Chapter 1533 The Magical Horn
Chapter 1533 The Magical Horn
Thinking of this, Jun Jiu, Xiao Wu, and Cang Chen looked at each other, everyone thought of this.

What if it is random, not randomly within the ancient secret realm, but randomly in the entire ancient secret realm?
People like Shen Danqing teleported to the grassland, would someone teleport directly to the outskirts of the ancient secret realm?But Jun Jiu and the others don't think this is the lucky one. Even if the outer area is so dangerous, the inner area will only double.

If you are unlucky and teleport directly to the lair of the spirit beast, it will be cool.

It's not the lair of spirit beasts, the deeper they go, the more ruthless they are suppressed, and their strength is greatly reduced. Their chances of survival are pitifully small.

But there will still be one or two lucky ones!

As for Jun Jiu, the three of them were not included in the random list.Jun Jiu now understands why Qiongmeng sent them to the outermost circle. Although it is far away from the inner circle, there is a gradual process.

They are much safer than others.

Xiao Wu asked Shen Danqing again, "Have you contacted anyone else?"

"Yue Xian'er? No, no one can be contacted, the signal is too weak, and the message cannot be sent at all." Shen Danqing said.

Hearing this, Jun Jiu took out the communication jade slip and tried it.As Shen Danqing said, no news could be sent, no one could be contacted, and everyone was fighting alone.

Jun Jiu stared and frowned, "I hope Jin Mingliu and the others will have better luck."


By the time Shen Danqing recovered from his injuries, it was already five hours later.

Jun Jiu and the others can't stay at the edge of the forest for too long, since this place connects to the grassland, who knows if the herbivorous spirit beasts will come over.They are not beasts, and their wings are greatly restricted by the forest.When the body of the herbivorous spirit beast hits, it can directly carve a path in the forest.

But none of Jun Jiu and the others underestimated them, thinking that the forest was safe.

They were slow and cautious at every step. Along the way, they encountered giant pythons hiding and disguised as big trees, hummingbird spirit beasts that were small but could chase after them, and three-headed monsters in the swamp. Huge crocodiles... wait.

The road was dangerous, and he couldn't let go of his breath at any time.

There are dangers everywhere in the forest, in the sky, in the ground, and in the water, Jun Jiu and the others almost have nowhere to go, and the speed keeps slowing down.When it was getting dark, they had just finished walking the outskirts of the forest, and they didn't know how much danger was waiting for them inside.

Jun Jiu stood on the top of the tree and looked at the sky as it was approaching dusk, and the night had already dawned.

Jun Jiufei got down and said to Xiao Wu, Cang Chen and Shen Danqing: "Don't hurry when it's dark, find a place to rest, Shen Danqing, your injury will almost heal in one night."

"Okay." Everyone nodded.

Jun Jiu and the others searched around separately, and found a dead towering tree.

Jun Jiu lifts his sword and digs out a big hole in the towering tree. The old tree is big enough, and the four of them won't feel crowded in the hole.

Then Cangchen found a big stone and blocked it directly at the entrance of the cave to prevent any spirit beasts from breaking in at night.

After entering the cave, everyone let go of what they were carrying.Jun Jiu and Xiao Wu took out cushions from the space and spread them on the floor, then put some pillows on them, and sat on them, both of them were paralyzed.

so tired!

It's been a long time since I've been so anxious and afraid to relax.

The ferocity of the ancient secret realm keeps refreshing their three views, and they still don't know what's waiting for them inside?

No matter how cruel, Jun Jiu and Xiao Wu are fearless!

At this moment, Cang Chen broke the silence, and said, "Jun Jiu, Wu Er, do you think the days in this ancient secret realm are too long?"

Xiao Wu blinked, confused: "Long?"

Jun Jiu stared and thought for a while, she got up and sat up and nodded. "It's a bit long. Calculating the time, it has been about nine hours since we entered the ancient secret realm."

Nine hours, that is, eighteen hours, but it was dark.

Are the days so long here?
When everyone was confused, they suddenly heard an ancient horn sounding from a distance.

The sound of the horn is extremely old and vicissitudes, and it makes one's scalp tingle in one's ears.Jun Jiu and the others looked at each other, and Jun Jiu rushed out first, waving his spiritual power to push aside the big rock blocking the entrance of the cave.

Everyone rushed out, and they flew over the tall towering ancient trees.

Standing on the crown of the tree, frowning and staring at the direction from which the horn sounded.The sound of the horn was extremely long, and it slowly disappeared after they rushed out.

Where did the horn sound?
Playing in the ancient secret realm, aren't you afraid of attracting spirit beasts!

When Jun Jiu was puzzled, his consciousness swept over one place, and Jun Jiu paused.She was completely overwhelmed by her divine sense in astonishment, and saw a huge crawling python retreating into a cave on the ground.

This is not normal!

Night is the time when spirit beasts are most active, and spirit beasts will come out to hunt, so why would they return to the cave?

Maybe it will come out again... Jun Jiu stared at the cave for a long time, but the python did not crawl out, and there was no sound at all.

Not only Jun Jiu made this discovery, but Cang Chen, Xiao Wu, and Shen Danqing also found something tricky.Turning their heads to look at each other, they both felt very confused, indescribably weird!

Jun Jiu's eyes were deep, "Go back and meditate to adjust your breath first, let's watch it for one night and then talk about it."

Cang Chen: "Well, that's the only way to go."

They returned to the big tree cave and blocked the entrance with big stones again. When everyone meditated and adjusted their breathing, their spiritual consciousness was tense and they were always paying attention to the outside.

Among them, only Cangchen's spiritual sense can detect the farthest distance.Needless to say, he also took the big head, he came to monitor the forest at night!

The night passed, and the sky was bright.

Relying on Jun Jiu's elixir and Lingzun's powerful healing ability, Shen Danqing's injury was completely healed.

Jun Jiu and Xiao Wu also recovered [-]% of their strength.

They opened their eyes and looked at each other, opening their mouths to tell what they had discovered last night.Everyone was responsible for supervising one direction, and none of them found a spirit beast active in the forest at night.

Cang Chen's detection distance was even further, and he frowned and said in a puzzled tone, "I haven't seen a single spirit beast all night within the range of my monitoring. They all hid, as if they disappeared out of thin air."

"It shouldn't be, could it be the reason for the sound of the horn last night?" Jun Jiu made a bold guess.

Before the words fell, the horn sounded again from afar.

Jun Jiu and the others rushed out again, the sun was dimly lit, and the sun showed a little blush on the horizon.

Their spiritual consciousness protruded in all directions, and under the sound of the horn, the spirit beasts that disappeared last night rushed out of their lairs, and it became the situation when Jun Jiu and the others entered the forest during the day, full of ferocious and perverted spirit beasts.

It really has something to do with the horn!
"Let's go find the horn! If it can control the spirit beasts in the ancient secret realm, our progress to the depths will be much smoother and easier." Cang Chen said.

Jun Jiu nodded, agreeing with Cang Chen's words.

They set off immediately, and rushed towards the direction where the horns sounded exactly the same twice...

(End of this chapter)

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