Chapter 1721 Cooperation
Chapter 1721 Cooperation
"The matter is settled, let's go to this place next, do you have any opinions?" Jun Jiu asked.

Xiao Wu and Long Xiao shook their heads, they all listened to Jun Jiu.As for Xuexiang, she has no choice at all, she is not even in this team.

Jun Jiu finally looked at Yan He, Yan He was still in a daze, his eyes were out of focus, facing the direction of Mo Wuyue.Jun Jiu raised her eyebrows, she was not worried that Yan He would recognize Mo Wuyue's identity.

Yan He and You Xin's big apprentices, and they have a close relationship, You Xin will know her and Mo Wuyue's identities sooner or later.He is one of his own, so it's okay to know, I just hope that Yan He can bear the excitement~

Yan He: ...I can't bear it.

Xiao Wu: "Yan He? Yan He!"

Xiao Wu yelled twice, Yan He finally came back to his senses, he looked at everyone in a daze.Long Xiao immediately sent a voice transmission quietly, telling him what happened.

Only then did Yan He look up at the spiritual power map in the air in front of them, on which a location was marked.

Yan He was a little confused, "This is?"

"Some people say this is a treasure land, I plan to go and have a look first." Jun Jiu said.

This location is the location of the treasure that Jian Yi gave her.

The first round of the Five Realms Secret Realm is a big melee knockout match, but because the Five Realms Jade has to be destroyed to be eliminated, the fastest way before everyone is to find other teams and eliminate them, so as to greatly shorten the time for the first round .

Those who are fearless, fight head-on, head-to-head.

For those who are timid and cowardly, it is difficult to find someone to hide in.

For Jun Jiu, there is no need to rush to eliminate anyone at the beginning.Naturally, she was anxious and eager to do this. She and Xiao Wu hunted and killed lake beasts to practice their hands, and just waited for the good show to start.

Just during this time, you can go to see the treasure map given by Jian Yi, and see what's there?
Knowing what was going on, Yan He nodded and he had no objection.

But before setting off, Yan He "sends" Xuexiang away first.Xuexiang is not their teammate, so what's the point of following them, let's go find his own teammate.

Xuexiang doesn't want to leave, but it's not up to her to decide, and no one keeps her to speak for her.In the end, Xuexiang could only leave with regret, turning her head every three steps and was extremely reluctant until she disappeared from Jun Jiu's sight.

After Xuexiang left completely, Yan He asked Jun Jiu: "Master, when are we going to leave?"

"Wait, let's eat something first." Jun Jiu said while motioning Yan He and Long Xiao to come and help.

Yan He and Long Xiao looked at it and were dumbfounded.

What are Jun Jiu and Xiao Wu doing?
Yan He: "Master, are you barbecuing?"

"That's right! The meat of the Lake King is definitely better than the meat of the Lake Beast. Come and taste it too. I'll keep you thinking about the second time after you eat it!" Xiao Wu said with a slobber, salivating.

Yan He, Long Xiao:? ?
What is the operation of roasting Huwang's meat?
It's hard to imagine.When they tasted the grilled meat skewers with their own mouths, Yan He and Long Xiao were shocked, it was so delicious!
Yan He has entered the Five Realms Secret Realm several times, but he never knew that the meat of the lake beast can still be eaten!so delicious!
Refreshing the Three Views, both Yan He and Long Xiao stepped into a new world.

After satisfying their hunger, they set off for the location on the map...

I don't know if they delayed for too long, or the location of the treasure has been exposed long ago. When Jun Jiu and the others came, there were already many people in the treasure.

The outermost ones are all big and small forces on the Dongzhou Continent. They recognized Yan He's identity, and silently gave way to open a way for Jun Jiu and the others to enter the innermost part.When they got inside, Jun Jiu and the others looked up and saw two acquaintances.

"Jun Jiu! It's you." Shen Chenhua greeted him in surprise and joy.

Behind him was his elder sister Shen Mengling, the woman who was with Shen Chenghua outside the Beast Cemetery, Jun Jiu met her once.Shen Mengling also came forward and greeted Jun Jiu, Yan He and the others.

Through Shen Mengling and Chen Chenhua's siblings, they just now know that the location of this treasure has been leaked long ago, and people keep rushing over.

Hearing this, Xiao Wu asked Shen Chenhua in confusion: "There are people coming all the time, why don't you go in first and wait outside?"

Shen Chenhua and Shen Mengling looked at each other helplessly.

It's not that they don't go in, it's that they can't get in!
Shen Mengling said: "I have already sent someone to detect it. The entrance to this treasure is under the lake, but there is a lake beast of the level of the Lake Emperor under the lake. Under the lake is the world of lake beasts. They have natural advantages. I am afraid that we will go in alone. Can't take it."

Lake Emperor?

The highest level Jun Jiu and the others have seen is the Lake King level, but here is the Lake King level.

Jun Jiu doesn't know how powerful the lake beasts of the Lake Emperor level are, but seeing how fearful Shen Mengling and the others are, they are definitely not weak.Shen Mengling and the others were cautious, so they could understand.

Shen Mengling continued: "We originally planned to wait for someone to come and go down together to explore together. But you have also seen that the people who came are all small shrimps, and they can't cooperate with us at all. But it's okay now, you are here!"

"Jun Jiu! Yan He, please join hands with me and my sister. We will definitely be able to kill the Lake Emperor by working together. When the time comes, we will give you the source crystal in the Lake Emperor's body, okay?" Shen Chenhua also said.

They have been waiting for two days, and they are getting impatient.

In addition to cooperating with others, Shen Chenhua and Shen Mengling didn't trust them too much.But Jun Jiu and Yan He are different!
The identities of Jun Jiu and Yan He, as well as Yan He's character, made them feel at ease to cooperate.In addition, everyone's purpose is the same, isn't it better to cooperate and win-win?

Jun Jiu and Yan He looked at each other, and finally nodded: "Okay."

"Then let's exchange information first, let's analyze the situation of the Lake Emperor Lake Beast for you..." Shen Chenhua was enthusiastic, and immediately pulled Jun Jiu and the others to talk.

Shen Chenhua and Shen Mengling weren't just waiting here, they sent people down to investigate the situation of the lake beasts at the level of the Lake Emperor.The Lake Emperor has been sleeping, but as long as someone approaches the entrance of the treasure, the Lake Emperor will attack.

It didn't wake up, it just fell asleep and instinctively attacked with sound waves, which caused headaches.

Sleeping is so powerful, I don't know how powerful it will be when I wake up?
After hearing what Shen Chenhua and the others had said, Yan He felt hesitant, and said, "I'll go down to check it out myself, and I'll make a plan when I come back."

"Okay." Shen Chenhua and Shen Mengling nodded in unison.

It is certain that Yan He will go to explore the way, maybe he will find clues that they did not find.Not only Yan He, Xiao Wu also jumped into the lake with Yan He to explore the situation under the lake.

After Xiao Wu and Yan He went down to the lake, Shen Chenhua came to Jun Jiu's side and asked curiously: "Jun Jiu, why are there only four of you in your team, and one more teammate?"


"Ah! Wouldn't this affect your grades?" Shen Chenhua said in shock.

Hearing this, Jun Jiu raised his eyebrows and looked at Shen Chenhua, "Do you think losing one insignificant person will affect us?"

(End of this chapter)

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