Chapter 1647 Fuck you, uncle!

Chapter 1647 Fuck you, uncle!

You Xin nodded, and continued: "The pharmacist's ring is the identity certificate of a pharmacist. No matter what level, there is a pharmacist's ring. And the pharmacist's ring itself is a magic weapon, issued by the pharmacists' association. Sister-in-law, you can use it as an identity certificate. "

In more detail, the pharmacist ring has four major levels and nine minor levels.

The major grades are distinguished by color. The platinum pharmacist ring is the identity proof of the god pharmacist, and then the gold, silver, and purple represent the alchemist master, alchemist master, and alchemist respectively.

One ring is one level.In turn, the more rings, the higher the level, and the more admired and respected.

Jun Jiu rubbed his chin, saying so is the same as spiritual master training.But what should a pharmacist do to advance to the next level?Will Pharmacist Ring advance on its own?
You Xin: "No. You must go to the Pharmacist Association to participate in the promotion assessment to advance to the Pharmacist Ring. For example, sister-in-law, you are going to the Pharmacist Association to participate in the assessment. If you pass the assessment, you can get your own Pharmacist Ring."

Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows and asked You Xin curiously, "What is the assessment like?"

"The Pharmacist Association will issue a test question, and if you pass the test question, you will be able to advance to the level represented by the test question. For example, sister-in-law, if you have completed the test question for a first-level alchemist master, then you are a first-level alchemist master." You Xin replied.

If you are very capable, you can naturally challenge higher-level exam questions.

Done, advanced!
If it fails, the original level will not change.

Through You Xin's introduction, Jun Jiu already knew enough about the rules and regulations of the Pharmacist Association, so she couldn't help but become curious.Zhong Sanzhong has never heard that the master of alchemy should be divided into levels. I don't know how many levels she can reach?

Jun Jiu couldn't help but look forward to it.

While talking, they arrived at the Medicine Master Tower.

There were three elders waiting outside the Medicine Master's Pagoda. They seemed to be very high-ranking in terms of their clothes and demeanor, and they could tell a thing or two from the curious eyes on the side.

Seeing that the three elders seemed to be waiting for someone outside, the people around couldn't help but wonder, who are they waiting for?

The elders of the Pharmacist Association are all high-level alchemist masters!

Usually it is difficult to see one person, but now there are three of them, and they are all waiting at the entrance of the Medicine Master Tower.What is the status of this person, so that the elders of the Pharmacist Association can wait for the reception in person?
While people were watching curiously, they saw two people wearing cloaks walking to the door of the Medicine Master Tower.Immediately, the three arrogant elders put on bright smiles on their faces, and warmly stepped forward to welcome the two of them into the Medicine Master Tower.

Seeing this, people's eyeballs almost popped out!

My goodness, who the hell is here?Scratching their hearts and minds, many people crowded into the Pharmacist Tower curiously, wanting to find out a thing or two.


If it wasn't for You Xin's order in advance, let them keep a low profile.Perhaps not only three elders came to greet him, but all the elders and stewards of the Pharmacist Tower, including the alchemist master, would come to the door and greet him with the highest etiquette.

But if you do this, your identity will be exposed.

The Pharmacist Pagoda has nine floors, the lower three floors are public areas, the middle three floors are restricted to alchemist masters, and the upper three floors are forbidden areas.Except for the elders of the Pharmacist Association, only super distinguished guests can enter.

The three elders carefully welcomed You Xin and Jun Jiu into the tower, and walked directly to the eighth floor of the Medicine Master Tower through the teleportation array.

The elder in charge explained with some trepidation, "Di Zun, there are people in retreat on the ninth floor, and they are worried that it will affect the distinguished guests to participate in the assessment. Therefore, the eighth floor is specially selected. Please calm down the anger of Emperor Zun."

"Well, my sister's identity doesn't need to be verified, let's go directly to the assessment." You Xin said.

The three elders looked at each other and nodded without hesitation.

Originally, to get the approval of the Pharmacist Association, it would be very troublesome to verify the identity, and it seemed that eight generations of ancestors would have to inspect it.Youdi's sister, who dared to do this after eating a bear's heart?
All those cumbersome links are removed, Jun Jiu only needs to participate in the assessment!As long as you pass the assessment, you will be able to obtain the pharmacist ring smoothly.

Three elders lead the way.Even though the Medicine Master Tower doesn't look big from the outside, it is actually full of high-level space magic arts inside, and Emperor Youdi couldn't figure out how big it was.After walking for a stick of incense, they came to a small square and stopped.

The chief elder said: "Please select the exam questions."

Before Jun Jiu came, You Xin had said that Jun Jiu was a master of alchemy, so all the exam questions prepared here were for the ninth-level master of alchemy.

The ninth level is divided into nine areas, and each area has three groups of light that rise and fall.

Jun Jiu casually reached out and tapped a light ball, and the light ball flew from the area to Jun Jiu, and the light ball opened to reveal the test questions.Jun Jiu glanced at it, then waved his hand to put the light ball back, and went to pick the next one.

But from the looks of it, it's not about choosing the exam questions, but just looking around at random.

Seeing this, the three elders silently exchanged glances with each other.It's against the rules for Jun Jiu to do this. Those who came to participate in the assessment knew which level they were going to challenge.Three light groups in each level area means that there are only three chances.

But thinking of Jun Jiu's identity, the three elders all shut up as if they didn't see it.

In fact, it wasn't that Jun Jiu was just playing around, but that she didn't even know which level of alchemy master she currently belonged to.That's why she picked it to see if she could refine it, so as to infer her level.

However, Jun Jiu has never been exposed to these prescriptions, so Jun Jiu is a little confused.

How to test this?
Just when Jun Jiu hesitated, a clear and melodious bell sound approached from far away, obviously coming towards this side.Hearing the sound, Jun Jiu and You Xin raised their eyebrows and looked over, the expressions of the three elders changed.

One of them stepped out quickly, and rushed towards the direction of the bell.

The distance is not far, so you can hear the elder's persuasive voice: "Young master, this is not a place for you to hang out, can you go to another place? There are distinguished guests in front, so don't bother."

"Is there a distinguished guest? Tsk, then I have to see who it is!" The tone was loose and lazy, and he didn't care.

The elder was anxious, "No way! Young master, young master!"

The elder couldn't stop him at all, and with a twist of spiritual power under his feet, he teleported directly to the small square.Standing in front of Jun Jiu not far away, the "boy" looked at Jun Jiu in surprise, "You are a distinguished guest? Why are you still wearing a cloak? What are you doing here?"

Seeing the person rushing directly in front of Jun Jiu, the three elders were sweating coldly, looking at You Xin in fear and apprehension.

You Xin was not angry, he stared at the boy and looked again and again, You Xin seemed to have thought of something.Surprised, he said, "Isn't this Sister Wu?"

"Go to your uncle! You are only a younger sister, your whole family is a younger sister, and I am a man! I have already said that, whoever dares to call me Sister Wu, I will never let him go!" He hates people calling him Sister Wu the most.

He is a man, almost 40 years old!Isn't he too handsome and beautiful, why do everyone blindly treat him as a boy?

The young man glared at You Xin, "And I'm called Wu Mei! Don't call me Wu Mei!"

Jun Jiu: "Poof——"

(End of this chapter)

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