The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 1391 The Lies of the Yan Family

Chapter 1391 The Lies of the Yan Family
Chapter 1391 The Lies of the Yan Family
Yan Mandong's heart stopped beating suddenly, she almost thought that Yan Manchun had noticed something.Yan Mandong quickly recalled his every move just now, whether there was anything excessive and suspicious.

Yan Mandong thought for a while, and there was nothing wrong with her performance.

Breathe a sigh of relief, everything is just a flash of lightning.Yan Mandong raised his head to meet the worried eyes of Yan Manxia and Yan Manqiu, Yan Mandong twitched his lips, "Brother, didn't I tell you that after the wedding banquet, I will tell you?"

"Little sister, what are you afraid of? I just want to know something, to see if you are lying to me. Don't worry, I will deal with her after the wedding banquet. She still has half a month to live." Yan Manchun sneered.

Can live for half a month...

Yan Manchun's tone seemed to be kind.

Yan Mandong clenched her fists, she knew she had to say something to appease Yan Manchun, and not let him suspect Jun Jiu at this moment.

Taking a deep breath, Yan Mandong said, "When I separated from the child, I didn't give her a name. The family who adopted her will give her a name, and they can only know when they go to Xiasanzhong."

"I don't know the name, are you in the lower third?" Yan Manchun raised his eyebrows suspiciously.

Yan Mandong's face darkened, and he said in a somewhat angry tone: "Brother, what do you suspect? At the beginning, you arrested me from Xiasanzhong. That child has no parents. Where else can she go in a place like Xiasanzhong? "

Many, many people spend their whole lives struggling to survive in the world they were born in.

Those who can overcome dangers and barriers and come to Zhongsanzhong are rare, very few.A child who lost his parents, only in his twenties, is too young and immature, without strong resources to teach him, he can't leave Xiasanzhong at all.

Yan Manxia believed it, he and the second and third elders exchanged glances, and stopped pressing Yan Mandong.

They are now more important to prepare for the wedding!
Anyway, they are in the lower third, Yan Mandong will take them to catch the evil girl, and they can't escape.Thinking of this, Yan Manchun smiled apologetically and softly at Yan Mandong, "Little sister, big brother is also thinking of the Yan family."

"Okay. I still have to prepare for the wedding. I will take my leave first brother and the two elders."

After Yan Mandong finished speaking, she stood up, turned her head and rushed out.

Yan Manchun and the others were not surprised by her reaction.After all, the wicked girl is Yan Mandong's own daughter, so it's normal for Yan Mandong not to accept it.

Following Yan Manqiu hurriedly got up and said, "I'll go and accompany my little sister."

"I'll go and have a look too." Yan Manxia got up too, and the two of them chased in the direction Yan Mandong left.

Seeing this, the third elder in the hall frowned and said worriedly, Yan Manxia and Yan Manqiu cared too much about Yan Mandong, and worried that when the time came to arrest the evil girl, if Yan Mandong faltered, Yan Manxia and the others would help her.

Hearing this, Yan Manchun and the second elder shook their heads.

Yan Manchun snorted and said arrogantly: "Don't worry, it's about the family, they can handle it clearly."

"But Patriarch, you still can't take it lightly. Miss said that the evil girl is in the lower third layer. Patriarch, remember that Jun Mingye came from the lower third layer, and his adopted daughter Jun Jiu is likely to be from the lower third layer!" said the second elder.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the hall froze instantly.

Yan Manchun squinted at the second elder, still doubting Jun Jiu?
But hasn't the formation been personally verified, isn't Jun Jiu a wicked girl?

The second elder: "The wedding has been handed over to the young lady. We have plenty of time, so we can review it again. What does the owner think?"

"it is good!"

Thinking of the importance of the evil girl to the Yan family, Yan Manchun nodded and agreed to go and check again.Immediately, the three of them went to the forbidden area of ​​the Yan family, but they didn't know that the formation had already been tampered with by Leng Yuan.

Jun Jiu was not found before, and Jun Jiu will not be found now and in the future.

Leng Yuan's ability, not to mention anything else, will definitely make it impossible for them to find out that there is a problem with the formation by fooling the Yan family.

Re-examination, the formation still did not respond, proving that the evil girl is not in the core continent.

The third elder breathed a sigh of relief, stroked his beard and said with a smile: "It seems that the young lady didn't lie to us this time, she really figured it out, and planned to explain the whereabouts of the wicked girl."

Second Elder: "The wedding banquet is over, immediately set off to go to the third level to catch the wicked girl back!"

"Two elders, don't worry, this time I will go out personally, and I must capture the evil girl and sacrifice it!" Yan Manchun said.

The second elder and the third elder nodded.

They stared at the formation with their eyes solemn and stern.Damn girls are so important!
She is the key to the future rise of the Yan family!
Everyone knows that there was a prophecy thousands of years ago that the Yan family would be buried in the hands of Yan's parents and daughters.Since then, the Yan family has wiped out the eldest daughter of all generations, leaving no one behind.

Tiger poison doesn't even eat its offspring, the Yan family's actions are too cruel and vicious!

But no one blamed and scolded the Yan family, because the Yan family is very strong!They dare not.Second, they asked themselves, if they were themselves, they would probably choose to kill the eldest daughter for the sake of the prosperity and prosperity of the family from generation to generation.

But they don't know, the prophecies they know and know are not detailed.

According to the real prophecy, the Yan family is not buried in the hands of Yan's parents, but rises and reaches its peak in the hands of Yan's parents!

Their sacrifice of the eldest daughter was not as simple as simply obliterating it, but through the method of sacrifice, they gave the eldest daughter to the ancestors of the Yan family.This behavior has gradually become a family rule in the millennium, and everyone abides by it.

But not many people know the inside story.For the Yan family now, only the head of the family, Yan Manchun, and the elder hall know it well.

In order for the Yan family to follow Wuerxin, one must use the excuse that the eldest daughter will destroy the foundation of the Yan family, so as to define the eldest daughter as a mistake and original sin!
The second elder said in a deep voice: "The decree passed down from above is that the young lady's daughter is the purest blood of the Yan family for thousands of years, and her blood has extremely powerful time power. Sacrifice her, and the ancestor will surely succeed!"

"My ancestor wants Miss's daughter. Jun Jiu, the third master's illegitimate daughter, is not important. Letting her marry the Wen family can maximize her interests. This is also the ancestor's will." Three The elder took the second elder's words and said.

Yan Manchun nodded.

It is precisely because of this that they postpone the arrest of the evil girl until after the marriage.

Marry with the Wen family first, bind the Wen family to his boat, and then go to capture the evil girl and sacrifice it to the ancestors.Good things come in pairs!

Time passed bit by bit, and the auspicious day was getting closer and closer.

Jun Jiu successfully refined and merged the Eye of Retrospect, and then took advantage of the quiet time now to study the supreme sword intent in the great sacred tree that Yan Manxia gave her.Jun Jiu never wastes any time, focusing on improving his strength.

This power is not only in her body, but also in her soul.

To deal with Yue Ling, Jun Jiu needs to be fully prepared!

She is strong and has a higher chance of winning.

(End of this chapter)

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