Chapter 1673 Trapped
Chapter 1673 Trapped
Although raising nine cats is very cool and can be called a winner in life, Jun Jiu is very envious.

But... she is not greedy, raising a white tiger is like raising a cat.Except, Jun Jiu blinked and smiled at Mo Wuyue, the dragon claws holding her face moved very lightly, and the sharp claws were put away in the palm of his hand, for fear of hurting her skin.

When Jun Jiu made a slight movement, Mo Wuyue immediately withdrew his hand. If the dragon claws were too sharp and hurt Jun Jiu, he would feel distressed.


Jun Jiu kissed Mo Wuyue's dragon horn. Because of the reduced size, the dragon horn became cute and small.The silver dragon horn has bright golden lines on it, and the lips feel cool when touched, but it turns into warmth when it reaches the bottom of my heart.

The corners of Jun Jiu's mouth curled up, and he said softly: "I have a heart, which is already filled with you and Xiao Wu, and I can't give it to anyone else, including Meow."

"Get rid of Xiaowu, I will be happier." Mo Wuyue said, shaking the dragon's tail, heaving a sigh of relief.

Just don't raise meow anymore.

Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue followed Brown Tang.I don't know what technique brown sugar practiced, but he can use death energy and Yin energy with ease.I encountered an evil thing on the road, and they avoided it far away without them doing anything.

The road was unimpeded, and it stopped after a day of driving.

Brown Tang stood up and turned into a little girl, with jet-black hair and lake-colored cat pupils, she looked at Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue without blinking and said, "The white tiger egg is right below."

As he said that, Brown Tang snapped his fingers and flew out with a burst of spiritual power, sinking straight into the land in front of them.

The land in the Ten Thousand Beasts Cemetery was invaded by dead energy and Yin energy, and it had long been polluted black.But as the brown sugar's spiritual power flew over, amidst the buzzing sound, centered on the brown sugar's spiritual power, the black faded away, revealing a round gold and jade stone altar, on which the totem of the white tiger was engraved.

Jun Jiu strode over and stood on the edge of the stone altar to look at it.

Brown Sugar jumped lightly, flew over the stone altar and said: "The Empress Dowager said this is the altar of the White Tiger Clan. You can only enter after opening the seal. The white tiger eggs you want are below. I am only responsible for bringing you here. The rest It's up to you."

Can't enter the altar, but can see white tiger eggs inside?

There must be some way to see it!

Jun Jiu immediately looked at Mo Wuyue, "Wuyue, can you find the white tiger egg in the altar?"

"give it to me."

Mo Wuyue took off from Jun Jiu's body, hovering over the stone altar, Mo Wuyue looked down at the stone altar, his eyes were shining with golden light, truly dazzling.As soon as Mo Wuyue flew over, Brown Tang galloped back, widening the distance.

The golden eyes swept across the stone altar, and Mo Wuyue flew back and told Jun Jiu: "There is indeed a white tiger egg underneath. The body is well preserved, but the soul is missing, but it is not sure whether it belongs to Xiao Wu. Only when you see it will you know. "

"It's good to have white tiger eggs, we're right on this trip." Jun Jiu's eyes lit up.

After confirming that the white tiger eggs are below, the only thing left is to open the seal and enter the altar of the white tiger clan.

But here we run into a problem!

Mo Wuyue said that the seal on the altar is a seal of death, and only members of the White Tiger Clan can break the seal and enter.People from other tribes will automatically destroy if they forcefully break into the altar, destroying everything inside.

Seeing that Jun Jiu encountered a problem, Brown Tang asked curiously, "Don't you have two white tigers? They are here, so breaking the seal is not a problem."

"But Xiaowu is retreating in Youdi Palace, and Cangchen is still trapped in the encirclement of evil things." Jun Jiu frowned, and she immediately contacted Cangchen and Youxin through voice transmission to see how they are doing now.

Logically speaking, with the current strength of Cang Chen and You Xin, no matter how they got rid of the evil things, they came to find them.

But there has been no movement or contact, Jun Jiu vaguely has a bad premonition.

Jun Jiu failed to get in touch once, failed to get in touch twice, keep trying again!The third time I finally got in touch with You Xin and Cang Chen. The good news is that they are together, but the bad news is that they are trapped.

In the first sentence of the contact, You Xin hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law, you must never come here! Absolutely don't come here to look for us."

"What's going on? What happened to you guys?" Jun Jiu asked hastily.

Mo Wuyue also said: "Evil things can't trap you, what is it?"

You Xin and Cang Chen told Jun Jiu and the others one by one that it was indeed not an evil thing that trapped them, but a formation!Not only them, but also evil things are trapped.

Yesterday, Jun Jiu and Mo Wuyue followed Brown Tang to leave, and then a huge formation appeared out of thin air in the Beast Cemetery.All the restlessness of the evil things before was deliberately introduced into the formation. They activated the formation, trapped themselves, and also trapped Youxin and Cangchen.

You Xin and Cang Chen were really unlucky.

But Jun Jiu was puzzled, "What kind of formation can trap you and Cangchen?"

"Of course ordinary formations can't trap us, but this formation is quite weird. As long as Cangchen and I make a move, the formation will swallow our attack and transform it into strength. Find it in the formation center..."

Cang Chen took You Xin's words and said: "We found Feng Qinghao. This formation absorbs our attacks to transform energy and awaken Feng Qinghao."

Feng Qinghao is the strongest spirit emperor of the beast clan who fell in the cemetery of all beasts.

Since his fall, the Beast Cemetery has become a strange and vicious place!

Seeing that Devouring and transforming their attack was to awaken Feng Qinghao, Cang Chen and You Xin stopped their attacks one after another, not daring to make another move.This formation devours the power of evil things, and it is far from enough to awaken Feng Qinghao, but the two of them are different.

One is Emperor Youdi who ranks second in strength in the upper triple.

Although one's strength has fallen, he still has the realm of a ninth-level spirit emperor.

If they make a few more shots, the formation transforms their attacks, and this energy can awaken Feng Qinghao in minutes!

You Xin continued: "Feng Qinghao's situation is very strange, he seems to be dead, but he doesn't seem to be dead. What's even more weird is that his strength has broken through to the level of a demigod! Obviously he was a ninth-level spirit emperor before he died. How can you break through to a demigod after death? Even if you are attacked by death energy after death, you can't do it."

Death Qi and Yin Qi will only turn people into evil things. Where there is Death Qi and Yin Qi, it is extremely difficult to kill them.

It is not possible to elevate the ninth-level spirit emperor to the demigod realm!
These new discoveries made You Xin and Cang Chen more determined that they must not use their spiritual power.With Feng Qinghao's weird situation, if he were to wake up, something serious might happen.So the two of them have been trapped until now, and they are still trying to find other ways to get out.

You Xin and Cang Chen's words contained a lot of information, Jun Jiu, Mo Wuyue and Brown Tang were all silent for a while.

After a while, Jun Jiu said: "Even if you don't do anything, all the evil things in the Ten Thousand Beasts Cemetery are refined and absorbed by the formation, and I am afraid that you can wake up Feng Qinghao. The important thing now is that you must start with Come out of the formation."

(End of this chapter)

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