The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 1404 Dark Soul Mountain Range, Cloud Phantom Tiger

Chapter 1404 Dark Soul Mountain Range, Cloud Phantom Tiger

Chapter 1404 Dark Soul Mountain Range, Cloud Phantom Tiger

The exit of the valley is a cliff, the bottomless cliff is extremely wide, if you want to go over it, you can only fly over it.But if you do this, the minute-by-minute trigger formation will be trapped, and you will be notified of Yue Ling who has left.

Jun Jiu was able to discover the formation hidden on the cliff, thanks to her getting along with Yue Ling day and night, and being very familiar with Yue Ling's power.

Jun Jiu wandered around the cliff, studying the formation from various angles.

In the end, she had to find to her dismay that the formation blocked all the way out.Whether it is going down the cliff or flying into the sky, it will touch the formation!
This formation is an extremely powerful trapping formation, which can only trap people, not hurt them.Jun Jiu doesn't need to think too much to know that Yue Ling is just in case, and the preventive measures are set up to prevent her.

However, Jun Jiu will never be stopped by a formation!

Jun Jiu's eyes were cold and firm, and she sat down cross-legged.The cliff is outside the deep valley, where the divine sense can be used, Jun Jiu carefully uses the divine sense to detect the formation bit by bit.

Free in a safe range, it will not touch the formation, but outline its outline around the formation.The more you know, the easier it is for Jun Jiu to study how to leave here without disturbing the formation and Yue Ling.

Jun Jiu observed and examined, and suddenly his eyes fell on the thick vines on the edge of the cliff.

Jun Jiu felt the active vitality on the vine, which means that the vine is not just a plant, it has already initially given birth to consciousness.

A light flashed through his mind, Jun Jiu quickly grabbed it, his eyes lit up.Jun Jiu immediately got up and walked to the edge of the cliff, she grabbed a vine with her fingers and pulled it up.

Jun Jiu grabbed the vine and used his spiritual power to detect the inside of the vine. As soon as the spiritual power entered, Jun Jiu felt joyful.The corners of her mouth hooked slightly, Jun Jiu's eyes flashed with pride, she guessed it right!The vines really had wisdom.

Even the most superficial spiritual intelligence, ignorant like a child, is enough for Jun Jiu to play its role.

Jun Jiu held the vine and moved his hand, then threw the vine flying out. The vine flew through the formation, fell to the opposite side of the cliff, and then gradually slid down and hit the cliff.

There is a way!

Jun Jiu looked up, with a proud and frivolous smile on the corner of his mouth.

The vines originally grew here, and the formation was laid by Yue Ling later, so the vines also became part of the formation and would not touch the formation.

Jun Jiu stared at her eyes, and made a formula with her hands in front of her chest, and the flow of spiritual power was transformed into a little light that fell on the vines.The vines were nourished by spiritual power, and immediately came alive from their slumber. They greedily absorbed Jun Jiu's power, and slowly leaned towards Jun Jiu.

The first vine wrapped around Jun Jiu's ankle, but Jun Jiu didn't move.

The second vine climbed up her calf, but Jun Jiu still didn't move.She made a calm and calm formula, and her spiritual power tempted more and more vines to crawl over, wrapping her layer by layer, and finally wrapped her into a ball.

Jun Jiu was inside the vine ball, stretched out his hand to use his spiritual power and pushed it, and the vine ball rolled immediately.

Soon the sudden weightlessness came, and the vine ball rolled down the cliff!
Jun Jiu was not afraid or flustered, his calmness was shocking.She continued to make tricks, and the temptation urged more vines to come closer. One by one, the vines grabbed the vine ball and stopped the vine ball from falling.The vines on the opposite cliff also climbed over...

Not in a hurry, Jun Jiu carried out every step calmly and calmly.

An hour later, the vine ball was wrapped by countless vines and rolled to the opposite side.Jun Jiu flicked her fingers and her spiritual power spread out around her like a wave, and the vine ball was shaken away immediately, Jun Jiu quickly dodged, far away from the vines that entangled again.

These vines are so edible!

If she hadn't been constantly absorbing the spiritual power of the world and turning it into her own power, she would have been hollowed out by these vines long ago.

However, she finally came over smoothly.

Jun Jiu looked up, seeing that the vines could not catch the spiritual power, she retracted the vines in disappointment, and hung them back on the cliff.The strong wind between the cliffs blew past, the leaves of the vines rattled, and the formation was not touched at all.

When Yue Ling came back, she would definitely wonder how she managed to go out without touching the formation, right?

The red lips turned up slightly, Jun Jiu snorted coldly: "Although I lost my memory, not everyone can trap me. Let's go~"

Jun Jiu turned around and waved his hands, walking comfortably into the ancient forest...

Jun Jiu knew that the Dark Soul Mountain Range was huge, but she didn't expect that she had walked for a whole day, and she couldn't see the edge of the Dark Soul Mountain Range even though she searched everywhere with her senses.

Thinking that the valley is in the depths of the Dark Soul Mountain Range, Jun Jiu frowned.The Dark Soul Mountain Range is so big, and she doesn't know the way, how many days will it take to leave here?

If she hadn't walked out of the Dark Soul Mountain Range before Yue Ling came back, she would be in trouble!
Frowning and rubbing his chin, Jun Jiuxin said that it would be great if he could meet someone in the Dark Soul Mountain Range, and find someone to ask the way, and it would be best if he could send her out of here.She will pay him.

But Jun Jiu couldn't meet anyone the next day, instead she found a little linnet secretly following her.

Jun Jiu looked back several times, and could see the little cardinal panicking and jumping into the dense canopy, the speed was like a fiery red lightning.When Jun Jiu looked away and continued to walk, Little Red Bird followed up secretly again.

The corner of Jun Jiu's mouth twitched, what a strange little bird.

Along the way, besides Little Red Sparrow, Jun Jiu saw all kinds of spirit beasts.Jun Jiu didn't want to fight the spirit beast, leaving traces of spiritual power for Yue Ling to find her, so she tried her best to avoid confrontation with the spirit beast.

Avoid it if you can.

If you can't avoid it, then get rid of the spirit beast!
Still not good, do it again.

But the little cardinal behind him is no longer within this range.It looked small, silly and cute, Jun Jiu didn't feel threatened, so he left the little linnet behind his head and ignored it.


Stepping on a dead branch, the crisp sound made Jun Jiu frowned, she retracted her foot and looked around.Fortunately, there is no one and no spirit beasts here.

Just as Jun Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, he heard the roar of a beast in his ear.

With a thump in his heart, Jun Jiu raised his head when he heard the sound, and looked towards the hillside ahead.A huge monster poked its head out from behind the bushes, its mouth was covered with blood, its teeth were covered with pieces of meat, and its tiger eyes stared straight at Jun Jiu.

There are spirit beasts here!
Impossible, she just came over after detecting the vicinity with her spiritual sense.I didn't find this eating spirit beast just now.

The spirit beast stood up, showing its huge and terrifying body more clearly.It looks like a tiger, but it is three times the size of a tiger, and its fur is covered with moiré patterns.Hu Tong stared at Jun Jiu, with a faint green light shining.

"Not good, this is the Yunyou Phantom Tiger of the Beastmaster level, it is extremely difficult to deal with! You hurry up, I will kill you."

A voice suddenly appeared in Jun Jiu's mind, Jun Jiu frowned, and looked around sharply.

Anyone else here?
(End of this chapter)

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