Chapter 1240
Chapter 1240
Yes, they all knew that Jun Jiu had gone to retreat.But this retreat is too scary!
In less than two months, he broke through three levels in a row!
They have lived for so many years, and they have never heard of anyone who can achieve such a terrifying breakthrough speed.Is this a genius?Ah no!Monster?
Looking at the reaction of the two, Jun Jiu smiled with a curved mouth.She opened her mouth to change the subject, "Uncle Wang, has there been any movement in the southern and western districts recently?"

When asked about serious matters, Wang Shu immediately became serious.He shook his head, "City of Chaos has always sent people to patrol the border, and then inquire about the situation in the two districts. But these days, the southern and western districts are very calm, and there is nothing."

Including the master of Wanyao Sect and a group of Southern District disciples were killed.It only caused a stir in the southern district, and no turmoil spread to the eastern district at all.

Jun Jiu nodded, knowing the bottom of her heart.Then he said to Wang Shu and Fu Wei: "I won't bother you, Uncle Wang. Wu Yue and I have gone to find our father, so we will leave."

"Miss, uncle, go slowly."

Wang Shu and Fu Wei watched Jun Jiu and the others leave.After that, you look at me and I look at you, the two of them thought together.People are more popular than others, Jun Jiu is the real evildoer!
Jun Jiu meets Jun Mingye.Sure enough, after learning that Jun Jiu had already made a breakthrough, Jun Mingye instantly collapsed.

Not happy at all, Jun Mingye said: "Girl, are you going to the kingdom of the spirit clan?"

"Not for now. Xiaowu and the others haven't left the customs yet. I can spend more time with dad these few days." Jun Jiu said.

Hearing that Jun Jiu wanted to stay with him, Jun Mingye immediately became happy.However, it didn't take long for me to be happy, and I went back down again.Stay with me, there are only a few days.

Jun Mingye controlled his emotions and didn't want Jun Jiu to know.But he couldn't hide it, Jun Mingye drank too much at night at the banquet celebrating Jun Jiu's breaking the third rank.

The majestic Lord Ye, the lord of a city.

After getting drunk, he threw his head back on the seat and cried.Seeing the group of people dumbfounded, Jun Jiu winked in the end and asked Yuan Sang and Wang Shu to help Jun Mingye down.The night banquet was over, Jun Jiu felt helpless.

She leaned her head against Mo Wuyue's chest, and said helplessly and shocked: "I never thought that Daddy would suddenly become like a child."

"He is reluctant." Mo Wuyue said.

At this time, Ah Ruan's voice intervened.She also said: "Mr. Ye has been looking forward to you for 20 years before he came here. He only has you as his daughter, and he owes you a lot of it. If it were me, I would probably cry harder than him. "

Ah Ruan walked over and looked at Jun Jiu with a smile.

Such an outstanding daughter, even she is jealous of Jun Mingye.I also understand how reluctant Jun Mingye is.

The flesh and blood are close relatives, and they have not been by their side to take care of and accompany them since they were young.What a pleasure to meet by chance when I was older.Sigh God's gift!But they hadn't been together for long, and they were about to separate again.However, Jun Mingye was unable to speak and asked Jun Jiu to stay.

"Aunt Aruan, we went to the kingdom of the spirit race and will come back." Jun Jiu said.

A Ruan: "Well. I just wanted to talk about going to the Spirit Tribe Kingdom. Little girl, Yuan Sang and I discussed it later and decided that we should go back to the Spirit Tribe Kingdom first. First, we have been away from the Spirit Race Kingdom for many years Now, I don’t know much about the situation there.”

"Second, let's go back and make preparations first. We will come to welcome you later. This will also avoid many things that shouldn't happen. It will also prevent His Royal Highness Xiao Wu from being troubled and even more unhappy."

She also knew that she and Yuan Sang talked too much about the previous things, which made Xiao Wu unhappy.

They can't force Xiao Wu, and they don't want Xiao Wu to abandon the kingdom of the Spirit Race.So they have to be fully prepared!
A Ruan gave Jun Jiu a jade tablet.A Ruan explained: "This is the teleportation jade card. Crush it to activate a long-distance teleportation array. It will be directly teleported to my residence in the kingdom of the spirit race. We are ready, and you can come directly through the teleportation array."

Jun Jiu: "What if we want to go all the way?"

"There is also a map in this jade tablet. I can tell you how to get to the kingdom of the spirit race. It's just that there are many dangers along the way, so you have to be careful." A Ruan warned.

Jun Jiu nodded and wrote down all these.


the other side.

Yuan Sang and Wang Shu supported Jun Mingye who was drunk, and Jun Mingye was annoyed and cast aside his dereliction of duty all the way.

Many past events were told intermittently from Jun Mingye's mouth, which made Yuan Sang and Wang Shu feel helpless and sighed.When the child grows up, can you keep it?
But thinking about it, I understand Jun Mingye.

I have a beautiful girl who is as beautiful as a fairy and has a talent that is against the sky.I haven't been around since I was a child, but I met one day.The daughter not only grew up, but also became beautiful.And a fiance!If they were themselves, Yuan Sang and Wang Shu felt a little pricked.

He could only raise his hand and patted Jun Mingye's shoulder, Yuan Sang comforted him: "Don't be sad. It won't be long before we go to the Spirit Race Kingdom, and Jun Jiu will be back soon."

"You can't keep it even if you come back." Jun Mingye sat on the couch.He was a little more sober, holding his head to sober up.

Jun Mingye took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

One and a half months, breaking through from a fourth-level spiritual monarch to a seventh-level spiritual monarch?No, it's not just breaking three levels in a row.Jun Mingye breaks through to the Holy Spirit, and with his powerful spiritual consciousness, he can see that Jun Jiu is not only a seventh-level Spirit Lord.She has already hit the door and is about to break through the eighth level.

This talent!
The speed of this practice!

Jun Mingye knew that this was not the benefit of Lingjing Lake.It's Jun Jiu's own talent that's evil and evil, and the other things can only be icing on the cake.

Jun Mingye is worried, I am afraid that Jun Jiu will soon catch up with him.

Jun Mingye was worried, Jun Jiu's speed of breakthrough could not conceal her brilliance.Sooner or later, the entire core continent will know about her!
At that time, the Yan family will also know.How long can you hide your identity?

Thinking about it one by one, various thoughts swirled in my mind.The sorrow in Jun Mingye's heart receded, he straightened his back, raised his hand and pinched the center of his brow.When Jun Mingye spoke, it was beyond Yuan Sang and Wang Shu's expectations.

He said: "It's also a good thing for a girl to go to the country of the Spirit Race."

Yuan Sang and Wang Shu:?

you sure?That's not what you were crying and regretting just now!
Seeing the expressions of the two, Jun Mingye twitched the corners of his mouth.He said angrily: "The city of chaos is now on the cusp. Although there is no movement in the southern and western districts, the forces above will not ignore us. You can temporarily avoid the limelight by leaving the girl."

"After the girl leaves, I will continue to practice in closed doors! Rather than being reluctant, as a father, I should protect her well. And there is nothing more effective than breaking through and becoming stronger."

Jun Mingye closed his eyes, then opened them again.The sharpness in his eyes is startling.

Jun Mingye said in his heart: He couldn't make up for his negligence in the past.But in the future, he will never neglect his duties again!

He has to become the girl's pride and harbor!

(End of this chapter)

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