Chapter 1589 Do You Trust Me?

Chapter 1589 Do You Trust Me?

The blood sea alchemy furnace can only enter but not exit.

During the year they were imprisoned, they tried countless methods, but none of them were able to leave the island.

On the small island, the blood mist devoured their vitality and took away their spiritual power all the time.Ouyang Yi couldn't figure it out anymore, he saw with his own eyes how many holy saints were refined, and their bodies turned into blood and flowed into the sea of ​​blood.

They were still alive, either because their strength belonged to the highest batch of Guan Lingsheng here, or because they were carrying treasures to save their lives.

Ouyang Yi relied on the treasures given to him by his master to protect him, so that he could persevere until now.But when the treasures are always exhausted, Ouyang Yi has been in despair since he waited for someone to save him, and then his hope was shattered day by day.

At this moment, Jun Jiu and Wen Xie arrived!

Ouyang Yi was both excited and desperate.

He smiled wryly and continued: "At first I thought that only the disciples in the realm of the Holy Spirit were swallowed up. Later, when I met the Spiritual Venerable, I realized that neither the Holy Spirit nor the Spiritual Venerable escaped from the entire core continent."

"I don't know how you avoided it. But since you avoided it, you shouldn't come! This is hell, and we all have to die here."

Ouyang Yi's tone was desperate and painful, his eyes were only numb, and he couldn't see hope.

Jun Jiu frowned, she looked at Ouyang Yi and wanted to say something, but finally said: "Ouyang Yi, sit down, let me see your legs and hands."

Ouyang Yi knew that Jun Jiu was a master of alchemy, so he sat down on the spot for Jun Jiu to check without saying anything.

Wen Xie took a look, and he walked towards other disciples, Wen Xie was looking for someone from the Wen family.Cang Chen, Yin Han and Leng Yuan also dispersed, they went to explore the surroundings, and asked other disciples by the way to see if they could get some useful information.

Jun Jiu checked Ouyang Yi's injury, he was seriously injured, and it took too long.

The left hand is completely useless, and the leg can still be saved, but I am afraid that it will still be lame after it is cured.

Jun Jiu told Ouyang Yi about her diagnosis, Ouyang Yi didn't have much reaction, just nodded: "Thank you."

Jun Jiu asked: "Ouyang Yi, is there anyone else on the island?"

Ouyang Yi nodded.

He told Jun Jiu that Ming Changfeng and a group of disciples of the Feiyun Sword Sect were deep in the island, as well as Shen Shuang, the master of Tianzhao City, Xuantian Realm and Cangling Palace.

The closer the island was to the inside, the thicker the blood mist became, and the blood mist was equal to danger.With their strength, they couldn't go deep into the small island, otherwise they wouldn't be able to live for a day due to the thickness of the blood mist there.Those locked inside cannot come out.

Ouyang Yi stretched out his hand to show Jun Jiu, only to see something like a silk thread clinging to the back of Ouyang Yi's hand in the blood mist.

Jun Jiu could feel that this thing was devouring and absorbing Ouyang Yi's vitality and strength.

Ouyang Yi said: "These blood mist are like blood vessels, devouring us all the time. The further we go in, the faster the devouring speed! Brother Ming and the others first wanted to come out and join us, and then fight out together!"

"However, they will be surrounded by blood mist as soon as they come out. You don't know how terrible it is. They are covered with this kind of thing all over their bodies. It only takes a stick of incense to eat up a spirit statue, and no one can save them." Ouyang Yi said with horror on his face.

What he saw with his own eyes left a deep shadow.

Tried many times, many Lingzun died, even Ming Changfeng almost died.

In the end, they had to accept the reality, and each stayed within the range they could bear, slowly exhausting themselves, watching their vitality pass away in despair day by day.

Ouyang Yi looked up at the direction of the sea of ​​blood outside the small island, and smiled miserably: "The sea of ​​blood is full of dead people, their blood is piled up. Jun Jiu, can you imagine how many people died on this small island?" person?"

"I can." Jun Jiu nodded.

The spirit saints and spirit gods of the entire core continent disappeared.It is now certain that they are all imprisoned in the ghost domain.

The core continent is one of the largest continents among the thousands of small worlds in Zhongsanzhong, and any city has a population of tens of millions.Although there are not so many Lingsheng and Lingzun, but the entire continent adds up to a very large number of people.

These people are the pillars of the various forces in the core continent.

If it is true that all the Holy Spirits and Spirit Venerables died in Huangquan, I am afraid that the core continent will directly fall from one of the largest continents in Zhongsanzhong to the weakest continent, and will be devastated.It will take thousands of years to restore the previous grand occasion.

Jun Jiu was also very worried about Jun Mingye and the others.

Ouyang Yi and the others were imprisoned in the Blood Sea Pill Furnace, were they also imprisoned in such a place?
Are they all right?
Worry is like a big stone pressing on Jun Jiu's heart, take a deep breath.Jun Jiu looked at Ouyang Yi again, and said, "Go to Ming Changfeng and the others and tell them that we will take them out of here. Let them get ready!"

Ouyang Yi: "Jun Jiu..."

"Do you believe me?" Jun Jiu interrupted what Ouyang Yi was going to say, and asked him.

Ouyang Yi stared blankly at Jun Jiu, opened his mouth and finally said nothing, Ouyang Yi nodded.He believes in Jun Jiu!

From the first meeting in the Four Realms, Jun Jiu is an impossible myth!
Along the way, Ouyang Yi saw and heard everything Jun Jiu did with his own eyes.Now, Ouyang Yi can't see through Jun Jiu's cultivation level at all. There is no doubt that Jun Jiu's strength far exceeds her.

Junjiu is strong!

Impossible things, in her words, Ouyang Yi can't help but believe that Jun Jiu can do it!
She said she could save them, Ouyang Yixin.He took a deep look at Jun Jiu, got up, turned around and limped towards the depths of the island, he was going to inform Ming Changfeng and the others!
Jun Jiu glanced at Ouyang Yi's leaving back, and she turned to join Xiao Wu, Wen Xie, and Cang Chen.

The six meet and share their findings with each other.

Jun Jiu first said: "There is not only one such island! Daddy and the others are not here, they must be on another island, or a place like an island."

Xiao Wu and the others nodded. The number of disappeared Lingsheng and Lingzun was extremely large, and a small island could not hold them.

"But I don't understand, the ghost emperor locked Lingsheng and Lingzun on the small island, what did they want to refine?" Leng Yuan was confused.

Xiao Wu: "Resurrection!"

The word "resurrection" immediately reminded everyone that the ghost emperor can still act as a monster to prove that he is not dead, or dead, the ghost emperor is being resurrected!

Jun Jiu is a master of alchemy, she can easily guess the purpose of the ghost emperor.Refining Lingsheng and Lingzun, the superposition of their energies is extremely terrifying, it is absolutely no problem to resurrect the ghost emperor!

Moreover, the ghost emperor is not as simple as being resurrected.

Jun Jiu looked at everyone and said: "Cultivators have souls, even if the body is refined into a sea of ​​blood, the soul is still there! But Ouyang Yi didn't mention the soul at all, as if the soul was refined like the body. "

"The Demon King can't refine the soul, but he can control the soul to become his own army of ghost soldiers." Cang Chen said.

(End of this chapter)

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