The Evil Emperor's Pampering: Divine Doctor Ninth Miss

Chapter 149 Is my brain full of water?

Chapter 149 Is my brain full of water?
Chapter 149 Is my brain full of water?
The booming sound was like thunder, and the boom exploded in my ears.Everyone stopped immediately, and those with low cultivation bases were directly shaken by the air wave and became top-heavy, staggering and shaking.

Jun Jiu frowned, she raised her foot to step on the person who got up.Turning his head coldly, he saw Feng Xiao rushing over in shock and fear, standing up and down in front of her, staring back and forth at her all over.With an uneasy tone, "Xiao Jiu, tell Grandpa Huang whether you have been injured?"

Jun Jiu's lips moved, and he uttered a word coldly. "Which of these rubbish do you think can hurt me?"

Disciples who caused trouble: I was humiliated!

"Oh!" Feng Xiao sighed and nodded. "Then Xiao Jiu was not injured. That's great, I scared Grandpa Huang to death. If these little beasts dare to hurt you, Grandpa Huang will chop them up to vent your anger on you!"

"Huh?" Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows and laughed out loud.

Feng Xiao's words are probably more lethal than her humiliation, right?It can turn the hearts of a group of troublesome disciples into hedgehogs.However, Feng Xiao's protection still made a smile flash in Jun Jiu's eyes.


Hearing the sound of water, Jun Jiu raised his eyes.Roach popped his head out of the pool again, spitting water. "Wo Cao, whoever kicks me down again. He and I..."

The rest of the words were all stuck in his throat and could not be said.

Luo Qi stared wide-eyed in horror, watching Jun Jiu strangle him by the neck.The slender arm easily grabbed his neck and lifted him out of the pool.Jun Jiu's arm didn't even tremble during the whole process, how terrifying is this strength?

Jun Jiu curled his lips coldly, "You were the one who took the lead just now, right?"

"Jun, Jun Jiu, what do you want to do? Let me go! Let me go!" Luo Qi's terrified cry came out of his throat with difficulty.Without any momentum, it was a duck that wanted to be strangled, quacking and screaming.

Feng Xiao said at this time: "Xiao Jiu, something happened in Tian Zong Yuan. You don't know yet, do you? This matter is..."

"I know."

"Hey, you know?" Feng Xiao was taken aback.

Glancing at him, Jun Jiu pinched Luo Qi and turned around.The group of disciples who made trouble came back to their senses, and when they saw this scene, they immediately shouted: "Jun Jiu, let go of Junior Brother Luo Qi!"

"Jun Jiu and the Supreme Emperor are on the same team. Jun Jiu wants to kill Senior Brother Luo Qi, we can't just watch Senior Brother Luo Qi be killed! What are you all doing in a daze? Rush forward to save Senior Brother Luo Qi!"

Jun Jiu: "Whoever takes a step forward, I will break his neck."

"Don't! No one is allowed to move!" Roach screamed, urinating in fright.When Jun Jiu saw him, he immediately threw him away in disgust.Roach thought he was saved.Just about to escape, there was a whoosh sound.The ghost stuck the collar around his neck, and the strong force brought him to fall backwards.

The shadow fell into the rockery and nailed Luo Qi to the rockery.The neck was scratched a little by the shadow, and blood flowed out.Luo Qi was so scared that his face was as white as paper, and he kept trembling.I dare not move anymore.Jun Jiu will really kill him!
The audience was silent, and everyone was shocked by Jun Jiu.

Including Yunqiao and Feng Xiao.They clicked their tongues, Jun Jiu's aura is so fierce and strong!So scary!

Leng Yuan secretly recorded this scene.He intends to show Yin Han that domineering and cruel as Jun Jiu is a good match for their master?No matter how you look at it, it matches your face!If you say you are not worthy, you must be blind.

Jun Jiu watched the noisy surrounding quiet down with satisfaction.She rubbed her wrists, and said coldly: "I know what's going on with the Tianzongyuan. Before Luo Qiuhe died, you are busy setting up another dean? Tsk, it's normal if you ask me. But Choose He Zong, are you blind? Your brain is full of water?"

Everyone was silent, because of Jun Jiu's aura and words, he broke out in a cold sweat.

No one could come up with a rebuttal.On the contrary, I faintly feel that Jun Jiu's words are very reasonable!
Jun Jiu: "If you've had enough beatings, get the hell out of here. After three days, I'll have Luo Qiuhe stand in the main square of the Tianzongyuan and tell you what the truth is. Have you all heard?"

"Listen, I heard." Weak voices.

"Then get out!" Jun Jiu shouted, and everyone shook in unison.Only then did he regain his senses, and immediately ran away without looking back.If you don't run, you will be afraid that you won't be able to run.Jun Jiu and the others were really ruthless in their attack just now, how could they dare to seek beatings with bruised noses and swollen faces!
What's more, Feng Xiao is also here now.Only fools stay.Anyway, Jun Jiu also said it!Three days later, the dean will come out and explain himself.Then they will wait for three days.

A group of troublemakers were unilaterally crushed and settled by Jun Jiu.Not even that group of people remembered that their leader, Luo Qi, was nailed to the rockery by Jun Jiu.I was so frightened that I lost control, I almost fainted.

Jun Jiu squinted at Luo Qi, then frowned.

Yun Qiao: "Miss Jun, I'll come."

Yun Qiao walked over with strides, and it took a lot of effort to pull You Ying down.He took out the silk cloth and wiped it several times before handing it to Jun Jiu.Yun Qiao smiled slightly, as handsome as a green bamboo.He said, "Miss Jun, your dagger has been wiped clean."

"Yeah." Jun Jiu nodded lightly.She put away the shadow, but she planned to go back and wash it with potion and soak it.

She doesn't mind drinking blood and killing people with weapons, but she absolutely can't accept Roach's incontinence due to fright.Disgusting and disgusting, I can't help but want to kill him!Then Jun Jiu felt that she should also wash her hands, and even more so, take a bath again!
I didn't want to stay here for a second.Jun Jiu frowned, and said, "Go back and rest first. I'll change my clothes later and go see Luo Qiuhe."

"Okay. Xiao Jiu, rest first, Old Luo can still hold on. Don't worry about him!"

"Let's go." Jun Jiu left first, and Xiao Wu followed closely behind.

Bi Luo has been staying in Mofu in the imperial city to clean.Jun Jiu can only fetch water by himself if he wants to take a bath. After doing some work, he lays down in the bathtub, and the warm water vapor surges up and surrounds him.Jun Jiu immediately let out a long sigh, and the sharpness in his brow softened slightly.

Xiao Wu also had a basin of water, and his hair spread out like a white blanket after soaking in it.Ripples with the waves.

When Mo Wuyue came, he saw such a scene.One person and one cat all looked comfortable and relaxed.He twitched the corner of his mouth and sat down on the soft couch with an evil smile.Jun Jiu sensed Mo Wuyue's approach right away.

But she was lazy and didn't want to move, her tone was a little fluttering. "What are you doing here?"

"Where is the shadow?"

"Here." Jun Jiu stretched out his finger.

Mo Wuyue's eyes instantly focused on Jun Jiu's hand.Without a single sleeve covering her, her white, lotus-like arms stretched out.It was so beautiful that he couldn't help but want to pinch it.It looks so weak, like a handicraft.How did it explode with astonishing power?

Jun Jiu found out.She narrowed her eyes, and leaned over the edge of the tub to stare at Mo Wuyue. "Mo Wuyue, are you looking at You Ying or me?"

(End of this chapter)

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