Chapter 1302 Information
Chapter 1302 Information
Jun Jiu saw early on that the girl was a little girl disguised as a man.Jun Jiu didn't have any opinions on men and women, and he wasn't interested in asking the girl why she did this.She is only interested in the information from the girl's mouth.

The Trial of the Little Nether Realm is a trial held by the nine major forces over the years.Only the Northern District, which belonged to the Feiyun Sword Sect, and the Southern and Western Districts, which were loyal to the Nine Great Powers, could participate in the four districts.

The Eastern District has always had no quota and was excluded.

Jun Jiu and the others knew very little about the trials in the Little Netherworld.It is limited to the news from Yuan Sang, A Ruan and Xuan Xing. What I know is only superficial, and I can only understand it by myself.

If the girl didn't lie to them, she might be a breakthrough!

Looking at the girl lightly, Jun Jiu said, "Let's go."

The power of the dragon-shaped storm will become stronger and stronger, and Jun Jiu can't guarantee whether the Nine-Bone Thunder Umbrella can last to the end.The Nine-Bone Thunder Umbrella was torn apart in the fight before, but the Thunder Tribulation that broke through later repaired the Nine-Bone Thunder Umbrella in sevens and eighties.

It's still a little worse.Jun Jiu was worried that staying in the dragon-shaped storm for a long time would cause secondary damage to the Jiugu Thunder Umbrella.

They walked in front, and the girl followed obediently behind.Xiao Wu took a slow pace and circled around the girl.He asked her, "What's your name?"

The girl rolled her eyes and said, "My name is Shangguan Fei."

Xiao Wu looked at the girl, and heard that it was a fake name that he came up with on the spur of the moment.But she didn't care, she just had a name for the girl.

Xiao Wu went on to say: "Shangguan Fei, you have to keep up. If you fall behind, we won't care about you."


Shangguan Fei nodded quickly, and looked at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue curiously and amazedly, Shangguan Fei quietly asked Xiao Wu: "What's your name? Who are they?"

"My name is Xiao Wu. As for them, I will tell you after you tell me your information and it proves to be useful." After finishing speaking, Xiao Wu turned around and left Shangguan Fei and returned to Jun Jiu's side.

When he came back, Xiao Wu secretly sent a voice transmission to Jun Jiu and the others: "I have observed it, this Shangguan Fei is a first-level spiritual saint, and she looks a little innocent. She doesn't have any signs of the sect, so I don't know where she came from. "

After a pause, Xiao Wu shrugged and said that Shangguan Fei did not have any risk factors.

Just like Shangguan Fei, she can suppress it by herself.If you keep Shangguan Fei, you don't have to worry about her having bad intentions.

Jun Jiu nodded, "Ask her for information after we get out of here."


It was already two hours after leaving the range of the dragon-shaped storm.

At the end, the Nine-Bone Thunder Umbrella could barely hold it anymore, and it was Mo Wuyue who snapped his fingers and added spiritual power to form a protective shield on it so that they could go out smoothly.

Looking back, the dragon-shaped storm was still raging and violent, and its power was already several times what they saw at first.Jun Jiu felt terrified, wondering how many of the people left inside could survive?

Out of the dragon-shaped storm is a wasteland, surrounded by open space, there is no place to hide, and it is easy to be found.

Jun Jiu and the others left quickly, found a mountain peak and entered it before stopping to rest.Everyone found a place to rest, and then they all looked up at Shangguan Fei.

When Shangguan Fei was seen by them, she was a little inexplicably frightened.His legs flickered, and Shangguan Feiser narrowed his heart and asked, "What do you see me doing?"

"We have taken you out of the dragon-shaped storm safely, now it's time for you to cash in on the deal. Tell me, you know any useful information." Jun Jiu asked Shangguan Fei indifferently with a cold tone.

That's what I was asking about!

Shangguan Fei patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that intelligence was her forte. Shangguan Fei straightened her back, looked proud and complacent, and said, "Do you want to know the information about the second-level trial first, or the third-level information?"

"Is there any difference between the second and third levels?" Shen Cangming asked her with narrowed eyes.

Of course there is a difference!
In the second level trial, Shangguan Fei was firm, and Jun Jiu and the others could advance easily.They will go through the second level of trials soon.She knew which inner sect disciples would be sent by the nine major forces for the second-level trial.

Their names, looks, and strengths.Shangguan Fei can assure you that no one knows better than her!
And the third level trial is even more important!
In addition to those who have advanced through the second-level trial, there will also be elites from the nine major forces, many evildoers and perverts in the third-level trial.Those people are all strong enemies of Jun Jiu and the others.Of course, Shangguan Fei murmured feebly that Jun Jiu and the others had to be able to advance to the third-level trial.

As above, it was Shangguan Fei who told Jun Jiu and the others, and they just waited for them to choose which one to get to know first.

However, everyone was silent and looked at Shang Guanfei with surprise.Who is Shangguan Fei?How could she know so much information?She must be from the Nine Great Influences.

While everyone was silent, Jun Jiu said, "Talk about the first level of trials first."


Shangguan Fei was confused, and said in confusion: "Don't you guys know what's easy to understand at the first level?"

"If you tell me, you can say it." Xiao Wu put his hands on his hips, staring fiercely at Shangguan Fei.

Shangguanfei shivered for a moment, and aggrievedly asked what they wanted to know.When Jun Jiu said everything, Shangguan Fei was stunned.

Participating in the Trial of the Little Nether Realm, there are people who don't know the situation?No, Jun Jiu and the others deliberately tested her to see if she was telling the truth or a lie, right?The more Shangguan Fei thought about it, the more she felt that her guess was right.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Fei took a deep breath, raised her chest, and looked up eagerly.

She's nicknamed Know-it-All, so I can't help her!
Shangguan Fei said: "There is nothing worth noting about the first-level trials. You just need to be careful of storms inside and outside the promotion circle, and sneak attacks and fights with other people or teams."

"First of all, after the appearance of the promotion circle, the storm outside has always existed. It will shrink as the scope of the promotion circle, and the larger the scope of the storm! A dragon-shaped storm will appear in the promotion circle every day, which is the one we experienced."

As Shangguan Fei said, she spread her hands, shook her head, and sighed again.

How unlucky they are!

On the first day when the promotion circle appeared, the scope was the largest.How unlucky is it that a dragon-shaped storm can brush your face?
Fortunately, she met Jun Jiu and the others, asked for help to make a deal, and left the dragon-shaped storm smoothly.Otherwise, she was forced to have no choice but to ask her father and brother for help, and let them come to save her.If that was the case, she would run out for nothing, Shangguan Fei didn't want to do that.

Shangguan Fei finished cursing from the bottom of her heart, and then said: "The dragon-shaped storm will reconcile with the storm outside, and then its power will increase dramatically! You must know that if you stay outside the promotion circle, you will definitely die! Even if you are strong, you can't last long."

"Everyone must enter the promotion circle, or continue to move forward, become the last 1000 people left, and advance to the second-level trial. Or give up qualifications in the promotion circle and leave the small nether world for trial."

Jun Jiu nodded, Shangguan Fei was right.

There is one more thing about the black ice storm and the dragon-shaped storm than they know.

After pondering, Jun Jiu asked again: "Is there anything else?"

"Yes! Now the first level trial has only started for three days, and everything is the simplest and easiest. The further you go, the more dangerous! This is what I mean by the latter, the sneak attack and killing by other people or teams. Among these people, Be most careful with disciples from the outer sects of the Nine Great Influences!"

Shangguan Fei said: "They come from the same family, so they will definitely be twisted into one rope, and they will be unanimous to the outside world. Looking forward to each trial of the Little Nether Realm, more than 1000 of the last 900 people left in the first level are from the nine major forces." The outer gate. The North District is next, and the South District and West District add up to only a few dozen people."

When Shangguanfei talked about information, it was like the water of the Yellow River flowing endlessly, so she didn't have to breathe.And he looks very excited.

While talking, Shangguan Fei looked at Jun Jiu and the others, narrowing his eyes.Looking around, Shangguan Fei clapped his hands firmly and said, "You are definitely not from the Nine Great Influences! I have never met you."

"Tch, it's as if you've met people from the nine major forces." Xiao Wu pouted.

"Of course I haven't seen all of them, but I can detect the identities of the people from the nine major forces. Because of their aura, and the specialness of their cultivation techniques, I can feel it. And you are so strange!" Shangguan Fei said.

Shangguan Fei doubted their identities, Jun Jiu was not surprised.

But she wasn't worried that Shangguan Fei knew who they were, even if she knew, it wouldn't matter.Shangguan Fei is in their hands now, and if he is not stupid, he knows what to do.

Jun Jiu opened her mouth, interrupting Shangguan Fei's guess that she was off topic.She asked: "What else is there about the first level trial?"

"It's gone. Why don't we talk about the second-level trial, there's still a lot to talk about later!"



By the time Shangguan Fei finished telling the information she knew, half a day had passed.At this time, you can see the distance of the light wall getting closer when you fly to the sky.The promotion circle is shrinking, the black ice storm outside is getting closer and closer to them, they have to leave.

But before leaving, Jun Jiu still has one important thing to do.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue left the team alone, and stopped in a place where no one was around.Jun Jiu woke Meng Kangtai up and said, "Meng Kangtai, you can no longer participate in the next trial, quit."

"Okay, but I have to enter the promotion circle before I can get out." Meng Kangtai said with a pale face.

He didn't refuse or hesitate, he knew it was his only option.Staying here will only drag Jun Jiu and the others down, meaningless.

Jun Jiu hooked her lips, "You are already in the promotion circle now. But after you go back, don't go back to the Fumen. The snow bone deity is still outside, and she will deal with you. You will die in the Fumen. Go to Chaos Let's go to the city."

Jun Jiu gave Meng Kangtai a token.With this token, Wang Shu and the others will make good arrangements for him.

Meng Kangtai held the token tightly, looked up at Jun Jiu with tears in his eyes. "Jun Jiu, thank you!"

"No, I should be the one to say sorry to you. Don't worry, I will kill Xuegu and avenge Meng Kangyue and Su Sheng." Jun Jiu's eyes were heavy, and his killing intent was cold.

Snow bone, damn it!
(End of this chapter)

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