The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 1454 Little 5 Cangchen PK Month 0

Chapter 1454 Xiaowu Cangchen PK Moon Zero
Chapter 1454 Xiao Wu, Cang Chen PK Yue Zero
"Girl, what kind of sugar figure do you want to be?"

"My sister loves red clothes the most, so I want to make my sister the most beautiful. As for me, I also want to wear red clothes with my sister. Why don't you give me a groom's outfit and a wedding dress for my sister?" Let's wear a pair~" Yue Ling frowned, in a good mood.

The old man who made the sugar figurine was taken aback for a moment, and the people beside him who were secretly looking at Yue Ling were also wide-eyed in astonishment.

This beautiful girl... turns out to be good at grinding mirrors!

Immediately, many people who coveted Yue Ling's beauty shook their heads and left, leaving the old man to collect the money and concentrate on making two sugar figurines for Yue Ling.

The old man's craftsmanship is very good, so Yue Ling is willing to come to this bustling city to be two sugar figurines. While watching the old man kneading sugar figurines, she points and corrects them. She must make her sister the most beautiful and best-looking one!

"The bride's is ready." After finishing Jun Jiu's, the old man handed the sugar figurine to Yue Ling.

Yue Ling happily reached out to take it, but stopped halfway, suddenly Yue Ling's face changed drastically.He closed his hands and covered his chest, a mouthful of blood spewed out, splashing the old man's face and staining the sugar man.

The old man jumped up in fright, "Girl, are you alright?"

Yue Ling's face changed drastically, and the coercion enveloped the world in an instant, and the people in the whole city knelt down and trembled under the coercion of Yue Ling.

But in an instant, the coercion disappeared, and Yue Ling disappeared...

Yue Ling used all his strength to tear apart the void and return to the deep valley as quickly as possible.Walking out of the void, Yue Ling raised his head and looked for Jun Jiu's figure everywhere. In the deep valley, he couldn't use his spiritual sense, so Yue Ling could only search everywhere.

She searched all over, but she didn't find Jun Jiu.

Yue Ling bent down to pick up the jade pendant she gave Jun Jiu from the ground, her eyes were dark and dark like black holes, Yue Ling's stunningly beautiful face was distorted and frightening.

Yue Ling murmured: "Sister, how could you leave me again? Don't want me anymore?"

Tightening her fingers, Yue Ling clicked and crushed the jade pendant.

When she locked the soul and sealed the heart for Jun Jiu, she also secretly planted a soul gu, but this soul gu took a part of her soul and planted it on Jun Jiu.In this way, no matter where she is or where Jun Jiu is, she can always feel whether Jun Jiu is safe or not.

If she is injured, the damage will be reflected back on Yue Ling.

The more painful the more sober, the pain makes Yue Ling happy.

She is protecting her sister with her own life. My sister will be very happy and touched when she finds out, right?

Yue Ling expects Jun Jiu to find out, but that is Jun Jiu by her side, instead of running out of the valley like now.Yue Ling closed her eyes and analyzed. She vomited blood just now, not only because she was hurt, but also because she was locked up.

Quickly opened his eyes, Yue Ling raised his head and his eyes were stained red with blood.

My sister regained some memories!
Damn it!Sure enough, what my mother said was right, something went wrong in Locking Soul and Sealing Heart.Otherwise, if he successfully locked his soul and sealed his heart, his sister would have trusted her wholeheartedly and would never leave her.

Get my sister back and re-strengthen the soul-locking and heart-locking!
Yue Ling flashed out of the valley, she searched everywhere for Jun Jiu's trace, the more she searched, the more gloomy and ferocious her face became.There is nothing, and the formation has not been touched, and her sister is on guard against her. This discovery makes Yue Ling's mood even worse.

Opening his hands and flying into the air, Yue Ling looked up at the Dark Soul Mountain Range in the distance.

Yue Ling sneered lowly, "Sister, do you think you can escape? Now is the time when the Dark Soul Mountain Range is closed, no matter how far you go, you are still here, and I will find you!"

"You can't find the master, because you have no chance!"

Xiao Wu's voice reached Yue Ling's ears, Yue Ling frowned and turned around, looking up to see Cang Chen leading Xiao Wu out of the void.

When she left the deep valley, Cang Chen's spiritual consciousness enveloped the Dark Soul Mountain Range and found her, and immediately rushed over with Xiao Wu to block people.

Hearing Yue Ling's words, Xiao Wu gritted his teeth angrily.

This pervert!
Don't even think about harassing the master again.

Yue Ling doesn't know Cang Chen, but she knows Xiao Wu, who was by Jun Jiu's side in the previous life, and will accompany her sister all the way in this life.

The jealousy in his heart turned into a strong killing intent, Yue Ling stared at Xiao Wu gloomyly: "It's you! Hmph, I'll go find my sister after I kill you."

"Just you?"

"Little Holy Spirit, I can slap you to death with one slap, or you can choose your own way of death, little bitch, and I will help you!" Yue Ling grinned cruelly, locked Xiao Wu with his eyes, and raised his palm to condense the horror and perversion of the spirit level. energy of.

The coercion of Lingzun had an impact on Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu was not afraid at all, and turned into a white tiger with a low growl.

The sharp claws waved to split the space, and the cracks spread.

Little Wu Hutong stared at Yue Ling with a cold-blooded murderous look, "It's not that easy to kill me!"

Yue Ling looked at Xiao Wu in surprise, she didn't expect Xiao Wu to be the legendary extinct white tiger beast.

Baihu is a good thing!

Yue Ling's eyeballs rolled around, and more vicious thoughts grew, Yue Ling grinned grinningly and said, "It turns out to be a white tiger, so I can't kill you, I have to keep you. Little bitch, do you know how many people there are in Xuanhao Continent?" Do you regard you as a sweet pastry?"

Xiao Wu squinted his tiger eyes, stared at Yue Ling coldly and said nothing.

Yue Ling continued to threaten, "There are countless people in Xuanhao Continent who want to refine your flesh and blood, and swallow you up."

"Scare me? Do you think I'm a three-year-old child!"

Xiao Wu smiled disdainfully, and rushed towards Yue Ling with a roar.Raising the paw, the white tiger's divine pattern flashed on the tiger's palm, and Xiao Wu slapped Yue Ling fiercely with his paw.

Yue Ling raised his hand to block in front of him, bang——

Like a thunderclap, both Xiao Wu and Yue Ling shot backwards.

Cang Chen dodges to catch Xiao Wu, the two of them look up together, and Yue Ling shoots backwards several hundred meters.He waved his hand lightly, looked at Xiao Wu calmly with a sarcasm, "Even if it's a white tiger, the nanny who hasn't grown up wants to fight with me?"

"Wu'er can't do it, what about this king?" Cang Chen patted Xiao Wu on the head, making Xiao Wu step back temporarily.

Xiao Wu is not good enough to deal with Lingzun level.

Yue Ling narrowed his eyes and examined Cang Chen, "Who are you?"

There was an earth-shattering roar of a tiger, and the rolling sound waves visible to the naked eye dispersed in all directions. Yue Ling hit the sound waves head-on and immediately opened the barrier, but was still sent flying by the sound waves.

Yue Ling flew thousands of meters before stopping, the barrier shattered and shattered, Yue Ling raised his head in shock and saw a huge translucent figure towering above the ground between the sky and the earth.Is that an adult white tiger?No, stronger and more terrifying than an adult white tiger.

Unbelievably seeing the divine patterns lingering around the phantom of the white tiger, Yue Ling lost all blood on his face.

Divine patterns can only be condensed by the king of gods and beasts, this is the king of white tigers!

Ninth level spirit emperor!

What Yue Ling said to Xiao Wu just now turned around and landed on her.Seeing the white tiger god king phantom paw paw, Yue Ling took a deep breath and turned around to run away, Xiao Wu's shout came from behind.

Xiao Wu: "Cangchen, don't let her escape!"

The king of gods is now in the world, and the domains of all directions are blocked, and the spirit master cannot escape...

(End of this chapter)

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