The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 1285 Well deserved, Queen of the Spirit Race

Chapter 1285 Well deserved, Queen of the Spirit Race

Chapter 1285 Well deserved, Queen of the Spirit Race

Xiao Wu is the mythical white tiger?
"It's impossible!" Yuan Qi stared and said angrily, "As we all know, the beasts have long been exterminated, and there are no green dragons, white tigers, or red birds in the world. How could a white tiger appear suddenly? Don't you think it's suspicious?"

Xiao Wu narrowed his eyes, "You say I'm a liar?"

"Of course! You, A Ruan and Yuan Sang are in the same group. They asked you to pretend to be the white tiger of the divine beast. It's ridiculous to try to trick us! Are we all idiots?"

Yuan Qi is eloquent and decisive.He not only reprimanded Xiao Wu for being a fake, but also stared at Jun Jiu with a sneer. "This woman killed my general Wang Mingcheng! We all know that she has taken refuge in the Lingwang Xuange, and now she appears here."

"These are enough to prove that everything is a lie! Yuan Sang, Guoshi Aruan, and Lingwang Xuange are all colluding with each other and planning this scam. I won't be fooled, what white tiger? Shit!"

As soon as Yuan Qi finished speaking, he flew upside down and hit the thick pillar in the temple.

The pillars of the temple are not ordinary white jade carvings.Yuan Qi bumped into it, but failed to damage the pillar. Instead, he bounced back and rolled back to the ground. His body was twisted and he was lying on his stomach, with fractures from his spine.

This sudden turn of events shocked everyone.

Xuange Lingwang and the others were also stunned.Although Yuan Qi is not a spirit king, he is also a strong man in the fifth-level spirit sage realm, otherwise he would not be able to be the acting spirit king because of his status as Yuan Sang's younger brother.

None of them saw anyone make a move, Yuan Qi flew out, and suffered such serious injuries!It can be seen that the person who attacked was fierce and decisive, and his strength was powerful and terrifying.

Who shot?

Xiao Wu blinked, then looked back at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue.Jun Jiu shook her head, it wasn't her and Wu Yue, it was rare for them to watch the show without participating, besides, this was Xiao Wu's home game, so Xiao Wu should play it out by himself.

It wasn't the master and Mo Liao, Xiao Wu seemed to understand who made the move.

She looked at Cang Chen, and when she saw the anger and killing intent in Cang Chen's eyes, Xiao Wu's heart was burned, and it was red hot.Cang Chen is protecting her?
Cang Chen withdrew his gaze, and when he saw Xiao Wu looking at him, the killing intent and other emotions in his eyes turned into a smile every minute, and the lip-smacking smile was handsome, brilliant and charming.Different from Mo Wuyue's monster, Cang Chen is very, very handsome!It's flamboyant and charming.

Xiao Wu rarely praised Cang Chen from the bottom of his heart.Then he shook his head again, "Let me handle it myself."

The master said that since she wants to be the Queen of the Spirit Race, she must show her momentum and strength to subdue this group of Spirit Race!
She is a white tiger, born to be a king.

Cang Chen, the White Tiger King, can be used as a target by her Meow Fist, so what are these spirit races?
Xiao Wu glanced at everyone arrogantly, and she walked towards Yuan Qi.Every time Xiao Wu took a step, all the seals on her body were released. Belonging to the blood of the white tiger's beast, and belonging to the coercion of the white tiger, one by one was like a surging tide, covering the temple.

Let Xuan Ge, Shi Yi, the ten elders, etc., all formally experience how powerful and sacred the real beast is, and it is by no means that their spirit race can resist disobedience.

The gods and beasts gave them life, allowing them to reproduce in the Jiuzhong world for thousands of years, and they respected the gods and beasts as their supreme gods!

Regardless of whether the beasts have been exterminated or not, or how many years they have disappeared, the obedience branded on their souls and bloodlines will not allow them to betray and rebel.Xiao Wu's coercion concentrated on Yuan Qi, and Yuan Qi lay on the ground trembling, regretting it for the first time.

But he couldn't move, couldn't open his mouth, he could only watch Xiao Wu walking towards him in horror and regret.

Xiao Wu stood in front of Yuan Qi, stepped on Yuan Qi's face, looked down at Yuan Qi condescendingly, Xiao Wu said: "Don't accept me? Say I'm a counterfeit? Fake? Who gave you the guts to know that you offended me?" What's next?"

Meow is vengeful!

Especially a big cat like Baihu, who is super super vengeful.

Today is the time for her to show her arrogance in front of her master, to tear her down?In Xiao Wujin's blue eyes, there was a cold killing intent.

The master said that we must cut the grass and root out the enemy, so as not to leave any future troubles.Yuan Qi is such an enemy!

Xiao Wu raised his hand, his sharp claws popped out and he waved his hand down, but Yuan Qi secretly summoned the second avatar, and the strength of the fifth-level holy spirit surged to attack Xiao Wu.The face of Yuan Qi's second avatar twisted, "If you want to kill me, I'll kill you first!"

Little five!

Jun Jiu frowned and wanted to take a step, Mo Wuyue held his right hand, Mo Wuyue's voice came from the bottom of his heart: "Don't worry."

Submerging into the flesh, the sound of blood splattering.

Jun Jiu raised her eyes in amazement and watched Xiao Wu's sharp claws go deep into the chest of the second avatar, her small face was cold and heartless, Xiao Wu retracted her hand and pulled out the heart of Yuan Qi's second avatar, bursting.The second clone fell down with a bang.

Xiao Wu sneered at Yuan Qi, "If I wasn't the White Tiger, I might have been killed by you. Unfortunately, I am the White Tiger. So what about the Holy Spirit? In front of the White Tiger's coercion, you are trash."

With a wave of his hand, he patted Yuan Qi's head like a watermelon.

Xiao Wu was so preoccupied with being handsome that he forgot to take his feet back.Looking at the red and white feet, Xiao Wu's expression was dull.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Backing away unbearably, shaking the things on his feet, Xiao Wu curled his lips.The white tiger is a spiritual and blood crush to the spirit clan. As long as she unleashes the white tiger's coercion, apart from other divine beasts of the same clan, the spirit clan can only bow down and submit.

Resolutely and neatly killed Yuan Qi, Xiao Wu resisted looking at his feet, turned around and stared fiercely at the others. "Who else among you disagrees with me?"

There was complete silence, and everyone stared blankly at Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu frowned, the corners of his mouth curled up in displeasure, could be hooked.She still wants to solve it quickly and go back to take a shower and change her shoes!
In the end, Ah Ruan and Yuan Sang came back to their senses first, they looked at each other, saluted Xiao Wu again and raised their voices. "Meet Her Majesty the Queen!"

King Ling Ling Xuan Ge and King Shi Yi Ling saluted, this time King Bayu Ling also lowered his head, followed by a group of elders.The divine beast White Tiger is now in the world, she is a well-deserved Queen of the Spirit Race!Xiao Wu showed the coercion of the white tiger and killed Yuan Qi, which also proved her identity 100%.

Gritting his teeth, King Hugu Ling bowed his head unwillingly and wanted to salute.But then he found that he couldn't move.

The sound of footsteps came, and the blood-stained upper appeared in King Hugu Lingwang's sight.King Huguling's heart tightened suddenly, and he held his breath.

Xiao Wu said coldly: "I forgot to say, Baihu's intuition is very keen. You are malicious to me, and you refuse to accept me! You may even be thinking about how to harm me in your heart. You and Yuan Qi are in the same group Bar?"

Do not……

The human head flew high, threw an arc and landed.It happened to roll to the side of Yuan Qi's body.

"I'll take you to meet Yuan Qi, so you won't be alone." Xiao Wu said, looking up at Jun Jiu proudly, his eyes sparkling.

Master, is Meow handsome?Cool or not?
Praise meow!
(End of this chapter)

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