Chapter 1499 Small Stele

Chapter 1499 Small Stele

Earth fire!

Xiao Wu exclaimed and widened her eyes, Jun Jiu frowned slightly and stared at Feng Yi.Feng Yi's goal is actually the fire of heaven and earth!And being able to name Earth Fire, she is 100% sure that the one in Tianlan Ancient Secret Realm is the Earth Fire in Heaven and Earth Fire.

How much does she really know?
Hearing Feng Yi's words, Jin Mingliu looked up at Jun Jiu.He knew that Jun Jiu also came to find Tiandihuo, and now that Feng Yi is such a strong enemy, the situation is not objective.

Seeing the worried look in Jin Mingliu's eyes, Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows and calmed down.

Fengyi knows a lot, so what?
It's not certain who the heaven, earth and fire will ultimately belong to.

But in Feng Yi's eyes, the earth fire belongs to her!Feng Yi stared at Jun Jiu provocatively and arrogantly, she opened her hand and placed a ring in her palm.

Feng Yi said: "You can't even enter the tunnel, how can you compete with me?"

After talking about Fengyi's spiritual power submerging into the ring, the ring instantly burst into light, the space around the altar was compressed and cracked, and a terrifying black hole swept behind the crack.Gradually, this soul-stirring and terrifying power condensed on the altar to form a black hole door.

Feng Yi put the ring on her fingertips, and looked down upon everyone arrogantly, "Have you figured it out? Is there anyone who wants to join me as an alliance."

"Everyone knows what's in Tianlan Ancient Secret Realm. Don't miss such a good opportunity. After passing this village, there will be no shop here." Lu Xueyun held Feng Yi and looked at Jun Jiu with malicious intentions. them.

Lu Xueyun deliberately said: "As for you, you don't want to join us if you want to!"

"Cut, who cares." Xiao Wu rolled his eyes, speechless.

At this moment, Ban Kang stood up and nodded to Fengyi, "I'll join!"

"Let's join." Chang Yang and Xuanyuan Yunya nodded.

Then Su Xilin also led a group of Su family disciples to Fengyi's side.Seeing this, two-thirds of the people took refuge in her, Feng Yi was quite satisfied with a bright and proud smile.

She finally looked at Jun Jiu, raised the corners of her mouth provocatively, then turned around and led everyone into the black hole gate.

After everyone entered, the door of the black hole cracked and shattered, and the energy dissipated back to the surroundings.

But even if it dissipates, there are still violent space cracks around the altar fluctuating.Let Jun Jiu, Jin Mingliu and the others dare not approach rashly, they can only keep the distance far away.


Jin Mingliu thumped the wall angrily, "That woman is too arrogant!"

"I guess she might be from the Feng family, one of the three ancient hermit families." At this moment, Wang Xian spoke and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Jun Jiu looked at Wang Xian and raised his eyebrows: "The Feng family?"

Wangxian nodded: "Yes. I don't know her name, and Lu Xueyun also hides it very deeply, so she doesn't reveal it easily. But I can vaguely feel that her moves are somewhat similar to Feng's. In addition, Lu Xueyun The attitude towards her is most likely the Feng family!"

As he said that, Wang Xian's expression was full of fear, and Jin Mingliu and Chi Shao also frowned.

The Feng family, one of the three ancient hermit families!
Often the three ancient hermit families are either not born, and not a single member of the family can be seen for a hundred years.Or be born, as long as there is a person who shows up, it is announcing that there will be a storm in Xuanhao Continent!
The great powers of the Four Realms are about to reshuffle again.

Chi Shao laughed sarcastically, "No wonder he looks so arrogant, it turns out he came from Feng's family."

"But what about being born in one of the three ancient hermit families? Since ancient times, it's not that there are no children of the hermit family who died young and were buried in various places in Xuanhao Continent. She was too arrogant, standing so high, beware of falling very hard awful!"

Chi Shao was angry, her tone and expression were full of hostility and dissatisfaction towards Feng Yi.

Relying on her noble status, as soon as she appeared on the stage, she treated herself like a goddess, and Feng Yi thought it was too beautiful.

Chi Shao looked up at Jin Mingliu again, "Jin Mingliu, what shall we do now?"

Jin Mingliu didn't say a word, he subconsciously turned to look at Jun Jiu and asked.Seeing this, Chi Shao's eyes flashed with surprise, she never expected Jin Mingliu to treat Jun Jiu so favorably.

She also looked at Jun Jiu, and asked again: "Jun Jiu, what do you think?"

Jun Jiu kept her gaze on the carvings and inscriptions on the altar. Hearing this, she looked back at Jin Mingliu and Chi Shao, and asked, "Do you want to enter the Tianlan Ancient Secret Realm?"

Jin Mingliu and Chi Shao were shocked!

Xiao Wu jumped up and down, looking at Jun Jiu with shining golden eyes: "Master, is there a way to enter the ancient secret realm of Tianlan?"

"Yeah." Jun Jiu nodded, and then took out the big stone tablet she got earlier.

Everyone looked at the small stone tablet in Jun Jiu's hand, not understanding what use this small stone tablet could have, as it was bare like a brick.

Jun Jiu opened his mouth to explain his confusion, "When I came here, I observed the carvings and inscriptions on the building, as well as the one on this altar, and I boldly came to a conclusion. There are nine such small steles!"

As Jun Jiu said, she pointed to the nine holes at the bottom of the altar.I made gestures with the small stone tablet, and it was just the right size!
Jun Jiu continued: "As long as we find nine small stone tablets and embed them in, we can activate the altar and open the passage to Tianlan Ancient Secret Realm again. Do you want to try it?"

"Try!" Chi Shao's eyes glowed, and she nodded immediately without hesitation.

Must try!

Feng Yi is so superior, she thinks she has the overall situation in her hands, and she despises them.

When she saw them in Tianlan Ancient Secret Territory, hahahaha!Feng Yi's expression must be wonderful.Chi Shao will never miss the chance to slap Feng Yi in the face.

Jin Mingliu also nodded, "Try! Miss Jun, where are we going to find this kind of small stele?"

"In this ruins, you can first look for buildings with such picture carvings and inscriptions, and the small stele is buried underneath." Jun Jiu said, waving his spiritual power to form a picture of the picture carvings and inscriptions that Jun Jiu had seen before. Inscription map.

The engravings and inscriptions are all rubbings in her mind, and they can be clearly displayed for everyone to see.

Jin Mingliu and Chi Shao stared intently, and when they remembered it, they turned around and asked the disciples, "Have you remembered?"


"Okay, now spread out and look for this kind of pattern. If you find it, let us know immediately. Those who find it will be rewarded when I report back to the sect!" Jin Mingliu said.

With rewards, work harder!
Especially after they found the small stele, they could also enter the Tianlan Ancient Secret Realm to have a look.

No matter how far they can go and how much they discover, this is definitely the biggest talking point in their life!
Immediately, everyone scattered excitedly to find the small stone tablet.Jun Jiu, Xiao Wu, and Jin Mingliu looked at each other, and then dispersed to find the remaining nine small steles.

Jun Jiu stood side by side with Mo Wuyue, she rubbed the mark on her hand with her fingers.Jun Jiu said to Mo Wuyue: "After entering Tianlan Ancient Secret Realm, the imprint will guide me to find Dihuo, so I won't waste time. I just don't know, how much does Feng Yi know?"

(End of this chapter)

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