Chapter 1540
Chapter 1540
He could tell that Jun Jiu's tone was not lying to him, Su Xilin raised his right hand in disbelief.Looking at the palm of his hand, after the imprint of the ancient slave mark, there will be more marks on the hands of the master and servant.

One master seal, one servant seal.

He should have the master's seal in his hand, but now he has the slave's seal in his hand!
Su Xilin instantly looked unbearable.Seeing this, Xiao Wu snorted sarcastically, retracted his feet and stepped back to distance himself.

Since Su Xilin has become the master's slave, forgive him for not being able to get out of the waves.

Su Xilin got up and knelt down on the ground, clutching his right hand tightly with his left hand, his eyes almost popped out, "This is impossible! The ancient slave mark has been successfully branded. In such a short period of time, every time you do anything, how can you backfire?" ?”

Only by backlash can the master and servant be reversed.

Is it...

Su Xilin's body was trembling, he raised his head and stared at Jun Jiu, and asked unacceptably: "Could it be that you are stronger than me! How is this possible? You are obviously only a low-level spiritual saint, how can you be stronger than me."

Xiao Wu: "Then your intelligence is really behind, my master is already a spiritual master~"

Seeing Su Xilin's broken expression, Xiao Wu grinned and looked at Su Xilin jokingly.

What is this called?
Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice!Or if you want to cheat someone, you end up cheating yourself hahaha.

Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Su Xilin almost went crazy.He immediately sat cross-legged and meditated, grabbing back the ancient slave seal from the air to activate the seal. Seeing this, Cang Chen and Xiao Wu all looked at Jun Jiu, do they need to intervene?

Jun Jiu shook his head, pursed his lips meaningfully and said, "I have a feeling for this slave seal, and Su Xilin can't undo it."

"Hahaha~" Xiao Wu covered his mouth and laughed.

Cangchen was also amused, and stared at Su Xilin playfully.I've seen cheaters before, but it's so funny that Su Xilin cheated himself in like this!
Su Xilin tried for a long time, but couldn't reverse the current ending.

Once the ancient slave mark is branded, only the master can take the initiative to remove it.If he is the master, everything is still on the table, and he will not release the slave seal and miss the good time to control Jun Jiu!

But now he is not the master, he is the slave.

How could someone as arrogant as Su Xilin accept being a slave to others?

Still Jun Jiu's slave!
Su Xilin opened his eyes, he roared excitedly and rushed towards Jun Jiu, Shen Danqing and Yue Xian'er immediately stepped forward when they saw this.On one side, they clasped Su Xilin's shoulders and pressed him to half kneel on the ground.

Su Xilin wanted to struggle, but he couldn't break free from the confinement of Shen Danqing and the two of them at all. He shouted at Jun Jiu angrily: "Jun Jiu, release me from the slave seal!"

"Don't worry, I will untie it, after all, I don't want a slave like you." Jun Jiu curled his lips coldly.

After she finished speaking, she looked up at Cang Chen and winked.

Cangchen is enlightened.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Cang Chen rubbed his fists and walked towards Su Xilin, and said, "Beast blood is not fresh after all. If it needs to be fresh, the blood taken out on the spot is fine. Beast blood and human blood are also fine. The blood of the ninth-level spiritual saint is just right."

Hearing this, Su Xilin's body stiffened, and he raised his head and stared at Cang Chen in shock.

Su Xilin was stunned, "Are you going to kill me? Use me to guide Tao Clay to react!"

Cang Chen nodded with a handsome smirk, "Smart. Don't worry, we won't waste your blood. We will keep every drop of blood in your body useful, so you can go at ease~"

Xiao Wu handed over a dagger, winked at Cang Chen cunningly, and deliberately spoke loudly for Su Xilin to hear.

Xiao Wu said: "Use this, it's very sharp! It's fast enough!"


"No! You can't kill me, I'm the son of Su's family!" Seeing that Cang Chen and Xiao Wu were not joking, Su Xilin was startled and struggled violently.

However, no matter how hard you struggle, you can't get rid of it.

Seeing Cang Chen approaching step by step, Su Xilin turned to look at Jun Jiu: "If you kill me, the Su family will not let you go!"

Jun Jiu smiled.

With a black-bellied smile in the corner of his mouth, Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "If I don't kill you, your Su family won't let me go, so what's the difference? It's useless for you to keep it, and you can help us find a suitable one if you die. clay, good use of waste~”

Even Jun Jiu said that, Su Xilin is completely hopeless.

The two hands on his shoulders weighed heavily on him like a mountain, and the coercion enveloped him imminently, and he couldn't struggle away.

He could only stare wide-eyed, watching Cang Chen's hand holding the dagger reach out and gesture at him.Cangchen seems to be thinking, where is the best way to attack him?

Su Xilin swallowed wildly, he didn't want to die!

Su Xilin rolled his eyes, and immediately opened his mouth and shouted: "Don't kill me! I have unicorn blood, you can use unicorn blood to guide clay, which is more effective than human blood and animal blood!"

"Kirin blood?" Cang Chen paused, raised his eyebrows and stared at Su Xilin for examination.

Su Xilin nodded quickly, and then said: "As long as you let me go, I will give you the unicorn blood!"

Squinting his eyes, Cang Chen turned to look at Jun Jiu, and said, "If he really has unicorn blood, we can directly use unicorn blood to guide him, and the whole pottery pool will respond. At that time, we can tell which pottery clay is qualified."

Subtext can save a lot of time.

Hearing this, the herdsman became short of breath with excitement, and he also looked eagerly at Jun Jiu.

They only have one day in total, and the shepherds must go back before evening, absolutely not later.It takes half the time to go back and forth on the road. If it can be saved, it would be great.

Jun Jiu walked up to Su Xilin and looked at him coldly: "Hand over the Qilin blood first."

Su Xilin struggled, "Let me go! How can I take it if I don't let go?"

Shen Danqing and Yue Xian'er looked at Jun Jiu, and seeing Jun Jiu nodded in agreement, they let go of their hands and backed away.Su Xilin got up, and he stared at Jun Jiu with gloomy eyes, never expecting to be reversed like this.

The ancient slave seal failed, and he became Jun Jiu's slave.

Thinking that he would have to hand over the Qilin's blood to survive, Su Xilin wanted to vomit blood.

Who is worse than him?

Is he stupid?
Taking several deep breaths, Su Xilin reluctantly took out a transparent golden glass bottle and handed it to Cangchen.

Cangchen took it and opened it, and looked inside, it was indeed Qilin's blood, but there was only one drop.Looking back at the clay pool for a while, Cangchen nodded, one drop is enough.

He immediately closed the bottle cap, threw the bottle to the shepherd, and then walked to the clay pond to instruct the shepherd how to use the unicorn blood...

In the same place, Su Xilin stared at Jun Jiu resentfully, "I gave you the Qilin blood, can you unlock the slave mark?"

Jun Jiu asked him playfully: "Su Xilin, if I were a slave, would you undo the slave seal?"

of course not!

Su Xilin knew his answer well, and he also knew Jun Jiu's answer, the same is true.

Su Xilin's face was distorted, "The Su family will not agree to me being your slave! If you don't untie it, it will only cause endless trouble!"

Jun Jiu turned to look at Tao Clay Pond, and said in a cold and disdainful voice, "Go ahead, I don't care about the Su family."

(End of this chapter)

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