked towards the tendons with the flames of the sky.Tianyanzhihuo pursued without hesitation.

It just respects the nature, without wisdom.

Therefore, it was impossible to find that when it was chasing the pill fire and the death fire, there was an attraction in its limbs and bones.From it, more subtle strands of power are separated.These powers were absorbed and digested by Jun Jiu's flesh and blood...

So, like flying a kite.Hanging the fire of Tianyan, so that it has no time to destroy and trouble others.Chasing Danhuo and Deathfire wholeheartedly.

As time passed day by day, Jun Jiu sat cross-legged in Lingjing Lake.Her whole body exuded terrifying heat, and the Lingjing Lake around her was affected, and a big hole was burned out.This is not enough, the water of Lingjing Lake has also begun to heat up.

Only Mo Wuyue was not affected.Finally, Xiao Wu couldn't take it anymore, and flew outside to wait anxiously.

She could feel that Jun Jiu's current state was pretty good.But Xiao Wu knew very well that now was not the most dangerous moment!Just preparing for the final violent and dangerous impact.

Xiao Wu clasped his hands over his heart, quietly making a wish and praying in his heart.I hope the master can spend a lot of power of the flames of the sky!In this way, in the end, the fire of Tianyan is not so powerful.It can be smoothed out smoothly, and the body training is successful!
Time passed and the last moment came.

Danfire and Deathfire no longer run.Instead, they turned around and rushed towards the flames of the sky.Tianyanzhihuo has no intelligence, and when he saw Danhuo and Deathhuo rushing towards him, he instinctively entangled them.Like a red snake, entwining Danhuo and Deathhuo.The billowing flames burned and devoured the power of the pill fire and death fire.

Looking inside Jun Jiu's body, you can find Jun Jiu's body.There was a small fiery red snake wrapped around the pale gray flame and the blue flame, entangled in a circle.

Soon, the power of Pill Fire and Death Fire weakened...

(End of this chapter)

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